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Author: malarky

Wira Perang @ War Heroes

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Post time 15-4-2005 08:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by pakcik_d7668 at 15-4-2005 01:36 PM:

respect la spit, abah pakcik baru je dapat 7 gelaran datuk. abang pakcik bagi 5, kakak pakcik bagi 2.....pakcik pun tongah nak bagi ni. insyaAllah, bulan 2 tahun depan pakcik bagi gelaran datuk ...

ateeeeee, weh!

abah teman dah dapat 23 gelaran datuk ori. namun teman terkilan kerana abah tak dapat sebarang anugerah dari kerajaan negeri atau mana-mana agensi. :jeling:

lepas abih tentera 1958, abah teman kroje tukang kebun di MCKK (sekolah melayu kuala kangsar) sampai pencen mandor 1988, hampir 30 tahun. sepanjang keroja dia ramai anak melayu yg kini top-meletop dijaganya. banyak keprluan dema ditunaikannya. dema minta cacing dan bunga utk makmal biologi, abah carikan. dema nak bedah tikus abah ambilkan di pilaun pinang.

teman peronah tulih sorat pada persatuan murid tua MCOBA tapu takde respon. baru ni mckk sambut 100 tahun, tak tahulee teman siapa yg dema beri penghormatan... bekas murid atau bekas kakitangan?

sorry terff: sikit.

pada teman abah teman wira teman.

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Post time 17-4-2005 04:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Foxey at 14-4-2005 02:28 PM:

ek eh Tun... sempat lagik ek.... Malik tu kan kawan fox... sama mcm Tun dan yg lain2...

Lawak je Fox, sbb nama Malik pun ala-ala Arab gitu....Jangan mare ye...lama tak usik mengusik nih...

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Post time 17-4-2005 04:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by pakcik_d7668 at 15-4-2005 01:31 PM:
wsalam kak tun
iyolah...pakcik la tu. pakcik terpakso daftar baru, pasal dah lamo tak masuk forum, sampai lupo dah password ngan security Q tu

Abah pakcik maso mulo2 masuk dulu, tahun 69 rasony ...

La Pakcik D la ni ye...yg Malik nak menuntut ilmu tu...Diam2 ye Pakcik buat kenduri, tak jemput kitorang pun.....Tahniah le sbb bakal jadi ayah nanti...

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 Author| Post time 17-4-2005 10:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DarkHorseNo.Six at 14-4-2005 11:00 PM:
Aku pulak mengkagumi Lt. William Calley

The Mai Lai incident?

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Post time 18-4-2005 08:22 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DarkHorseNo.Six at 14-4-2005 23:00:
Aku pulak mengkagumi Lt. William Calley


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 Author| Post time 18-4-2005 12:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DarkHorseNo.Six at 17-4-2005 11:23 PM:

Tau x pa:bgrin:

megikut yang maklumat yang aku dapat..mamat ni keje tahanan dalam rumah je, CO company die aku tak tau ape jadi .... mase die dibicarakan die kate die cume ikut cakap Capt. Medina (Company CO).... BTW nasib baik heli tu pass by kat area tu.. kalau tak tak sape tau... tapi aku rasa incident seumpama tu banyak jadi kat vietnam... cume tak diketahui atau pun didedahkan.... anyway calley is definetly cannot be consider as a war hero...:no:

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 Author| Post time 18-4-2005 12:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by alphawolf at 14-4-2005 10:58 AM:
'The Real Deal' tu pasal wira tempatan yang sampai terkorban mempertahankan negara...kalau hero luar yang aku kagum ialah

1. Rommel
2. Patton
3. von Manstein
4. 'Sepp' Dietrich
5. Khalid al- ...

1. von Manstein
2.'Sepp' Dietrich
3. Georgi Zhukov

tolong cite sikit pasal diorang...

