U divorce ur wife and I will marry her because allah say so. what a lie?
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peace all..
Quran 3:64 SAY: "People of the Book, [let us] rally to a common formula to be binding on both us and you, that we shall worship only God [Alone] a associate nothing else with Him, nor shall any of us take on others as lords instead of God." If they should turn away, then say: "Bear witness that we are Muslims." |
Originally posted by lolipop9 at 16-8-2004 04:01 PM:
peace all..
Quran 3:64 SAY: "People of the Book, [let us] rally to a common formula to be binding on both us and you, that we shall worship only God [Alone] a associate nothing else with Hi ...
that what ur koran says but the real people of the book (jews) did not accept muhammad and koran. simple as that. |
peace Truth.8, all
i know the jews did't accept the koran and mohammed as the final prophet. that verse tells us that the religion that was brought by prophets before muhammad is nothing diffrent Islam that was brought by mohammed.God wants a common understanding between the people of the book and people who uphold the Quran.
about wives of prophet muhammad.God tells us..
Quran 33:50 0 Prophet, We have permitted you [to deal with] your wives whom you have given their allotments to, and anyone your right hands control from what God has furnished you [as captives], and your paternal uncles' and aunts' daughters, and your maternal uncles' and aunts' daughters who have migrated along with you, and any believing woman who bestows herself upon the Prophet, provided the Prophet wants to marry her; such is exclusively for you and not for [other] believers. We know what We have stipulated for them concerning their wives and anyone their right hands control, so it will not be held against you. God is Forgiving, Merciful.
the prophet is allowed by God to marry any belliving women who bestows herself upon the Prophet. But this is only specific for the prophet. and not to other beliving men.
peace. |
Tamlikha This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 16-8-2004 16:05:
that what ur koran says but the real people of the book (jews) did not accept muhammad and koran. simple as that.
tak pandai-pandai lagi budak thruth nie..dah betahun dah.soalan yg sama..bila org bagi jawapan tak nak fikirkan...
Originally posted by lolipop9 at 16-8-2004 04:36 PM:
peace Truth.8, all
i know the jews did't accept the koran and mohammed as the final prophet. that verse tells us that the religion that was brought by prophets before muhammad is nothing diffren ...
i make it simple but it might hurt certain muslims.
Ur koran did give muslims warning that do not argue with People of the Book, rite? yet, muslims always argue .......look at islam world.
The Bible made it clear that the dead will be resurrected in final day upon arrival of Christ include all the prophets. Muhammad claimed he ride a buraq which is mystical animal, chit chat with his god and chitchat with all those prophets, can his claimed be trusted??? that抯 why frm beginning the Jews and Christians totally rejected Muhammad because making too many fake stories. One of the fantastic stories is sensual paradise. Does people of the book claimed such paradise? NO
So, how can this men be prophet?
There is a reason why myself , Jews and Chrisitan do not trust Muhammad and his koran. We not finding fault but exposing the truth but we always label as liar.
[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 16-8-2004 at 05:14 PM ] |
Ehem .. I have a feeling
Discussion about Prophet Muhammad's wife (to certain extent) will lead to personal insults, OT and ME closing this thread  |
Originally posted by DARSITA at 16-8-2004 11:33 PM:
Discussion about Prophet Muhammad's wife (to certain extent) will lead to personal insults, OT and ME closing this thread
but many muslims makes mocking christ hanging on cross. just browse thru.
christians do not insults Muhammad hving wives but it is point rite.
we need to know the true and false prophet which stated in bible.
by fruits we shall know them. |
to Truth 8
Hold your horses Truth 8
I believe that most people argue about each other's religion is because of lack of understanding of context. That is you will never understand Islam if you keep seeing it from your own perspective as people of the book.
For once try to read the Quran, and try to understand the underlying message, and then speak with an open mind. Not quote quotes from anti-Islamic sites that says how horney M(SAW) is. Though I do have several Malay friends who says M(SAW) is quite a ladies man (no offence intended).
