second ep sambungan SH aritu,mmg slalu kan 1ep drg ksik pecah 2 part saje jeh
SH ari ...
Chynez Post at 2-3-2011 03:44 PM
dah pernah tanye masa tau je BB nk dtg tu... tp katanya 'SBB BER+ LAKI POMPUAN' akak dh konpemkan MAJORITI pompuan.... dia ttp tak bg... nanti lg akak cuba lg... nk lak sky kata our BB dtg ngan se7en...lg la akak gigih...
eh, yang part1 aritu dh ada sub ke>??? tadak lg kan??? kalo ada tlg bagi
cube lagik kakzu,smpai jual tix nnt..skurang2nye big bos nmpk gak ...
Chynez Post at 2-3-2011 17:01
ak da tgk yg nih.xleh blah kot maknae bkk academy.
da tuh sian jidi kene ngn KHD. seungri plak gi bakar tanye die pilih yg mane antr snsd members tuh yg die ske
chy,ak nih x mkn saman kot.kalo owang xbg tuh r yg ak bg izin kt diri seniri
jd mesti r ak gi. ...
chibi_mawad Post at 2-3-2011 04:09 PM
a'ah ntah la aku rse venue tu pon x cnfirm lgi kot..klu march mse tu jdi,mmg cnfirm ah stad..ntah la aku x sure tpi aku rsa mmg FM jeh,tpi ade handshake klu cons byk preparation nye
weh xtau la..kite tunggu je announce..aku xkira la jnji drg dtg
[NEWS] Big Bang hits 100,000 sales mark in less than a week!
In retrospect, it was probably a smart move for artists to reshuffle their comeback schedules, as Big Bang dominated the Korean music market in both online and offline sales.
On February 28th, Hanteo reported that Big Bang has sold a record-breaking 100,000 units of their latest mini-album. On February 28th alone, they sold 58,000 copies. This is an enormous achievement, as it normally takes top groups a full year to sell 100,000 units.
Big sales numbers in Korea are generally lower than that of other countries thanks to the prevalence and ease of illegal downloading. Last year, B2ST gained attention for being the only rookie group to have sold over 100k units, but that was with the release of four mini-albums and a grueling promotion cycle. According to Hanteo, the top seller in 2010 was Super Junior’s “BONAMONA“, which sold 129,000 units.
Big Bang also accrued another achievement, as they entered the ‘U.S. Top 10 iTunes album charts’ for the very first time, peaking at #6. Congratulations to Big Bang!
While in America Big Bang visited YG producer Andie Chung who worked on their “Tonight” MV. Glad to see them have fun! ^^ GD looks so cute with his messy hair and taeyang is of course addicted to the piano xD
Seoul, Korea — Group Big Bang’s G-Dragon (Kwon Ji Yong, age 23) revealed that he composed a song about his experience of separation.
G-Dragon, making a comeback in two years and three months, revealed on SBS’s special edition The Big Bang Show, airing on the 27th, that “Café,” composed and written by himself, is about his experience of separation.
G-Dragon said, “I have received news of separation at a café. I wrote ‘Café’ with that experience in mind.”
Meanwhile, Big Bang made a spectacular comeback through this program with “Tonight,” the title song of the mini album, stages of their hit songs such as “Lies,” talks, and parodies.
Source: JTN
Translated by Sung Kyu Chang /
While watching The BIGBANG Show on SBS, thousands of fans watched a 3-second clip of G-Dragon fliming the “Tonight” music video. However, he rapped an English verse that is not originally featured in the song. This had many fans wondering if they were also in Las Vegas to film an English version of the “Tonight” MV for the American music market.
There has been speculation over the past few months that BIGBANG would be debuting in America with 2NE1, their female label-mates.
Watch G-Dragon rap the English verse around 0:30 in the video above, after Taeyang is finished speaking.
Source: GDBIAS
OMO aku rse US debut drg nnt MV tonight neh ade GD rap lam bi lam vid ne wohoo