baca fact yg last.. rasanya lagu peiriot tu ditujukan kat yunho.. jaejoong yg cipta..
Kia_picanto Post at 17-4-2012 20:14
fact no bape?..takdo pun?
jap... yg bwh ni pasal apa aa?... maksud aku yg yunho ngn 85 club tu...
Shortly before (as in same day, hours before) filming the couple talk for AATVXQ III, it’s widely believed that Yunho and Jaejoong had a rather intense fight about Yunho’s involvement with the ‘85 Club and Jaejoong’s displeasure with it. They’re said to have made up afterwards.
jap... yg bwh ni pasal apa aa?... maksud aku yg yunho ngn ...
ibuKA Post at 18-4-2012 12:58
ni dari blog sorang yunjaeshipper:
from wht she told me, yunjae did meet at 2001 (as we all know this already ^^) n had a close tied as friend. at tht time, jae had a GF n had an ON-OFF relationship with her for 4 years. around dec 2005, jae had a DUI incident, remember? it was rumored due to his broken relationship with his GF tht day n he called YH instead his manager or other staffs. so YH came in the middle of the night n bailed him out. after tht, (this is just rumor n i dun have any evid T__T) SME was very angry toward jae n want to take him out from DBSK. Yunho went down on his knees n begged SM (once again, it’s just RUMOR ^^). after tht, jae was kinda attached to yunho, but yunho was still oblivious about jae’s feeling. so jae wrote his feeling on a personal diary online (RUMOR again, no evid at all ^^). i heard yunho’ ignoreance was the reason tht lead the “85 Club” incident, which resulted with yunjae’ big fight. after tht yunho kinda aware with jae’ feeling. remember BARK Q interview ^^? they were sooo obvious there, lol! so the last, the poison incident happened n voila, the rest was obvious ^^!