another reason why we need to read good books
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Originally posted by seribulan at 2-11-2005 12:10 PM
redsinner...hope this would be useful...n the link given below...
Orange Prize for Fiction's "50 Essential Reads by Contemporary Authors"
thanks seribulan for your recommendations...i end up making list of books that i'm going to buy...sort of making a check list so that i could keep track of my readings. cannot help it, i just love good books :love:
kak siti...u can start with teen readers yg tulisan besa2...easier for you to sort the words out... it might sound cheesy but mmg i pun start dgn teen readers....baru bleh bergerak maju ke buku fiction biase... |
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Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 2/11/05 12:01 AM
Kak siti...
kalau anda beginner dlm BI the safest and surest way to learn good english ia lah dgn baca newspapers...tapi saya suggest JANGAN baca local newspapers macam nst atau STAR...sebab papers ni are very shallow...ia tidak akan menajamkan minda anda...saya suggest anda baca papers online especially GUARDIAN UNLIMITED, TIMES (london) , THE INDEPENDANT atau NEW YORK TIMES terutama dalam section 'BOOKS'
I think THE STAR is quiet good.. the news are precise and short compared to NST.. hmm, but to improve English, the 'Mind our own English' column in the Star is very very very good.. and the book reviews, excellent stuff! |
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Originally posted by limau_nipis at 10-11-2005 08:11 AM
I think THE STAR is quiet good.. the news are precise and short compared to NST.. hmm, but to improve English, the 'Mind our own English' column in the Star is very very very good..
here's the link...
http://thestar.com.my/english/ |
thanks a lot cik mod :cak: |
buku yang kita baca memberi impak kpd kelakuan kita...
so simple jerr alasannya |
aku suka thread ni. tapi aku rasa dah penah buat dah but for my personal sake (and it will spillover to some of u too) boley tak suggest sites2 yang interesting to read (AND FREE........!) |
Reading is a sort of mental nourishment. I does matter what materials you read. As in the computer parlance " Garbage In and Garbage Out"'. It is unthinkable to see adult growing up reading comics and god knows what.... |
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Ttg cara2 untuk improve BI, Hami rasalah dari pengalaman sendiri, bagi yang dewasa, selalu mendengar cara bahasa itu digunakan. Cari program BBC ....sekarangni Hami ingat ada program seperti talk shows Michael Parkinson, Hard Talk, dan ada lagi saya tak ingat. Rahsianya, kalau kita selalu mendengar cara mereka bertutur, kita lebih cepat cekap. Tak percaya boleh cuba...... |
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[size=-2][size=-2]Different individual has different taste and passion. The spectrum is too wide and it ranges from novel, history, philosophy, psychology, religion, essays, biography, allegory, satire, politics, economics, travel etc.etc.
The question is what is a great book? There are there principles that should guide our selection :
- Outstanding literary merit;
- The most highly original thinking in various branches of knowledge;
- The writer's spiritual insight.
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this is my take on GOOD books....
1) the book must be WELL written, with the author's personal original style
2) must have challenging or tought provoking premises ,ideas and stories...this does not mean that what is written is 'right' or wrong'
3) non judgemental,formulaic, allegiac , or blind praise or paens to personallities (in case of biographies) or the opposite
4) have fine sense of humour
some examples of authors that i consider very good
1) vladimir nabokov....he's russian and english is his second language..but the way he writes is so brilliant that it makes you want to cry....example of his books...Despair, lolita, Pale fire etc
2) Gunther Grass...A german nobelprize winner....his early books especially are phantasmagoric! ...see Tin Drum, Dog Years, the Flounder , the meeting at Telgte for examples
3)Kurt vonnegut...this american satirist have written some of the best 'science fiction' with a very pessimistic outlook but with a style of his own
4) Franz Kafka... what can I say...there's even a word 'kafkaeque' to denote strange situation wre're in as per his crazy books...
etc etc..... |
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Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 11-12-2005 12:16 AM
this is my take on GOOD books....
1) the book must be WELL written, with the author's personal original style
2) must have challenging or tought provoking premises ,ideas and stor ...
Very refreshing and well presented points. You have depth and very mystical person.
When I first try to pick up reading I wasn't too sure what I wanted to read. My old man always told me about the 2nd WW . My english was very poor ( and today is still poor....:cry::cry and I begin to read about Pacific war, however, when I met a liberal arts student from Mauritius in college he introduced me Khalil Gibran and Lord Byron. And the journey begins......
[ Last edited by thamrong at 11-12-2005 02:01 PM ] |
i wish you well on your journey to discover books....a journey well worth taking....and how i wish i can live a thosand years...so that i can have time to read all those marvellous books.....
i'm a book addict....thank god no government punish you for being this kind of addict.... |
A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever..;)
Martin Farquhar Tupper(1810-1889) |
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This may not be Khalil Gibran......but something close..
No painter touched it,
No poet wrote it,
No singger sung it,
No politician changed it,
No soldier stopped it.
No one ordered it,
Framed it,
Bought or sold it.
It came and went
It was the sky
Whilst the sun did retire.
-Deborah Bell
[ Last edited by hamizao at 23-1-2006 12:55 AM ] |
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eyp greenbottle3, have always wanted to read Kafka....can u suggest his most interesting book?
i only know of his diary...suggest one of his book for me? |
Novel Kafka terlampau panjang (itupun tak habis!) sampai terasama macam menonton filem melayu - poinnya diketuk pada kepala berkali-kali-kali sampai bosan hingga termuntah.
Lebih baik cari cerpen Kafka, metamorphosis, the hunger artist, the great wall of china dan parabola (parables) dia. |
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thanks for the input pessoa... |
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suka thread ni sbb ramai yg bantu utk improvekan dlm english.. tq so much   |
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