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Post time 18-4-2005 01:55 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by malarky at 18-4-2005 12:44 PM:

1. von Manstein
2.'Sepp' Dietrich
3. Georgi Zhukov

tolong cite sikit pasal diorang...

Mainstein adalah seorang general German manakala Zhukov adalah field Marshall Rusia. Kedua2 mereka sering berentap di medan pertempuran di Russia dan adalah pakar perang manouver. Cuma mereka kurang glamour kerana tak berlawan dengan Amerika dan Great Britain.

Pada pendapat saya Mainstein adalah general German yang paling hebat masa perang dunia ke2, lebih hebat dari Rommel. Zhukov juga agak hebat tetapi terdapat beberapa lagi general Rusia lain seperti Vasilvesky, Konev yang kurang glamour dari Zhukov tapi tak kurang hebatnya.

Sepp Dietrich pula mengetuai SS Panzer Corps, unit armor German yang paling digeruni semasa perang dunia kedua.

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Post time 18-4-2005 02:03 PM | Show all posts
Mine would be General Shazly of the Egyptian Army. The architect of the Yom Kippur war to retake the Sinai.


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Post time 18-4-2005 03:57 PM | Show all posts
well for me it would be hang jebat:cak:

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Post time 19-4-2005 12:21 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DarkHorseNo.Six at 18-4-2005 12:13 PM:

Cool bro, sajer nak ngok ring a bell x nama penjenayah perang nih:bgrin:

apa nama chopper pilot yg mendarat antara calley dan org awam yg lain yg belum kena bunuh tu???

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Post time 19-4-2005 08:09 AM | Show all posts
Warrant Officer Hugh Thompson Jr....dia kata dia akan tembak anggota Charlie Company kalau pembunuhan diteruskan. Juga terlibat dalam usaha menghentikan pembunuhan ialah crew CW Thompson iaitu Spc. LAwrence Colburn dan Spc. Glenn Andreotta. Ketiga2 mereka dilabel pengkhianat selepas My Lai. Bagaimanapun 30 tahun selepas kejadian mereka dianugerahkan Soldier's Medal iaitu anugerah tertinggi untuk keberanian tanpa perhubungan terus dengan musuh. Glenn Andreotta menrima pingat tersebut secara posthumous kerana telah terbunuh dalam satu pertempuran tak lama selepas kejadian.

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Post time 19-4-2005 10:24 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by spitfire007 at 15-4-2005 08:54 PM:

ateeeeee, weh!

abah teman dah dapat 23 gelaran datuk ori. namun teman terkilan kerana abah tak dapat sebarang anugerah dari kerajaan negeri atau mana-mana agensi. :jeling:

lepas abih tent ...

Yob, teman ghase teman kenai abah mike yob, walaupun teman idakler budak MCKK..... tapi teman kenai die. Dia idakler kenai teman pun.

Bab hero ini, memang ramai akan menjadikan ayah sendiri sebagai hero. Saya sendiri begitu. Saya menghormati pengalamannya melalui peristiwa 13 Mei, Rusuhan pelajar 1974, rusuhan di kelantan, ancaman komunis dan peristiwa tragis memali pada 1985. Dan disebabkan beliaulah, saya memutuskan untuk menyertai pasukan keselamatan walaupun beliau bermati-matian menentang.

Hari ini, saya faham mengapa almarhum tidak membenarkan anak-anaknya terlibat dengan pasukan keselamatan - walaupun 3 beradik dari kami berada dalam pasukan yang sama.