So far I have learn that there are quite a lot of initial contributory writers who contributed to the original Quran. And that the Hadith is an oratory (and later written) account of interpretations by followers.
Truth 8 you will have to remember that historicaly, Islam has contributed significantly to mankind through their science and numerolgy system that we still use today.
The surge in fundamentalism in recent times, is unfortunate because it will only cause more blood shed and will stagnate the world as a civilisation. I believe that only the moderate Islamist nations can slow the tide but not stop the clash of nations.
Strangely, i feel somehow that what will eventually happen is the will of God. And the test of God on our resolve as his creations.
My religion promotes peace and non violence (I believe the Vatican has already apologise for the Crusades and the Inquisition which were politically motivated) and I hope and pray somehow that we will find common ground where peace can be ours. Because if you look at your history books mankind creates the best things during times of peace.
Nightlord |
deepjunior This user has been deleted
banyak kali nasihat pun tak guna jugak...macam cakap dengan pokok kayu hitam |
morningdew This user has been deleted
Truth.8, U really remain me about somebody...
By the way, how long u "Iislam by birth" (hope i was not wrong)
before become christian.?? |
Originally posted by morningdew at 17-8-2004 10:49 AM:
Truth.8, U really remain me about somebody...
By the way, how long u "Iislam by birth" (hope i was not wrong)
before become christian.??
how long is not matter but whether we holding the truth.
infact many graduate frm islamic university doubth about islam. the recent case two born muslim who taught islam but wanted come out frm islam.
in USA many black coming out frm christian because the whites there do not really practise christian and always look down on black. when this black feel so unwanted by whites, then come the muslims like brotherhood to be nice with them (black). this black feel so nice, peace after muslims trying to be brotherhood with them. instead of searching for truth, this black so taken with so called brotherhood friendship.
so, u c most of black not searching for truth rather looking for someone can respect their color.
i agreed that muslims are like brotherhood and friendly but that doen't mean the truth in islam. just like the snake in that garden who is so friendly with Eve but in end, it became sin of the world.
[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 17-8-2004 at 11:05 AM ] |
peace Truth.8, all..
Ur koran did give muslims warning that do not argue with People of the Book, rite? yet, muslims always argue .......look at islam world
hmm..could you gave me the verse that specifically say that muslims should not argue with people of the book?
But in this verse God tells us to debate with the people of the book in a better way.
Quran 29:46. And dispute ye not with the People of the Book, except with means better (than mere disputation), unless it be with those of them who inflict wrong (and injury): but say, "We believe in the revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you; Our Allah and your Allah is one; and it is to Him we bow (in Islam)."
In fact, if the people of the book realy uphold the real Torah, which have guidance from God, they wont be lost.
Quran 5:44. It was We who revealed the law (to Moses): therein was guidance and light. By its standard have been judged the Jews, by the prophets who bowed (as in Islam) to Allah.s will, by the rabbis and the doctors of law: for to them was entrusted the protection of Allah.s book, and they were witnesses thereto: therefore fear not men, but fear me, and sell not my signs for a miserable price. If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) Unbelievers.
But like any other religion(including Islam), the jews rely heavly on rabbis and priest to become closer to God. Which is wrong. All you need is to read what God had sent down onto you. No middle man.
Muhammad claimed he ride a buraq which is mystical animal, chit chat with his god and chitchat with all those prophets, can his claimed be trusted??? that抯 why frm beginning the Jews and Christians totally rejected Muhammad because making too many fake stories.
correction: Muhammad didnt claim that he ride the buraq and chitchat with God. There is no prove from the Quran. Only some people in the past that supposed to be "Alim" confirm it. Anything besides the Quran will surely have errors
There is a reason why myself , Jews and Chrisitan do not trust Muhammad and his koran. We not finding fault but exposing the truth but we always label as liar.
Quran 29:47. And thus (it is) that We have sent down the Book to thee. So the People of the Book believe therein, as also do some of these (pagan Arabs): and none but Unbelievers reject our signs. |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-8-17 11:03 AM:
how long is not matter but whether we holding the truth.
infact many graduate frm islamic university doubth about islam. the recent case two born muslim who taught islam but wanted come o ...
