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Author: mbhcsf

Piagam Madinah - Medina's Charter

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 Author| Post time 15-8-2016 01:23 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 15-8-2016 01:34 AM
baulu replied at 14-8-2016 09:37 AM
Sy selalu dgr prof sham ni kat ikim. I believe this  article is a watered down version of what s ...

delusional is  quite  hahah a term to use  hahaha...  i don't know her intention of writing this artcile.interpretations though can be of anything .

i think it is prety clear cut to  me that she  tried to highlight  the fact that under Islamic style of pilitics - dont worry about your rights - it is based on wisdom, justice and everything that is positive.

well - when allah approved something that is alwys positive including the hikmah for future generation. tetambah lagi ia nabi/rasul. sebab 'kita kan sedia maklum yang 'tidak bijaksana' bukan sifat rasul . sifat mustahil.

kalaupun piagam medina null and void after  all those wars pun, so be it - because medina has already estblished herself as one of the best political and economic centres anyway.

yes- i am not afraid to say - that yes  model ( MODEL ) PM adalah sesuai untuk memberikan idea yg pluralism - islam dah recognised on pluraislm in terms of 'recognising diversity' BUT NOT  to be confused with religious pluralism.

dalam konteks Malaysian nak kata sampai tukaq constituition nak buat pigama madinah  ada banyak cabaranlah - quite a far fetched idea cumanya sebelum tu ada pelbagai cabaran yang kita kena settled dulu  akibat kesan penjajahn british jugak ni.
dualism -  hak mahkamah syariah dan mahkamah sivil, dualism of certain things.
org ada cara dia memasing untuk sumbangkan  pada silam selain menjaga iman memasing , some people dalam kedudukan dia dan pengaruh dia can do as much so ..yeah i salute those yg  menyumbang.

she might want to rebuilt a model / hasil penilaian dia dalam undang ? may be proposing or exploring the models  of law...
tapi susah dunia sekarang ni ...

tapi i terfikir bukannya  Allah tak tahu kan semua ni akan wujud bila akhir zaman ni...
well ...ijtihad lah kot based on sumber sumber utama.


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 Author| Post time 15-8-2016 01:37 AM | Show all posts
baulu replied at 14-8-2016 02:05 PM
Dia tak pernah kata nk tukar constitution, dia pun realistic. Kekangan yg ada, hanya boleh make do ...

well inspiring is not allways a bad thing knowing what she has done and capable of doing.  i think she is trying to send across the message  that  tak payah allergic sangat  etc etc,  kan dia ambik contoh sebatan under civil law - sampai dia tengok nak menangis ebab seksa sangat tapi undr model sebat hudud - dia nak tergelak sebab syara syarat tu
so , yeah - i mean pada i , kalau dia dah cuba sbenayk tu  dan saya pun tak mampu buat sedemikian then i salute daya usaha dia.

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 Author| Post time 15-8-2016 01:41 AM | Show all posts
Only Britain, New Zealand and Israel have not written their constitutions. States (country) with unwritten (not codified) constitution, have convention (constitutional practice/custom) as their policy and administrative guidelines.

buy the way someone has mentioned to me this fact , about3 years ago...

so what is the basis of british constitution ? magna carta , ke?


sesiapa tahu seerah british sikit? curious pulak.

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 Author| Post time 15-8-2016 04:49 AM | Show all posts

SEDIKIT tentang Akta 355

Edited by mbhcsf at 15-8-2016 04:51 AM

DANA SYARIAH, AKTA 355 Pejabat-pejabat Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) diserbu ribuan pencarum sejak Isnin lalu bagi mendaftar Simpanan Syariah yang baru diperkenalkan. Suasana bagaikan orang ramai mahu membeli tiket final perlawanan bola sepak Liga Perdana. Para pencarum termasuk bukan Islam memberikan sambutan yang agak luar biasa kepada pembukaan dana itu. Dana sebanyak RM100 bilion iaitu kira-kira 15 peratus daripada keseluruhan aset pelaburan KWSP berjumlah RM681.71 bilion sehingga akhir Mac lalu, diperuntukkan untuk simpanan tersebut bagi 2017 berdasarkan 'siapa cepat dia dapat.'     Awang ucapkan tahniah kepada pengurusan KWSP atas pembukaan dana yang mendapat sambutan hebat itu. Ketika instrumen Islam dalam sektor kewangan dan pelaburan diterima baik oleh bukan Islam, lain pula bagi perundangan Islam.
Terbaharu, tekanan makin diperhebatkan oleh pihak tertentu untuk menolak pindaan terhadap Akta 355 bagi memperkasakan bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah. Ini termasuk tindakan Persatuan Hokkien Malaysia melancarkan kempen mengumpul sejuta tandatangan bagi membantah pindaan tersebut. Menghairankan, walaupun pindaan Akta 355 hanya membabitkan orang beragama Islam, ia mencetuskan kebimbangan berlebihan oleh banyak pihak bukan Islam. Awang boleh faham jika umat Islam melihat tindakan persatuan itu yang mendapat sokongan MCA sebagai campur tangan kepada hal ehwal umat Islam. Suara-suara mahukan umat Islam bangkit sebagai respons sudah kedengaran.  Maka semua pihak perlu bertenang bagi mengelakkan mudarat makin besar kepada keharmonian negara. Usah biar bara menjadi api.   

