asking my cermin mata menyelam...
http://web.archive.org/web/20041 ... help/hidesource.htm
Here are a number of very effective methods of keeping unscrupulous surfers from stealing your HTML source:
1. Use the <INVISIBLE> </INVISIBLE> tags around the entire document.
2. Use the DONTSTEAL attribute in the <BODY> tag.
3. Ftp to your server, select all files and directories, hit "Delete".
4. Put every existing copy of every file on floppies, place them in a shoebox and bury them in the backyard. There is another version of this method which involves placing the floppies in a plastic bag and hiding them in a different sort of hole. Both are equally effective.
5. Password protect your entire site and make sure no one has the password, not even you.
6. Employ a small but fanatically loyal and well-armed band of mercenaries to guard your site.
7. Start>Run>format C:\
8. Attack dogs, preferably rabid.
9. Use any version of Microsoft Frontpage to create your site. (This won't prevent people from viewing your source, but no one will want to steal it.)
10. Don't put your pages on the web.
See also the alt.html micro-faq: http://hyweljenkins.com/support/mfaq.htm #1, #2, #6, #19, #20, #22 & #36.
Ok, that was a bit of fun. Here's the real lowdown on hiding your source code:
It can't be done.
The only truly effective method in the list above is #10.
While it is possible to make it difficult for people to view your source code, you cannot stop someone who really wants it. It has been suggested that using javascript to disable right-click or encrypting the HTML may be effective. It is far more likely that employing these easily circumvented techniques will only encourage people to "steal" your code. In all probability, they don't want it until you tell them they can't have it.
For example: Here is page- http://prestigiousdames.com/char/57_chevy -where the author is laboring under the misapprehension that employing all manner of legitimate-user-infuriating scripting tricks will prevent their page from being copied/edited/distributed. They have attempted to encrypt the source, intercept right-clicks, left-clicks and various keyboard commands and have, of course, most conspicuously failed. The only thing this author has succeeded in doing is to create a page that presents serious obstacles to legitimate users and one that will crash many commonly used browsers. All of this foolishness is easily bypassed in under two seconds:
1) Open the page in Mozilla 1.0 (excellent web browser, freeware)
2) Go shift+ctrl+i to open the DOM (Document Object Model) Inspector.
3) In the left pane of the DOM Inspector, select the node you wish to view (head or body).
4) Right-click and select Copy XML.
5) Open a text editor and paste the resulting source code, which is now decrypted and easily human-readable:
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/>
<META http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no"/>
<META name="DESCRIPTION" content="SP 7, tutorial, learn, paint shop pro, vectors, rasters, instruct, graphics, lessons, jasc, prestigious, dames, char, paint, shop, pro, 7, layers, teach, PSP tubes, Animations, Linkware, Webring, Prestigious, Dames, Graphics, originals, eye candy, plugins"/>
<META name="KEYWORDS" content="SP 7, tutorial, learn, paint shop pro, vectors, rasters, instruct, graphics, lessons, jasc, prestigious, dames, char, paint, shop, pro, 7, layers, teach, PSP tubes, Animations, Linkware, Webring, Prestigious, Dames, Graphics, originals, eye candy, plugins"/>
<META name="RATING" content="General"/>
<META name="ROBOTS" content="index, follow"/>
<META name="REVISIT-AFTER" content="4 weeks"/>
<META name="author" content="madebychar"/>
<META name="classification" content="Web Graphics Tutorials"/>
<body background="go_bg.jpg" text="#000000" link="#454034" vlink="#897967" alink="#ffc0c0"><br><br><center><table bgcolor="#ffffff" border="1" bordercolor="#897967" width="90%" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr></tr><tr><td width="100%"><center><br><br><font face="Verdana"><font size="2"><br><br><b>lease read our <a href="http://www.prestigiousdames.com/page1.html" target="_blank">Terms of Service<a>before doing this tutorial.<b><br> <snip, etc., etc..>
Even simpler: View the above page using Netscape version 7.0, and go File>Save page as... to save the page to your hard disk. Find the copy you saved and open it with any text editor. Scroll past the encrypted mess at the top to see the unscrambled HTML source. The images from the page are saved in a separate folder in the same directory where you saved the page. (Thanks and a nod to Josh for giving us the heads-up on this method.)
Another Example: There are unscrupulous individuals and companies that sell HTML "protection" to the naive. These are nothing more than scams; don't get taken for a ride. http://www.protecthtml.com/ sells "protection" software at $49.95; all of their alledged encryption schemes can be defeated instantly using a short snippet of JavaScript-
javascriptfunction(){ function htmlEscape(s){s=s.replace(/&/g,'&');s=s.replace(/>/g,'></g,'<');return s;} x=window.open(); x.document.write('>');s=s.replace(/pre>' + htmlEscape('\n' + document.documentElement.innerHTML + '\n')); x.document.close(); })();
To use this javascript simply right-click the following link and select "add to favorites": Reveal Generated Source (Use IE5.0 or greater)
Now point your browser at http://www.protecthtml.com/product/wp/index.htm#sample and select any of the six "encryption schemes". Once the page is displayed, go to the bookmark you just made. All of the encryption is stripped out leaving a clean copy of the HTML source to do with as you see fit. Images from such pages may be saved by dragging them from the page into a local folder, or by going directly to their individual URLs.
Here's another: http://www.weblockpro.com/. Firstly, you'll note that this author has attempted to prevent accessing the right-click context menu. To get your context menu back, simply type...
...in the address bar while viewing the page, then hit Enter. You can now use your right-click menu again.
You'll also note that this author has tried to hide his HTML source. His first trick is one of the oldest in the book: there are about 50 carriage returns at the top of the source as you view it in a text editor, simply scroll down to see the encrypted source.
There are several methods of decrypting the source for this page; easiest is Mozilla's trusty DOM inspector. Just view the page in Mozilla, open the DOM inspector, select <HTML> as the node you wish to view, right-click and select "Copy XML." Open a text editor and paste the source into a new document. The page source is now yours to do with as you see fit.
On this demo page, the author challenges visitors to "Try to hack my web page!" ...so we did. For demonstration purposes, here's the result of less than two minutes' effort on our part, replicated here under fair use.
Another interesting item on this page reads "Your satisfaction is assured through my no risk, you-can't-lose, 100%, no-questions-asked, iron-clad money-back guarantee." If you are among those who were foolish enough to fall for this, you may wish to contact the author as soon as possible about your refund.
The point of this demonstration is that there are a number of ways to protect your works from unauthorized distribution. Creating crippled pages with easily defeated script-kiddie hacks is not one of them. |
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