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Author: ColbyRaikkonen


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Post time 11-6-2010 01:01 AM | Show all posts
motip quinn dok terjerit2 "you suck 3x" masa bersalin tuh? lepas geram kat puck sbb buat dia peknen ke?

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Post time 11-6-2010 11:08 AM | Show all posts
tapi last episode sedey larrr .... sob sob sob
terharu dgn sue..... pasal dia sorang jerrr yg nak new direction menang......
sker sgt bila finn kata i love u kat lea....
puck nampak so gentleman masa tgk baby dgn quinn before idina mendez dtg tuh...
tapi quinn  expression muka dia masa tgh meneran tuh cam fail larr.... asik sama jerrr.... tapi sedey giler bila mak dia dtg tgk concert dia tuh
rindu kat emma terubat la sket pasal tunjuk dia, so cute..... tai dia dah seeing someone else kesian will....
suka sgt fichel dah back together........
cant imagine my day without glee....... x sabar nak tunggu season 2
skang tgh dengar lagu dream on will ngan bryan duet... lagu paling best in back 9 episode

i missed u glee sob sob

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Post time 11-6-2010 05:27 PM | Show all posts
rmi dlm fb glee xpuas ati bler VA menang...ada yg ckp xptt dorg menang pl yg nyanyi jessi jerr...yg lain smua backup jer..dh cam jessi ft backup singers....

laie 1 rmi gak la ckp VA punya performance serabut n xbercirikan aku ckp ari tu cam acrobatic performance...

ada gak yg speku psl quin...rmi yg speku quin akan jd cherios blk n smua perangai dia ms pregnent cam baik hati n take care akan ilang trus n she'll be the previous quin b4 join glee...aku rs pn ada kemungkinan psl dia dh xpregnent laie n perangai ada skit bau2 ms dia wat glist tu nampak ada hint yg quin akan balik ke perangai asal...

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Post time 11-6-2010 10:47 PM | Show all posts
aku plak speku jessie gile talak nak rojok balik ngan rachel masa second season nanti lg pun reason yg dia bagi masa nak kembali ke VA hari tu mcm tak cukup kuat jer..lebih2 lagi cikgu will dgn konpidennye penah kata jessie cared about rachel masa episod 21.

ataupun ada new girl student join glee club..overshadow sore rachel dan rachel pun tergugat.

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Post time 11-6-2010 10:50 PM | Show all posts
so next season nanti cikgu shelby tak jadik coach VA lagi la kan? sebab dia kata penat dan nak ada home sendiri, garden, baby etc etc.

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Post time 11-6-2010 11:02 PM | Show all posts
tgk2 shelby amik tawaran rachel kot join ND..kira bes gak la kalo dia msk jd jd New Direction of Acrobatic dh laaa..hahaha

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Post time 12-6-2010 01:09 AM | Show all posts
Reply 362# graxier06

Coach Shelby tu dier cuma coach vocal untuk VA je..

Yang buat derang macam akrobatik tu si choreographer dier yang katik yang ND cuba hire mase episode 3 ke 4 itu.

Ingat lagi x?

Benci ak si katik tuh!:@

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Post time 12-6-2010 01:52 AM | Show all posts
Reply  graxier06

Coach Shelby tu dier cuma coach vocal untuk VA je..

Yang buat derang macam ...
nameloo Post at 12-6-2010 01:09

    ok ingat sgt c katik yg pasan diva tu...hehehe

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Post time 12-6-2010 04:22 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by newrule5 at 12-6-2010 16:23

baca spoiler kata season 2 memang akan ada a new student yg akan compete with rachel as lead.

then, dentist yg katanya ngan emma tu will be played by John Stamos. korang mungkin tak tahu this guy but he was famous way back in sitcom full house together with olsen twins masa they were still toddlers! zaman 80s ni and he was damn hensem masa tuh!!