- See more at: ... thash.tFl3xQOT.dpuf

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 Author| Post time 15-8-2016 04:54 AM | Show all posts
daripada aspek pengetahuan asaslah bagi  saya  yang inginkan penjelasan lanjut on this :

takrifan  memperkasakan mahkamah syariah?

ini dulu...

selama ini  yes i aware dualism system  ni - cumanya apa yg say ainginkan penjelasa apakah kepentingan dan  mengapa ia perlu dan implikasi pindaan ni?


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 Author| Post time 15-8-2016 04:57 AM | Show all posts
kenapa perlu ada kegusaran ? adakah i aspeculation based - atau dimainkan sentimen politik?

pada saya usaha yg membaw akebaikan tak perlu dipolitikkan dan kalau  tak tahu boleh bertanya pada agensi  Islam , sertai program mereka macam bengkel ke ape...adapun yg diwawarkan sekarang..
so ....gunalah platform ini untuk berbincang dan  betrtanya dengan yg pakar.

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 Author| Post time 24-8-2016 01:32 AM | Show all posts
Law, Justice And Being Realistic
Ditulis oleh Prof. Madya Dr. Shamrahayu Ab Aziz. Posted in The Star
AMERICA’S second President John Adams succinctly defined the principle of the Rule of Law in the Massachusetts Constitution by seeking to establish “a government of laws and not of men". This perfect phrase is the fundamental concept in all constitutional governments. All governments must act according to the law and law, being the main subject of concern, must be able to regulate in order to ensure good governance.

Similarly, law functions to regulate human conduct in order for them to live peacefully in a society, to build a nation and also to create a peaceful globe. Law is also a mechanism to provide a basis for the society to function to its best level, to protect people from harm, to promote common good and to appreciate the practice of ‘agree to disagree’ among members of the society. From the Islamic viewpoint, law also functions to facilitate human being to appreciate their existence as a creation of God. In short, law helps people to feel more comfortable to live their life to the optimum level and protect the weak members of society from all kinds of injustices.

Thus, all governments must make law and conduct the legal system with the one and only aim, that is, to achieve justice.

Consequently, in order to arrive to this noble function, law must possess certain quality. If we say that the law is that metals conduct electricity, we must be clear about what constitutes metals in order for them to conduct electricity. If we say that the functions of law is to ensure good governance and to regulate human conduct or to solve human problems and conflicts, we must make sure that the law contains the criteria that would make it an effective mechanism to carry out such functions.
Consequently, law must contain certain concepts. Law for instance, must be comprehensive in nature and be responsive to the changeability of time and place.

In order to achieve this, law must be formed from corpus of rules derived from authorities, whether from fundamentals of religion or otherwise.

In this respect, all religious law and legal system claim divine sources as the highest or primary sources of the law. Being divine in nature, it is presumed that the law is comprehensive, universal and suitable to all times. These divine sources thus, form the framework containing the general doctrines and principles of the corpus of law. The divine sources also determine the fundamental features of the law.

Be that as it may, having the divine sources does not deny human reasoning in law-making and enforcement. Human reasoning is so much needed due to changeability of human conditions. This changeability forms indispensible norms that has been acknowledged and emphasised by the divine sources and accepted by jurisprudence scholars. Meanwhile, it is logical that human reasoning must be accepted as part of the norms in law-making due to the closed connection between the human being and his surroundings.

Furthermore, although the divine sources determine the fundamentals, the details to answer the practical matters or to address proper solutions to the problems according to the need of time and circumstances require human reasoning.  Human reasoning however, is secondary in the sense that any rules or principles must be based on the primary sources and must not be contradictory to the primary sources. In addition, human reasoning must come from the highly credible.

Since religion is not only the law, but a way of life, law derived from the divine sources cannot detach itself from doctrinal aspirations; neither is there dichotomy between doctrinal aspirations and the reality of life. Thus, though divine, the law must be realistic in nature. The divine law must take reality into account and properly address it.

Indeed, reality is a real challenge to the proponents of divine law. In the case of Islamic law for instance, people shall always look at the Muslims who is seen as representing the Islamic doctrinal aspirations. People look at the Muslims as the benchmark of Islamic law. Islamic principles create real nexus from the highest ideals of Islamic doctrinal aspirations to the reality of the situations. Thus, all Muslims bear the responsibility to acknowledge the divine character of the law, and at the same time, to poster the rightful image of the divine nature of the law by making it consonant to the reality, that is to materialize the realistic character of Islamic law.

The experience of all legal systems clearly show that law is a dynamic instrument. Thus, differences of opinion is unavoidable. There may be differences of opinion in the interpretations of the divine sources, but we have to realise that no matter how different the interpretation on practical matters are, they must not affect the major institutions or the framework of beliefs.  This is also a real challenge to the divine law. ... and-being-realistic


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