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Author: rhoyo

[Lain-Lain] [merged thread] The Grudge aka Ju On - On 28th Oct

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Post time 24-10-2003 10:19 AM | Show all posts
skang ni aku terkonpius sebab kelmarin aku tengok vcd jo-un ni ngan member2 aku. cover cd tu tulis jo-un 2 & sorang member aku cakap ni bukan jo-un 1 (dia dah tengok yg 1st). ke yg aku tengok ni bukan sekuel jo-un.

tapi 'jo-un 2' yg aku tengok tu mmg tahap cipan punya seram. duduk sama-sama dekat 10 orang pun bole takut gak. siap menjerit sakan lagi. yg seram dlm citer ni part hantu merangkak turun tangga, hantu merangkak kejar lelaki, hantu muncul tiba-tiba dari bawah kerusi. aiyaaa... takde subtitle pun bole menjerit wooo....

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Post time 24-10-2003 01:53 PM | Show all posts
aku first time tgk Ju-On bulan lepas..hari khamis malam jumaat..pukul 2.30 pagi sbb takleh tido..kene pulak malam tu hujan...parent ngan adik beradik takdak pegi tido rumah kazen...ade kenduri..muahahahha

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Post time 24-10-2003 06:26 PM | Show all posts
ish dah kuar ke ju-on 2. tak sabo la nak tgk. hmmmm, kene tunggu cuti sem abis la. nak tgk ngan mmbr kat asrama. ju-on 1 pon tgk ramai2. arap muka je macho, tapi masing2 penakut thp cipan.

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Teh2002 This user has been deleted
Post time 27-10-2003 01:10 AM | Show all posts
ju-on 1 tak keluar kat wayang lagi dah ada ju-on 2 dah? agak2 keluar wayang tak filem ju-on ni?

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Post time 28-10-2003 03:36 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Teh2002 at 2003-10-27 01:10:
ju-on 1 tak keluar kat wayang lagi dah ada ju-on 2 dah? agak2 keluar wayang tak filem ju-on ni?

Untuk jawab soklan TEH nie...aku quote balik mesej no2....aku post awal2 lagik....
Originally posted by GAIA at 2003-10-18 02:48:
dikatakan bakal masuk pawagam Malaysia November ini....harap2 lah jadi....

Malas baca yeeeaa...

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Paja This user has been deleted
Post time 14-11-2003 12:09 PM | Show all posts

Ju-On : The Grudge ... citer hantu lagi!

banyak betul citer hantu jepun kebelakangan ni ... makes me think that Japanese only produce horror movies only. Macam GAIA pernah cakap .. Jepun banyak filem2 yang bagus .. kenapa tak dibawa masuk untuk tatapan penonton kat malaysia ni. at least .. boleh tengok gak idea dan kreativiti yang berlainan dari hollywood dan bollywood.

hmmmm .. negara ni berpolisi pandang ke timur tapi filem2 masih lagi pandang ke barat.

ok .. back to the movie. One of Japan's classic horror movie afther The Ring. kemungkinan Hollywood akan remake film ni besar sangat sebab hollywood dah tandus idea filem seram lepas citer exorcist, nightmares at elm street etc.

Review dalam The Malay Mail ni menarik ...

MM  Nov 12, 2003
Just when you thought you were safe under your blanket

By Amir Hafizi

YOU really should see this movie. If you are feeling depressed because you are alone, then this is the one movie which would make you get up and, er, be with someone.

Or else, a rattling, pale ghost with intense eyes will come out to get you, probably hiding under your covers waiting for you to come to bed.

Ju-On: The Grudge, directed by Takashi Shimizu, tells the story of a haunted house that curses everyone who goes into it and people they are connected with.

Sure enough, more and more unsuspecting people visit the house and then have themselves haunted and hunted by the hungry ghosts.

The movie is broken up into six segments, with the names of the doomed victims as the title of each part, making it an anthology of horror.

Ju-On even plays around with the narrative chronology, with a respectable degree of success. Some of the later segments happened before the previous ones and some take place at the same time, making the ghosts
seem omnipresent and almost god-like.

Conversing to the audience at the base level of fear, the movie does a truly magnificent job. The ghosts are designed to be simple (pale skin, dark hair, dark eyes) as in our own imagination, ghosts do look like that.

The scariest characters in our dreams would not use lots of make-up or special effects. They are more like something we'd see through the corner of an eye, a slight sound, a touch that's not supposed to be there...
That is the effect that Ju-On goes for, and succeeds. Some of the scenes created around the `natural' approach of haunting look quite familiar. It might have been an urban legend we heard as a child.

