Post time 12-5-2021 05:08 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
belacan_gurl replied at 12-5-2021 04:23 PM
Hahahahha mst dia salahkan si Nora dgn tiz...kerana lepak dgn dorg habis dia pun terkena juga ...
Teruknya tah2 kawan ko tu dapat virus dari ko, ingat kes kat sarawak tu asalnya swab test dia negatif ja pun
Tau2 dia menjangkiti sampai 3000 orang.
Apa jenis kawan laa gini sah2 la kwn2 ko dapat jangkitan drpd org lain.
Skrg ni virus ni dah ada dlm komuniti kita sapa2 pun boleh terkena.
So amiklah iktibar lepas ni jdkan pengajaran bukannya merempan salahkan org sana sini.
Post time 12-5-2021 05:20 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Abil dok salahkan org lain mcm kes atuk budak ni ke?
Is about this young girl's grandpa got Covid through a very very good old friend. Friend tested positive but, still invite him out for breakfast didn't mention about it.
4 days later, grandpa started coughing, went to 2 clinics but doctors didn't ask him to check for Covid. Later sent him to Sunway hospital, confirmed lung disease and Covid. 4 days costed RM50k!
Later he was sent to Sg Buloh hospital, and passed away there. Unable to visit and say goodbye. So sadall within 3 weeks.
Whole family tested for Covid, 6 confirmed.
She is telling everyone, people are really, really very selfish. Tested Positive still want to invite friends, spread Covid!
*Covid 19 is out there, is invisible.* Take care everyone, stay home, stay safe
She is probably the youngest Youtuber, her story is touching and worth to SHARE, to prevent loved one get infected....
Post time 12-5-2021 07:13 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Ramai yg jenis x patuh sop. Keluar lepak berjimba lepas tu kena covid mula lah keluar ayat benda tak mintak jadi, benda x nampak lah. Start keluar ayat play victim.
I mmg marah sbb dekat tempat i pun ada 1 kluster yg berpunca drp golongan kaya yg x jaga sop. Bulan puasa sibuk berzumba. Dah lah x jaga jarak, sop kelaut dalam. Lepas tu duk sibuk berniaga kat bazar ramadhan. Lepas kena covid pakat buat ayat play victim. Yg jadi mangsa golongan bawahan sampai ada yg sakit teruk n meninggal. Kluster diaorg sahaja dah merebak smpai budak sekolah pun kena
Kalau golongan artis ni kena covid mmg sebab diaorg pun x jaga sop. Nmpk dlm igs artis2 malaysia ramai yg suka lepak2 mcm xde covid. Kalau betul2 jaga sop x keluar berjimba suka2 peluang utk kena pun kurang
I yakin je time shooting xde nya jaga SOP
Selalu tgk igs, rata2 semua takat pakai mask kat dagu/bawah hidung, walaupon kerja belakang tabir atau MUA
Time lunch, semua berkumpul, xde mask dengan alasan tgh makan, padahal tgh borak bukannya makan
So x paham kenapa nabila ni marah sgt, padahal sendiri pon x 100% patuh SOP kan
Post time 12-5-2021 08:41 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Covid ni banyak mengajar aku memahami bahawa retis retis ni a different species jadi aku tak perlu sokong apa pon. Tak bagi shooting, bising. Kena covid kat tempat shooting , pon bising.
Habis tu kami yg marhaen deal dgn customers nak salahkan sapa. Hang tau yg hang tak leh caya orang yg tak nak duduk rumah jadi jaga lah.
Aku takleh husnuzon la kalau shooting babak buka mask, yg air liur tak merecik masuk rongga rongga.
Boleh bayang tak tengah berlakon jadi makcik bawang, tak kan la air liur tak merecik.
Mujur dia ni best berlakon jadi aku cakap secara general je kat atas tu.
Post time 12-5-2021 08:41 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Dia gelak kuat2 mulut ternganga tu ingat corvid tak boleh tersebar ke? Ntah2 ramai yg kena corvid dari victim pulak... Si Nora tu elok jer duk diam2 dlm bilik sambil2 bagi info kat followers dia...a positive person bukan merempan x tentu pasal.