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Author: mimzzzy

Pelajar2 University Overseas...

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Post time 20-9-2005 11:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Maxx at 19-9-2005 11:55 AM

Tu segelintir jer...yang memang tak sedar diri diuntung & tak paham tujuan asal kenapa dia dihantar pi blajar oversea...kes lupa diri.

Tapi rasanya majority sponsored student sedar sapa  ...

ko mesti grad oversea kan..

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Post time 20-9-2005 11:47 PM | Show all posts
aku grad oversea gak... dari sarawak ke penang..

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Post time 24-9-2005 03:05 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mimzzzy at 25-8-2005 04:08 AM
Bukan nak kutuk U students
i was in university once. been there done that.

Tapi senjak 2 menjak nie. Rasanya U tempt belajar tu bukan lagi jadik tempat belajar.
Local U tak tau.. but yang ove ...

errrr....lagi sakit jiwa yg buat camtu org2 tua yg buat phd!...

kalo tak caya...korang cuba carik..berlambak kat england..sanggup hantar pizza sebab tak nak balik melaya....

apalah yg depa pikir ekkk:stp:...tak paham

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Post time 24-9-2005 03:06 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by pseudo_kl at 19-9-2005 02:54 PM
saya grad local u n skarang kejer ngn kilang  yng majority non-bumi... bukan bermaksud racism atau anti student oversea...

bila saya interview kwan2 yng kat cni, ramai yang spm hancur tapi grad  ...


melayu pun ramai..bila risik..mak/ayah dia... datuk/datin...

what to do....dunie nie depa yg punyer...

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Post time 25-9-2005 09:37 PM | Show all posts
taklah.. dunia nie Allah yg punya..

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Post time 29-9-2005 03:10 PM | Show all posts
hhmmm.... i selalu jumpa kengkawan i  yang grad oversea taklah best sangat pasal knowledge tapi lebih kat speaking je... speaking with  grammar rojak... heran gak...

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Post time 29-9-2005 08:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mimzzzy at 25-8-2005 04:08 AM
Bukan nak kutuk U students
i was in university once. been there done that.

Tapi senjak 2 menjak nie. Rasanya U tempt belajar tu bukan lagi jadik tempat belajar.
Local U tak tau.. but yang ove ...

memang ada yg cam gitu cuma tak suma.....

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Post time 30-9-2005 03:49 PM | Show all posts
alah kdg2 rasa grammar kita lagi best woo.. ada sekali tu uk graduate tnya maksud perkataan kat kita hahah bangga gila lak masa tu huhu

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Post time 2-10-2005 09:57 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Mz_tera at 25-8-2005 08:46 AM
ade sebahagian jek tu.....
ramai lagi yg balik mesia....
kerana nila setitik......hmmmmm

That's true. Besides not all of us who go overseas got sponsorship.

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Post time 2-10-2005 10:16 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Maxx at 19-9-2005 11:55 AM

Tu segelintir jer...yang memang tak sedar diri diuntung & tak paham tujuan asal kenapa dia dihantar pi blajar oversea...kes lupa diri.

Tapi rasanya majority sponsored student sedar sapa  ...


kat local U ke..obersea ke...sama je...nih semua terpulang kepada individu..kena tuding jari kat empunya diri jugak..

ada kawan aku sorang tuh, obersea gak, siap hantar duit kat mak dia kat mesia...50-80 pound setiap bulan without missed..tukar currency malaysia dah baper kan...mak ayah org tak bearapa senang, mmg tak penah kirim duit..

dia beli gak handphone, camera & segala menatang canggih...

buat part time jaga padang bola bila ada match, basuh pinggan, jaga parking..

tapi dia tahu camna nak balancekan between masa utk belajar, kerja & main...balik malaysia on time sbb petronas pangge kerja lepas interview kat london...result flying colours...

so, aku rasa tuh semua terletak camna individu tuh punya pemikiran...

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Post time 4-10-2005 08:08 AM | Show all posts
PERSONALLY, one thing that student oberseas got yang local u student tak ada ialah XPERIENCE. Education is one thing tapi pengalaman di rantauan will do u benefit semasa balik Mesia dan start kerja nanti. Seperti kebiasaannya orang melayu (b'cause i'm orang melayu) takut and malu bertanya. over there, if u dun ask, u'll lost. nak tak nak still kena tanya. this is thing yang build up ur personality and confidence. Jangan lihat dari sudut education jer. kalau ikutkan local u pun apa kurang bagusnya. IIUM, UM and MMU, berapa ramai student luar datang Mesia. Kesimpulannya, ATTITUDE. When u got rite the attitude, u'll do good.