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Post time 12-6-2010 04:55 PM | Show all posts
baca spoiler kata season 2 memang akan ada a new student yg akan compete with rachel as lead.

the ...
newrule5 Post at 12/6/2010 04:22 PM

cheh betul pulak aku teka..predictable sgt

so betul2 la emma dating ngan dentist dia..aku ingatkan dia main2 jer sbb nak mengelak dari will..full hse mmg feveret sitcom aku time tecit2 dulu..ade jugak dentist yg hensem ek..cuci mata lg la nampaknye

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Post time 18-6-2010 03:21 AM | Show all posts
Santana ngan Brittany memang akan dikembangkan pun character derang next season, atas permintaan ram ...
nameloo Post at 10-6-2010 16:45

bestnyaa tak sabar. lagi-lagi si brittany tu. hehe. bimbo tapi fun!!

and miminn pun sedih tengok diorang nyanyi to sir with love. huhu

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Post time 21-6-2010 11:17 AM | Show all posts
semalam tgk cast glee kat oprah....besttt..

depa kerja 16 jam sehari....berlakon..berlatih menari...pastu p rekod lagu...fuhhh penat...

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Post time 21-6-2010 11:28 AM | Show all posts
semalam tgk cast glee kat oprah....besttt..

depa kerja 16 jam sehari....berlakon..berlatih menari ...
MsCinderella Post at 21-6-2010 11:17

best kan they all kat oprah!! they are a humble bunch of kids, yalah, masing2 kan nobody before glee. siap tak percaya yang they will end up on oprah!! masa quinn citer time they won the golden globe, julia roberts came to their table and sumer tergamam!! sweet aje!!!

sian santana, brittany, mike and matt dok kat audience aje!!

masa ryan, producer, tu cakap, they will have to be in high school for ten years to graduate, wah....dia tak nak reveal ek berapa lama glee akan bertahan!!

sue was hilarious!!

masa  they sang tu, tak lip-sync kan? sore rachel memang best sungguh kan. ryan pun asyik puji dia aje!!

puck and finn were hot!!!!!   

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Post time 21-6-2010 11:35 AM | Show all posts
best kan they all kat oprah!! they are a humble bunch of kids, yalah, masing2 kan nobody before  ...
newrule5 Post at 21-6-2010 11:28

    yer la..bagus penerbit ni..casting pelakon seluruh negara..cari muka2 baru...sbb tu glee ni jd fenomena...cumanya penerbit kat malaysia tak mau habis banyak duit casting seluruh negara..

rasanya oprah semalam tak tunjuk lak depa nyanyi believe tu...waktu promo ada pulak..

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Post time 22-6-2010 11:03 AM | Show all posts
i rasa the best part in vocal adrenaline's bohemian rhapsody was perempuan yg sebut 'galileo' tu je..
yg lain cam hampeh.. sgt robot.. nampak xenjoy..

can't wait for season 2!
dengar cite kurt akan dapat balak nanti..

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Post time 22-6-2010 12:01 PM | Show all posts
Yg oprah ni aku pi donlod jek. Rasanya dah lama dah aku donlod. Baru kuar kat tv ke?
Masa tu aku ske masa Mr Shue lawan nari ngan Mike. Pastu Cory cakap masa dia audition dia tak perasan pun selama ni dia boleh menyanyi.. hahaha... Aku rasa la walaupun ramai yg kata sore cory ni tak best, tapi aku suka sore dia. Sore dia match ngan sore Lea.

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Post time 22-6-2010 12:02 PM | Show all posts
charice will be a recurring character on GLEE

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: Charice is joining Glee. No, really this time!

When that rumor began to spread earlier this month via her loose-lipped manager, Charice herself shot it down via Twitter. “I just want to let you all know, that it’s not true that I’m going to be on Glee,” she said.

Well, it’s true now! Sources confirm to me exclusively that the international pop star is signed, sealed, and delivered to recur next season as a foreign exchange student whose killer vocals get Rachel (Lea Michele) contemplating murder.

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Post time 22-6-2010 10:12 PM | Show all posts
charice will be a recurring character on GLEE

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: Cha ...
HideGulz Post at 22-6-2010 12:02

   best kan!!! suara dia dah lah best! and single dia 'pyramid' pun best sangat!!! agak2 watak dia macam mana. ala-ala rachel jugak ke?

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Post time 23-6-2010 01:01 AM | Show all posts
after 2 weeks..aku rndu ngan glee...totally GLEEK dh ni...heheheh

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Post time 23-6-2010 09:16 PM | Show all posts
ni nak tanya korang, vocal penyanyi lagu2 yg diorang nyanyi tu, mmg vocal asal pelakon2nya ke? sedap kan....

dan cara diorang miming tu, mcm real je....

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