You were never a Muslim. But you should learn something from Khadijah 'Sue' Watson - Former pastor, missionary & professor/Master's degree in Divinity.
Being prayed up, meaning-asking Jesus for protection against demon spirits seeing that what we had been taught about Islam is that it is Demonic and Satanic religion. Having taught Evangelism I was quite shocked at their approach, it wa s direct and straightforward. No intimidation, no harassment, no psychological manipulation, no subliminal influence! None of this, 搇et抯 have a Qur抋anic study in your house |
but many muslims makes mocking christ hanging on cross.
Muslims are not alowed to mock any other religion.
Quran 6:108. Revile not ye those whom they call upon besides Allah, lest they out of spite revile Allah in their ignorance.
how long is not matter but whether we holding the truth
I agree..
Quran 10:94 The Truth hath indeed come to thee from thy Lord: so be in no wise of those in doubt.
Truth.8, you and me..we have something in common..always searcing for the truth.So my suggestion Truth.8..read the Quran with understanding. It will not harm your understanding of your religion if you belive it was written by Muhammad who was a normal human being.rite?
peace. |
u can write long debate here but Muslims still makes mocked about Bible and Christ faith.
for example Mr.deeat and his gangs.
Do not argue with the people of the book, u mean u never knew the verses???
too lazy to paste here. go and search for urself.
as for kenkid achong abudllah, it up to u believe i am muslim or not. who care anyway, i no longer islam and glad i left this religion.
in order for someone to study islam and convert to islam, they should study about Muhammad behaviour because the Bible says that if u need to know the false prophet, u can see them by their fruits. Muhammad is not true prophet infact he is false one.
Many ancients prophets b4 muhammad did not says anything about sensual paradise, did not believed in friday worshipped, believed in judgement day and dead will rise during this time but muhammad saw dead soul like prophet in heaven and chit chat. now u know the false prophet. many things that brought by muhammad sound fishy.:hmm:
[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 18-8-2004 at 03:54 PM ] |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-8-18 03:47 PM:
u can write long debate here but Muslims still makes mocked about Bible and Christ faith.
for example Mr.deeat and his gangs.
Do not argue with the people of the book, u mean u never knew the ...
Thats because you read about Islam from the writings by bad Christians. The good Christians are people who can think, without having to embrace Islam... but of course if their heart & soul opens up to embrace Islam, they will gain, spiritually.
You should learn how to be more positive. You are full of negative spirits. Once you are strong enough internally & succeeds in getting over that sickness, then you will be a more sensible person. Just look at Nightlord, at least he seems a more sensible person.
You are still afraid of the truth and you keep hiding behind your invented myth - things you read from bad christian websites, and then get all spurred up by illogical prejudices. |
samerosie This user has been deleted
Do not argue with the people of the book, u mean u never knew the verses???
Well, it's true a Quran verse says "do not argue with the people of the book" BUT the verse does not stop there.
The full verse is:-
[29:46] Do not argue with the people of the scripture (Jews, Christians, and Muslims) except in the nicest possible manner - unless they transgress - and say, "We believe in what was revealed to us and in what was revealed to you, and our god and your god is one and the same; to Him we are submitters.
Many ancients prophets b4 muhammad did not says anything about sensual paradise,
How would you know?
did not believed in friday worshipped,
Sabbath for the Jews starts from Friday, and on Saturday the perform prayers in congregration at the synagogues.
believed in judgement day and dead will rise during this time
Haha didn't Jesus talked to the deads? But hey how can it be, it wasn't the judgement day yet..?
but muhammad saw dead soul like prophet in heaven and chit chat
...as to Moses chit chatting to a burning bush and said he was talking to god? So what made you believe moses and not mohammad?
many things that brought by muhammad sound fishy
that's funny because I thought of the same thing about you too.
[ Last edited by samerosie on 18-8-2004 at 04:29 PM ] |
peace Truth.8..all
u can write long debate here but Muslims still makes mocked about Bible and Christ faith.