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Post time 4-10-2005 11:59 AM | Show all posts
rasa cam terkena jek nih...hahahhaha.....!!!!

but yang u all cakap tuh betul...overseas grad would be 2 things......satu yang result gempak ( usually sponsored ones)....satu sbb result hampeh tak gempak ( local u tak layak - so mak pak malu hantaq overseas jek la)..... so 2 golongan nih memang la berbeza arah dan tujuan...dan betul jugak...ATTITUDE students main peranan....

Secara amnya....scholars/ loaners will be more focus, tak main2....sbb tau makan duit agak jarang yang tak serius....rata2 mmg tak extent takut biasiswa kena sekat....kalo nak enjoy lebih sellunya akan buat koje part time....

Secara amnya juga.....pelajar private main2....mmg hidup manjang sennag...mak pak banyak yang belikan kete...yang keje jarang cukup makan..tapi ramai yang extent sbb sonot dok obesi.....yang dah 6-7 tahun balik tak bawak degree pon banyak....

tapinya still banyak exceptions.....scholars ada juga yang hampeh minum, free sex, rosak akhlak and cultural shock.....hampeh tahap cipan....reslut cukup2 makan janji jgn extent...budak private plak...ada yang mnghargai titil peluh mak manjang...( walopon tak bape pandai)....untuk menebus rasa bersalah tak dapat masuk local U....

NOW aku sebagai majikan, few times interview budak2 nih.....not to stereotype...aku tak suka based on aku nyer experience....budak2 obesi nih banyak yang macam if they know a to z.... cakap kengkadang macam tong kosong gak la...bunyi kuat substance tarak......tapi sad to say sometimes we need this time of people.... dalam banyak real situation umpamanya kita perlu belagak pandai walopon tak pandai....banyak budak local u....BANYAK YANG PANDAI.....tetapi....kurang keyakinan bila kena perkara yang dia tau pon dia tak mo bukak mulut.....ini mmg obvious...tu sbb banyak company prefer overseas grad...sbb konfiden....being confident is not neccessarily you do things right.....tapi if u do things right, and u just keep quiet...yang ini susah...!!!

english is one thing but not everything....banyak lagi kita sebagai majikan kena tengok....skang majikan tak pandang sangat we skewed more to aptitude...selalu aku bagi case scenario......the way they think...secara general.....ada kumpulan memberikan jawapan yang betul.....ada kumpulan akan emberikan jawapan yang derang rasa betul!!!!!! ada banyak beza tu.....

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Post time 4-10-2005 01:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by akubest at 4-10-2005 11:59 AM
rasa cam terkena jek nih...hahahhaha.....!!!!

but yang u all cakap tuh betul...overseas grad would be 2 things......satu yang result gempak ( usually sponsored ones)....satu sbb result hampeh ta ...


setuju bebenar hamba dgn akubest nie:cak:...

laki aku selalu kata...biar sikit tak pandai tapi konfiden, drp pandai sgt tapi cam batu...

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Capt_ICAEW This user has been deleted
Post time 16-12-2005 11:38 PM | Show all posts

with all do respect,

datanglah tengok malaysian yang keje n study kt oversea in 4 corners of great britain such thing as yg xnak balik sebab nk jadi pizza delivery boy..generally speaking new EU law dah restrict non-EU to stay within the EU countries..only those who are the best in their respective fields jer boleh stay n subject to further scrutinies...aku tengok ramai sangat kawan aku2 yg berjaya...for those are sponsored by governement..memang degree at least 2.1(2nd class uppper)....malaysian memang terkenla dengan As in many thing that we need to bear in mind is the theses students are so loyal to our government..dioarng if kalau xnak balik pon..just few years...lepas dah ada experience sure balik...memang semua terpulang pada individu but once you are actually love your country more that u ever emigined...this is a great nation but yet too minute to compare to our country...speaking from experiences and observations...lepas jer grad semua dah sibuk nk tour europe..tengok europe for  the last time...before heading back for good..the failure rate for sponsored student is almost nil for malaysian...time study memang study..cuti memang cuti...jgnla kita bandingkan..local n overseas grad..aku rasa semua sama jer...cuma experience tengok sendiri tempat orang..tengok how they run their nations..itu yang perdana menteri kita suruh oberserv...bawak balik..bukan setakat diri degree jer..tapi perkara2 elok untuk kemajuan negara...dont say they are waste because they live on taxpayers money...once in a while we will reliase that this people may be someday provide a thousand of jobs for malaysian....we see a lot of succesfull figures..datuk azman yahaya well known accountant in UK but he decided to the best of knowledge,i think almost all overseas' grads vahe a good thought in theie mind that 1 day..i will serve my country with my very best capabilities....warmest wished from me