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Post time 19-4-2005 12:54 PM | Show all posts
aku kagum ngan jeneral[b] ibrahim ismail hehehe

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 Author| Post time 19-4-2005 02:21 PM | Show all posts

Achillies and His Myrmidons

ini adalah salah seorang Wira perang yang boleh dikatakan hebat dan di kenang sepanjang zaman

Achilles was half god (from Thetis) and half mortal (from Peleus) his mother wished to make him immortal. When he was young she dipped him in the waters of the infernal river Styx, found in the Underworld. Thus he became invulnerable, save for the spot on his heel where she held him. Still others claim that to make Achilles immortal Thetis would nightly hold him over the fire to get rid of the mortal elements inherited from Peleus, and that in the daytime she would anoint his body with Ambrosia. Peleus chanced upon his infant son in the fire one night and freaked out on Thetis. In disgust she tossed down the child and left both him and Peleus, rejoining her fellow Nereids. Thetis never stopped caring for her son, however, and always kept an eye out for his welfare.
However, the generally accepted version of his immortality is that indeed Thetis dipped Achilles in the river Styx, holding the baby by his heel. In time Peleus took the child to be reared by the Centaur Chiron, who was a famous mentor and teacher of many heroes. On Mount Pelion Achilles was fed meat from lions and wild boars, and the marrow of bears, to give him courage. A diet of honey-comb and fawn's marrow made him a swift runner. Chiron taught Achilles the arts of riding, hunting, archery, pipe-playing, healing and more. The Muse Calliope taught him to sing. Achilles exemplified the best qualities of a warrior, coupled with the soul of a poet.
He killed his first boar when he was only six years old and every day brought wild animals back to Chiron. Athena and Artemis gazed in wonder at this handsome golden-haired child, impressed at his swiftness and skill - Achilles could overtake and kill stags without the help of hounds.
When Achilles was nine years old the prophet Calchas declared that Troy would never be taken without the help of Achilles. Thetis knew that her son would either die young as a hero at Troy, or live an inglorious life at home. She did her utmost to preserve the life of Achilles, even going so far as to disguise him as a girl and sending him away to Lycomedes, king of Scyros. There he lived under the name of Cercysera, Aissa, or Pyrrha, it is said. Achilles wanted nothing to do with dressing like a girl but he realized that it was the only way to get close to King Lycomedes's beautiful daughter. This affair with the king's daughter, Diedameia, produced a son named Pyrrhus, later called Neoptolemus.
Thus disguised as a young woman Achilles lived quietly at Scyros until the leaders of the Greek expedition against Troy, who were Odysseus, Nestor and Ajax, arrived and asked to speak to Achilles. They wanted him to join them in the Trojan War. King Lycomedes insisted that he wasn't there, and offered the men a search of the palace. The search failed to expose Achilles, so Odysseus resorted to trickery.
The Greeks had brought a pile of gifts to Scyros, mostly jewels, girdles, fancy embroidered dresses and colorful cloth. Odysseus asked the ladies to pick their choice of any gift, but instructed his men to sound a sudden trumpet blast and clash of arms outside the palace. All the girls had gathered around the gold and finery, ooohing and aaahing, but one girl showed absolutely no interest in the jewels, but instead seemed fascinated by the swords, spears and arms that were part of the gifts.

So when the trumpet blew and the sounds of fighting were heard, one of the "young girls", the disguised Achilles, instinctively stripped to the waist and grabbed the sword and shield, readying for battle. Thus Achilles was exposed, and he promptly agreed to join the Greek expedition, and lead to Troy his army of Myrmidons, which was what his warriors were called.
Before he left Achilles married his sweetheart, the pregnant Deidameia. Then he brought a fleet of fifty or sixty ships to join his fellow Greeks at Aulis. He was fifteen years old at the time

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 Author| Post time 19-4-2005 03:17 PM | Show all posts

Maj. Richard D. Winters

ni lagi satu.

Easy Coompany, 506, 101 airborne

Richard D. Winters was a major with 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment (PIR) attached to the 101st Airborne Division during WWII.

An original of E (Easy) Company, 2/506th PIR, Winters began his service with the company as a platoon leader after graduating the US Army Officer Candidate (OCS) program at Fort Benning, Georgia. He eventually achieved the position of Company Executive Officer while under the company's original commander CPT Herbert Sobel.

