Originally posted by lillet at 19-2-2009 07:42 AM
mornen dear Queen my highness
Kepam Dobi is like the egg at the tip of the cactus; half alive half dead (suffocated in the KEPAM air)
she's a close friend of mine
genie eyes are so gorgeous, never sheeeeeeeeet
genie spring out from the bottle
alarm clock went dead last nite:cry::cry:
hepi friday Lill dear..............
ai thot KEPAM dobi is where the place yu want to make all ur things turn to KEPAM
giff CPR lorr
send ma regard to her okayy....wit a msg ' i hate her..!!'
not gorges but sceri ai guess...full of shittt all around d eyes
mineral bottle....can see genie clearly inside
poor yu
buy a new alarm clock wit ma face on it plisssssssssssss
forgot d smell oredi
i donno how to make yu undesetend
i giff yu d onor 2 taste it 1st
Rosie ur neibor n ur mahjung fwenzz
attap chee
Beng is ma x boiprenz
i hate margaret
u 4got coz u te fish' head
u donno BUT i know :cool:
u taste..i swallow Colourful attapchee
i follow rosie to de Spa..slim wrap
margeret is yr maid eh?Pity herso skinny
Beng is my bisness partner nowsupply PUMP
last nite margeret call me..she sent her best regards 2 u
lazybone like u...always lying down; its ok the bombing went well
if u misss it; u do the action yourself for sweet memories
ma nose sumtimes break down; produce a lot of jelly
yr bofriend fly with a broom? can I know him?
cleberbone like mine...lyin' down but stil can moyan
went well 2 d rite nose ehh
sweet memories or sweet child o mine
jelly green ehh...then yu can pack it n sell
yu will steal ma boipren
Originally posted by lillet at 19-2-2009 07:48 AM
i dun mind ma soulmate peeping...gud peeping tom
yeah yr eyes need the help of gold sheet to stay open
new season with GOLDEN host just like the TV reality show
how's yr recycled gas business doing today? a lot of customers?
peeping yu lettin go ur kepam
i need no help pliss yu need help to let go ur kepam
try to take a deep breath n push bery harddddddddddddddddd
aim doin new show called ' kepam is all u need'
wud yu laik 2b d cleaner character
bisnes bery good...aim thinkin of openin ma new branch
Originally posted by queen_aurora at 20-2-2009 12:12 PM
hepi friday Lill dear..............
ai thot KEPAM dobi is where the place yu want to make all ur things turn to KEPAM
giff CPR lorr
send ma regard to her okayy....wit a msg ' i ha ...
now only i can see...u sleep all day?
No,no kepam also making part-time..kepam is just the extra smell he put on laundry for special guests
CPR to KEPAM..ma soulmate will get angry u know
no regards to her; she is mine alone
those sheets act like gold brush eye liner...very gorjes one
alarm clock with yr face will give me nitemares
Originally posted by snowcar at 20-2-2009 01:01 PM
t is my guest house..if somebody wnts 2 meet me., they shud go there..
my real house is at antartika...
why did u said my place is such kepam..??
yu send ur guest there ehh
yu sooo bad lorr yayang.............
ai wanna go to antartika n make our own snowman 2 gether2