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mr_berts This user has been deleted
Post time 17-12-2005 12:42 PM | Show all posts

aku nak comment sket  kpd bro "akubest"....ade jugak bende bagus yg ko cakap..tapi dlm 30% je...yg lain aku tak berape setuju dgn pengunaan ayat ko...and i wil assume that ko ni local grad..

member aku yg refer aku kat web nih...terkejut jugak aku bile bace korang punye latahan etc terhadap student oversea...aku ni bukan buyers,  and akan ade pihak yg sedikit sebanyak tak puas hati...but i've been there...both..takde la aku ni nak tunjuk pandai...tapi aku tak setuju ngan mamat "MENGakubest"..

basically pasal blaja semua rezeki tuhan beb....kite buat setakat yg termampu, dah rezeki dapat fly, pegi je la....tak salah...belajar la sampai ke negeri china pun..remember?...ALANGKAH BAIKNYE KALAU KITE NI AMBIK DAN LIHAT BENDE DR SUDUT YG POSITIVE...

pedas and susah nak telan, tapi normally yg berbunyi bunyi nih either jealous or kecewa....pedas nak telan beb...tapi tu facts die...ego beb...semua org ego....baik yg oversea or local...diaorang manusie je weh...semue SAME!

banyak bende yg korang buleh relate and buat2 cerite utk buruk burukkan student oversea....ape salahnye?...kalau org pandai bace korang punye post, and buleh berfikir ngan waras, diaorang akan pikir topik korang  ni adalah perbincangan sihat...tapi kalau org yg bace ni tak berape pandai?...tak berape cerdik?...conclusion government antar students ke oversea satu pembaziran..jangan camni beb...local or oversea same je......basic die senang je...kalau ko ade effort and prove yg ko pandai, ko fly and kalau TAK; VICE VERSA beb....

hasad dengki....bukan melayu je yg ade bende ni, tapi melayu ni lebih2 dengki...dengki yg membawa kepada keburukan....bukannya kite tgk org berjaya; and try nak drive diri kite supaya berjalan seiring...tapi korang nak tarik diaorang semua ke bawah...ape punye mentaliti ni?

sorry la kpd sesiaper yg  menjadi MAJIKAN and pernah interview org....jgn la kuat sgt condemn org....dan memberi kritikan yg  tak membina...typical malay i must say...

( local u tak layak - so mak pak malu hantaq overseas jek la)
aduss...ape punye mentaliti la mamat nih....conclusion ape yg ko buat nih...pegi skolah ke tak...ko ni majikan ke jual ikan?

bro...ko punya reply ni berbaur hasad dengki...these private students tak pernah susahkan ko...tak pernah mintak keje ngan ko pun sebab diaorang kaya...tak pernah pau nasik bungkus ko pun...but whats with all the accusition?...for all you know, these are the nicest people you will ever met...but hey, you rather jump into conclusion...ko pandai sgt ke mat?...jgn takbur sbb ko tu MAJIKAN....jgn takbur sgt sbb ko pernah INTERVIEW org...bersyukur dgn rezeki yg tuhan bagi kat ko..orait beb?...diaorang private students ke....kaye sgt sampai tak pandai least diaorang takde la mulut cabul mcm lu beb..ade rase panas?

scholars ada juga yang hampeh minum, free sex, rosak akhlak and cultural shock.....hampeh tahap cipan....reslut cukup2 makan janji jgn extent...budak private plak...ada yang mnghargai titil peluh mak manjang...( walopon tak bape pandai)....untuk menebus rasa bersalah tak dapat masuk local U....

another kritikan tak membina dr penjual ikan...beb...tak payah nak tunggu student oversea beb...kat local uni tu pun bersepah2 yg hancur...hampeh tahap cipan?...adik beradik ko tu semua betul ke?..anak sedare ko tu?...ntah2 dah rosak beb kene tebuk tupai....keluarga lu jugak yg hancur beb..sekali lagi tuduhan melulu terhadap private students...aku rase ko ni ade inferiority complex bro...ko ni miskin sgt ke sampai jeles camni sekali?...kot ye pun diaorang ni kaye, takde pun diaorang menyusahkan hidup ko..itu rezeki tuhan bagi kat diaorang beb...ape ape pun, ingat la wahai majikan...back to basic, if people never did bother you; stop bothering people.....rather than you talk nonsense and rubbish here and there...put some effort to change things...effort is the key words...kalau setakat nak komen and cakap jual ikan pun buleh buat beb....