Mocking other religion is againts Quran 6:108 but debate is encourage in the best possible manner
Quran 16:125. Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance.
So if mr deedat and frens invite to the way of God with wisdom and using the reasoning faculty given by God, I dun see a problem there.
in order for someone to study islam and convert to islam, they should study about Muhammad behaviour
Indeed Muhammad as a prophet of God is blessed with good behavior.But why do you claim that if someone wants to convert to islam, they have to study his behavior? All you need is to study the Quran. thats is the only diffrence between the people who dont belive in the Hereafter.
17:45. When thou dost recite the Qur'an, We put, between thee and those who believe not in the Hereafter, a veil invisible:
Many ancients prophets b4 muhammad did not says anything about sensual paradise, did not believed in friday worshipped, believed in judgement day and dead will rise during this time but muhammad saw dead soul like prophet in heaven and chit chat. now u know the false prophet. many things that brought by muhammad sound fishy.
Muhammad only brought the Quran from the Lord.that is my Lord and your Lord Truth.8 (read 29:46). And Quran is a book which confirms the scripture before it.
It is nothing new.
3:3. It is He Who sent down to thee, in truth, the Book, confirming what went before it; and He sent down the Law (of Moses) and the Gospel (of Jesus) before this, as a guide to mankind, and He sent down the criterion (of judgment between right and wrong).
If the Quran is something new which is diffrent from the Torah, and Injil. Why we muslims supposed to ask the people who hav read the book before us?
10:94. If thou wert in doubt as to what We have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the Book from before thee:
I can see much hatred in you to Islam. maybe because of u hav been reading the answring-islam website. I also have been reading that website. Its good to know what others think about islam. Searching for truth is not easy, but we learn new thing everyday. To me God holds the truth, and i hold to the rope of Allah.
3:103. And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you),
2:111. And they say: "None shall enter Paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian." Those are their (vain) desires. Say: "Produce your proof if ye are truthful."
peace. |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
"Because prayer was a very important part of my Christian life I was both interested and curious to know what the Muslims were praying. As Christians we were as ignorant on this aspect of Muslim belief as on the other aspects. We thought and were taught, that the Muslims were bowing down to the Ka抌ah (in Mecca), that that was there god and center point of this false deity.
Again, I was shocked to learn that the manner of prayer is prescribed by God, Himself. The words of the prayer are one of praise and exaltation. The approach to prayer (ablution or washing) in cleanliness is under the direction of Allah. He is a Holy God and it is not for us to approach Him in an arbitrary manner but only reasonable that He should tell us how we should approach Him.
At the end of that week after having spent eight (8) years of formal theological studies I knew cognitively (head knowledge) that Islam is true.
But I did not embrace Islam at that time because I did not believe it in my heart. I continued to pray, to read the Bible, to attend lectures at the Islamic Center. I was in earnest asking and seeking God抯 direction.
It is not easy to change your religion. I did not want to loose my salvation if there was salvation to loose. I continued to be shocked and amazed at what I was learning because it was not what I was taught that Islam believed. In my Master抯 level, the professor I had was respected as an authority on Islam yet his teaching and that of Christianity in general is full of Misunderstanding. He and many Christians like him are sincere but they are sincerely wrong.
Two months later after having once again prayed seeking God抯 direction, I felt something drop into my being! I sat up, and it was the first time I was to use the name of Allah, and I said, 揂llah, I believe you are the One and Only True God.擺/b]
There was peace that descended upon me and from that day four years ago until now I have never regretted embracing Islam."
- Khadijah 'Sue' Watson - Former pastor, missionary & professor/Master's degree in Divinity
http://www.nzmuslim.net/printarticle-48.html |
Perhaps this will help u to understand this link:
I receive many mails from angry Muslims who ask me to remove this site. If you disagree with this site and want me to remove it, I invite you to disprove my accusations of Muhammad and Islam. If you can show that what I say is unfounded I promise to remove this site not before confessing that I was wrong and Islam is a true religion.
Click here : http://www.faithfreedom.org/debates.htm |
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