There are photographs of people with some of them having blackened eyes,
signifying their doomed fate, seen by some high-school students. Consider receiving a call from a dead relative, asking what the number of your apartment is, or taking a shower and suddenly feeling a hand at the back of your head.

Ju-On plays with all those elements which feel very close to home and it
doesn't matter the movie was made for the Japanese market. The language of fear is universal and the makers of the movie speak it very well. They have found the elements of things which frighten people and translated it into movie form.

One of the best scenes in the movie had a woman, Hitomi, receiving a
phone call inside a public toilet. She hears nothing but the sound of an inhuman rattle or croak through the phone. After hanging up and leaving the cubicle, she hears the very same rattle, albeit louder, from the stall next to her.
The door of the booth opens and a head with very black, long hair pops
out. A real classic, that one.

Another memorable scene is of the same character going under the
bedcovers, that all-too-familiar last refuge from ghosts. Unfortunately for her, the ghosts are not afraid of covers and she soon finds an extra occupant in bed with her, complete with pale skin and glaring eyes.

Then there is this really frightening boy, Toshio, who has a cat's growl for a scream, or a few ghosts of high-school girls, complete with jackets. All have pale skin and glaring, emotionless eyes.

Probably the most hi-tech ghost is the one which is all black and looks
like a living shadow and sucks the life out of its victims.

The most frightening one has to be Saeko, the rattling ghost. She just pops out of nowhere and when she crawls, it seems like there's no hope for any of the victims. Her rattle is extremely spine-tingling and is a character on its own. Rest assured that anyone who has seen Ju-On would jump at hearing it outside the cinema. Good for practical jokes, that one.
Most of the scary elements, however, have been done before, and the plot
devices could sometimes be instantly recognisable.

Saeko's crawling is reminiscent of The Exorcist, and almost every culture in the world has a boy ghost.

The difference Ju-On makes is to harness all that scary energy and channel it into a well-crafted movie that would make even the most jaded of us all jump in our seats.

The quality of the production is adequate for the movie. The amazing realism in which the house is portrayed earlier in the movie should be applauded. It has none of the scrubbed, glossy look of Hollywood sets and
is successfully portrayed, as much lived, in by a couple and a senile old woman.

None of the special effects is anything to shout about. There are no obvious expensive CGI effects (although there could have been a few, very brief ones with the black ghost), no lighting bolts and definitely no bullet-time. But all the white make-up works remarkably well, and in fact, the presence of more special effects could have ruined the movie.

The music and sound direction are excellent. The croaking/rattling noise
should be nominated for Best Supporting Noise in the next Academy Awards.

The only thing to mar the excellence of Ju-On is the ending. Some clues to the mystery of the house and the haunting are seemingly revealed to Rika, the character from the first segment who is also featured in the last.

However, they are so convoluted and without any precedence in any of the
other segments that the finale becomes quite confusing. They should have stuck to scaring the audience's pants off rather than trying feebly to inject some explanation as to what the motives of the ghosts are.

Ghosts that haunt and kill without reason are scarier than ones that
have them. Though not quite a classic as The Ring, this Japanese horror movie is pretty much the scariest film ever to reach our shores.
It is leaps and bounds ahead of any Hollywood thriller in terms of scare-factor, but suffers a bit from the attempt to give it a `normal' ending.

Watch Ju-On. It is definitely worth the ticket price.

.. lepas baca review ni ...buat aku nak sangat nengok citer ni ... dah lama tak jerit sebab nengok wayang ni! hehehehe ...

[ Last edited by Paja on 14-11-2003 at 12:12 PM ]

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Post time 14-11-2003 12:11 PM | Show all posts
filem korea ngan vietnam pun banyak menghasilkan filem2 seram.....cuma kita terlalu ditonjolkan dengan filem seram dari barat dan jepun...apa kurangnya??

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Paja This user has been deleted
Post time 14-11-2003 12:13 PM | Show all posts
itulah grind ... kita banyak terlepas filem2 yang menarik .. baik dari genre seram, drama, thriller etc ... terlalu banyak disogok dari hollywood. tak tau mana silapnya ..penonton atau pembawa filem?

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Post time 14-11-2003 12:33 PM | Show all posts
ntahla...kena salahkan producer yang buat filem tuh,sebab tanak pasarkan kat malaysia...dan kena salahkan FINAS gak,sebab banyak sangat nak banned tuh banned nih....ciss...

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Post time 14-11-2003 01:20 PM | Show all posts
Best cam tu ke...

Aku nak beli DVD cite ni...tengok kat rumah boleh pegang bantal peluk....buat tutup muka bila climax...hantu mai.....