i do respect you as a majikan and being an interviewer such as yours....but  
cakap kengkadang macam tong kosong gak la...bunyi kuat substance tarak....ini lu beb...

dah dah la tu...there's a lot of things that you can do...but yet you choose to sit on you chair posting hundreds of post...that not good shows that you dont do your work...what type of majikan are you?...typical people yg takkan pergi jauh with attitude like yours... let me got paid for working 8 hours...but lu lepak depan pc for hours...your salary should be half ko ni majikan blog?...ko pun tak sempurna but yet you did barked here and there saying people stupid?..

aku saje je nak kasi panas lu beb...kalau ko acting like a typical malay, then i should treat you like one...sorry to say, but i have no respect for you..

p/s: i know that you will either take 2 action

a) do not reply cause u agreed with me..which i doubt it
b) reply and keep on barking trying to prove that your verdict is right..coz you are so call MAJIKAN .and keep on giving "kritikan tak membina"




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Post time 17-12-2005 01:34 PM | Show all posts
from my observation, this usually happens to malay students. heh, no wonder non-bumi got angry.

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Post time 18-12-2005 02:48 AM | Show all posts

salam ..

ini sebahagian atau generalisation? i tak faham actually? yg pi tour tu ada jugak tapi depa kumpul atau kerja- ada yg ambil medic lagik past jer exam - i mean - ntah okay jer i nampak banyak yg okay dari tak okay ...hmm strange...

lagi satu nak banding bagus tak bagus - kena tengok dari segi apa ? komunikasi? way of seeing things?
attitude in the calss? i thing ini perlu elaboration sebab - apa yg kita nak lihat bergantung pada apa yg kita mahu tengok, lots of my friends dapat good jobs  perempaun lagik siap tudung labuh lagik sponsored lagik dapat 1 st class degree in engineering kat UCL  and 2 nd class upper kat Impreal ..ada yg kerja jugak , gi tour jugak i mean okay jer ...

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Capt_ICAEW This user has been deleted
Post time 18-12-2005 06:23 AM | Show all posts
true mate,

sapa2 yang cakap bila xdapat local u anta anak gi oversea...meh aku bagitau something...kalau result ko xbest jgn harap dapat masuk university..xcaya least kene ada diploma 3.2 ke atas..tu nak masuk univ. yg xbest...dia xlayan spm with result cabuk...motivenya..aku rasa maybe ada orang komen sebab rasa iri hati..tepuk dada jawabla on your own...

oversea penah..local pon penah...


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Post time 20-12-2005 10:33 PM | Show all posts
hahaha..i am one of them...tapi tak lah semewah mane..memang..i do agree..i am using kinda-branded holiday..but sekali dalam seumur hidup..alang2 kat negara orang..but dun get me wrong...tak lah sampai habis duit every month..tapi memang ade segelintir student yang belum masuk ujung bulan duit dah habis..kesian jugak..tu lah sebab terlalu sumthing stuff yang tak perlu...but mostly esp student kat london ape yang saya nampak melalui mata saya sendir..dorang ni memang anak orang kaya..on of my frens..she bought handbag worth 700 pound..buat ape tu..kitorang dapat allowance once in 3 months..kalau tolak accomodation dapatlah dalam 700 for 3 months..aduh..kekadang ade gak student yang dah habis dalam at last...pakai PAMA gak...

nak kata membazir duit kerajaan tu..ntahlah..kalau saya cakap membazir duit jugak la saya..hehe...lagi satu dari apa yang saya nampak..mostly student kalau pergi holiday..diorang gune dutit jap ape salahnye pergi holiday..alang2 kat negara orang...y dun we use this once in life apportunity to explore negara orang...tak salahkan...

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Post time 26-12-2005 04:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by adotzz at 29-8-2005 03:50 PM
Menarik issue ni, me dulu pun study kat oversea gak, tapi tak de lah mewah mana, tolak duit sewa rumah dah tinggal utk makan & transport jer, tapi itu dulu ler 7,8 thn dulu punya rate, sekarang ...

setuju sesangat ngan kenyataan u ni..
mmg ramai jenis yg mcm mimmzy ckp..walopun tak semua..
cuma yg lily tak pasti..betul ke buleh extend2 gitu..kalo loan ngan FAMA bleh lah..kalo ngan badan2 n gov boleh ke nak extend? kalo fail balik lah ye tak?

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