Due to tension between key leadership, CPT Sobel was replaced by 1LT Thomas Meehan III shortly before the invasion and Winters again resumed duties as XO. Due to the crash of C-47 #66, which killed the aircrew, 1LT Meehan, E Company First Sergeant William Evans and a number of other E Company paratroopers during the airborne drops on the night of 5-6 June, Winters was left in effective command of the company for the duration of the Normandy Campaign.

Winters was recommended for the Medal of Honor for leading an assault that destroyed a battery of German 105mm howitzers which were situated to fire onto the major exits known as draws off of Utah Beach during the D-Day assault. The recommendation was later downgraded to the Distinguished Service Cross, the US Army's second highest award for combat valor due to a divisional policy of limiting the number of Medal of Honor recommendations. The assault itself is still studied as an example of small unit tactics and leadership in the attack.

During the course of Operation Market-Garden in Holland during September of 1944, Winters assumed duties as 2nd Battalion, 506th PIR XO, although normally a major's position, while still a captain. He would be promoted to major following the Battle of the Bulge. Following the war, Winters worked briefly for his close wartime friend Lewis Nixon at Nixon's family business before being reactivated during the Korean War to train paratroopers and Rangers with the US Army. Retiring to Pennsylvania, Winters would become an icon of "The Greatest Generation" through exposure from Stephen Ambrose's 1992 book Band of Brothers: E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne from Normandy to Hitler's Eagle's Nest and the HBO mini-series based on the book.

He is portrayed by British actor Damian Lewis in the HBO mini-series Band of Brothers.

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mat_toro This user has been deleted
Post time 19-4-2005 08:08 PM | Show all posts
Theres no such thing as a hero. Just how do you judge a hero? By his medals? His publicised stories? How about those who did great deeds of courage when theres no one around to witness it? How about if the dude died while doing the great deed of his? Dia pun takleh nak criter... And how about the other guys not involved in combat? How about the support element units? If the other infantrymen also didn't get the recognition of heroism what chances do they have? Does it mean that the other guys didn't do their best with great commitment & courage? Just because he won a lot of battles the guy who loses is not a hero?  Ask any 'war hero' and he'll say he doesn't feel like a hero. There is no such thing as a hero.

I'm reminded of the words from Theodore Roosevelt:

"It's not the critic who counts, not the one who points out how the strong man stumbled or how the doer of deeds might have done them better.  The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, if he wins, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat".

[ Last edited by mat_toro on 19-4-2005 at 08:09 PM ]

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Post time 20-4-2005 08:03 AM | Show all posts
How about this conversation

Luke : I'm looking for a great warrior.
Yoda : Great warrior? Heh, wars don't make one great!

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Post time 20-4-2005 08:50 AM | Show all posts
Teringat cerita 'Accidental Hero' lakonan Dustin Hoffman. Moral cerita tu adalah hero direka oleh media.

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Post time 20-4-2005 10:31 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DarkHorseNo.Six at 20-4-2005 09:39 AM:

Teringat aku ngan Kanang.

atteeeee, weh!

:setuju: :setuju: :setuju:

teman pun, tapi berapa ramai jenerasi sekrang kenal kanang? tak lama dulu, RTM ada siarkan program 'sumpah perwira' ttg pahlawan2 malaysia. cume siarannya pukui 2.00 ptg, sapa nak tengok. teman tengok sbb hari tu tak keroje.

di penghujung program, penerbit buat tinjauan di bandaraya kuching dn bbpr bandar lain. malang sekali tak ramai yg kenal nama kanang terutama sekali para remaja. ade sorang tu tanya balik, "ahli kumpulan rockers ke?". Isyyyy! rase teman nak tempeleng aje budak tu smpai bisu :kerek: :geram: :geram:. org dewasa pun tak kurangnya, ramai tak tahu. apa hal?

tolong minta RTM siarkan balik program ni prime time sikit. ade banyak pengajaran dan pedidikan dlm program itu ttg patriotisme, pengorbanan dan kesetiaan.

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