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Post time 14-11-2003 05:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by GRINDSAKHTANIC at 2003-11-14 12:11:
filem korea ngan vietnam pun banyak menghasilkan filem2 seram.....cuma kita terlalu ditonjolkan dengan filem seram dari barat dan jepun...apa kurangnya??

Errk...sebenarnya selain Jepun dan barat kita juga banyak disogokkan dengan filem seram dari Korea...tengoklah tahun ini dah 2 filem seram korea masuk....Tales of two sisters ngan White room...

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Post time 14-11-2003 05:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Paja at 2003-11-14 12:09:
banyak betul citer hantu jepun kebelakangan ni ... makes me think that Japanese only produce horror movies only. Macam GAIA pernah cakap .. Jepun banyak filem2 yang bagus .. kenapa tak dibawa masuk ...

Btol tu kaka Paja.....sejak bulan 6 saya sudah menonton sebanyak 8 buah filem jepun genre drama dan komedi yg ditayangkan secara percuma di MTC setiap sabtu pertama dan ketiga....boleh dikatakan semua filemnya bagus...dan kebanyakkannya benar2 menghiburkan...... hairan juga kenapa filem2 sebegini susah untuk masuk pawagam arus perdana...walhal bukannya ada unsur2 seksual atau keganasan yg melampau...kadangkala ada juga filem jepun yg masuk...tetapi biasanya hanya di GSC International Screen selalunya......

Walau apapun...Ju-on dikatakan seram dan mendebarkan...mereka di forum ini pernah membincangkannya.....

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Post time 14-11-2003 05:28 PM | Show all posts
saya dah mergekan kedua topic Ju-On

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Post time 14-11-2003 06:16 PM | Show all posts
Ju-On ialah filem Jepun terseram pernah aku tonton.

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Post time 14-11-2003 06:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cocklea at 18-10-2003 02:59 AM:
lambatnyer, dvd9 dia dah kuar pon.

cpat nye DVD9 dier dah kluar.. hish! x bley jadi nih.. musti pg kedai skarang.. nengok promo cambesh je.. dalam slimut ade... hish! seram nye!!!!!!:eek:

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Post time 14-12-2003 01:04 AM | Show all posts


aku br jer nengok citer nih sbb ader vcd kat umah.memuler tgk cam takut jerk citer biler dah abis cam boring pulak sbb aku x paham langsung citer dier pasal aper.sesaper yg dah nengok leh citer sket x citer nih cam ner.:stp:

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Post time 14-12-2003 01:40 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by babycc at 2003-12-14 01:04:
aku br jer nengok citer nih sbb ader vcd kat umah.memuler tgk cam takut jerk citer biler dah abis cam boring pulak sbb aku x paham langsung citer dier pasal aper.sesaper yg dah nengok leh c ...

yeah babycc...aku combine kan Ju on yg ko post tu ngan posting lama2...mungkin ada jawapan kat sini...

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syuhada This user has been deleted
Post time 14-12-2003 01:44 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by babycc at 14-12-2003 01:04 AM:
aku br jer nengok citer nih sbb ader vcd kat umah.memuler tgk cam takut jerk citer biler dah abis cam boring pulak sbb aku x paham langsung citer dier pasal aper.sesaper yg dah nengok leh c ...

ala citer nih pasal sorang lelaki kaki dera. bunuh isteri dan anak dia kat rumah. lepas bunuh tuh, laki tuh dijumpai mati jugak. so umah diorang tuh jadik berhantu la..kiranye, sesiapa yang dok atau pernah jejakkan kaki kat rumah tuh kendian sure akan hilang atau kena bunuh.

cerita dia wat camtu nak kasik keliru. dia wat la scene nih dulu, then scene yang patutnye berlaku dahulu, dikemudiankan. camtuh je.. betul tak aku citer nih?

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Post time 14-12-2003 12:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by syuhada at 2003-12-14 01:44 AM:
cerita dia wat camtu nak kasik keliru. dia wat la scene nih dulu, then scene yang patutnye berlaku dahulu, dikemudiankan. camtuh je.. betul tak aku citer nih?

no wonderlah aku keliru ari tu .. sbb aku tak tgk dr mula .. tgk separuh masa ke 2 jer .. tapi masa scene paling terakhir tu .. apa maksud dia? .. watak utama tu pula tukar jadi hantu rumah tu ke?

btw .. nak tanya korang .. filem ni dah ditayangkan kat cinema ke bulan lepas?

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Post time 14-12-2003 12:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Paja at 2003-11-14 12:09 PM:
hmmmm .. negara ni berpolisi pandang ke timur tapi filem2 masih lagi pandang ke barat.

hehe .. maybe sbb polisi tu tak mencakupi industri hiburan kot ..

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