Author|Post time 27-7-2023 10:37 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Just nk share a few points :
Mak jewel ni keji sgt2 . I baru dpt tahu yg die songlap juta2 duit Jewel masa J lantik dia jadi her manager. Lepas tu x muncul2 dlm hidup J sampai skrg. Bapak J pun x kurang jgk alcoholic. Tp skurang2nya dia dah berubah & berbaik dgn J..
Jewel sbenarnya walaupun dah dewasa masih dahagakan kasih syg seorg ibu. Walaupun dulu mak die tinggalkan die masa umur 5 tahun, J masih bg peluang pd mak dia.
Guys if you don't come from a dysfunctional family you have no idea what it's like
Author|Post time 29-7-2023 04:08 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
adila39 replied at 29-7-2023 12:00 AM
my fav singer. apa citer dia skrg?
Yg i tau die tinggal kat Alaska skrg dgn anak laki die abg and ayah die ????.
I actually kagum jgk dgn kisah hidup Jewel ni. Sbb after i tgk ni i dpt tahu Jewel ni bijak sgt. Zaman kanak2 remaja die org lain semua sibuk minum2 ketagih dadah tp somehow J ada kekuatan to avoid all this, rsnya kalau die terjebak, life dia skrg mesti huru hara...
Ingat senang ke nak elak drugs & alcohol bila ayah sendiri pun kaki mabukkan? Hari2 tgk bapak sendiri mabuk kaki pukul la judi la ...arak everywhere. Mak dia pulak tinggalkan dia when she was 8 yo
J deserves all the happiness and stability she has now
Angelica shares how living with depression has impacted her life. Angelica Galluzzo is a mental health advocate, largely motivated by her own struggles with mental illness. After battling depression and suicidal ideation for many years, she became passionate about making an impact, using her voice to create positive change, and normalizing the struggles that many of us go through.
If you struggle with depression, you have probably had people tell you to "just be happy." I want you guys to know that you should never feel bad for not being able to turn off your symptoms like a switch. I have tried over and over to seek help through my loved ones, and failed each time. I want you to see that it is not easy to get professional help. It is not easy to talk about this. But you cannot do this alone forever, take it from me. If there is anything I want you guys to take away from this video is it that you ARE NOT ALONE. I am here and I understand and what you are feeling is valid. I also need to tell you to get professional help if you haven't already. I love you guys.
"My therapist diagnosed me with MDD & GAD. One of the BIGGEST symptoms of Depression is FEELING ALONE and ISOLATED like nobody understands what's going on in your head and even you don't understand it sometimes."
I nak share something, bila Alanna kata most of the time in a day dia x rasa apa2, no emotions. Mungkin just a few hours ada perasaan but 50% NOTHING I TOTALLY CAN RELATE. For me i rs about 70% of nothingness in a day most of my life, even with medication.
Kesedaran penyakit mental masih lagi kurang dalam kalangan masyarakat Malaysia, atas sebab itu, saya ambil inisiatif ini untuk konsikan kepada semua jawapan-jawapan kepada persoalan yang saya terima dari Instagram saya. Jika anda rasa diri anda mungkin ada penyakit mental ni, sila jumpa pakar psikiatri di hospital berdekatan anda untuk dapatkan rawatan yang sepatutnya. Perkongsian yang saya buat dalam vlog ini tidak cukup untuk diagnose diri awak. Penyakit mental, ada ubatnya. Jangan tanggung sendiri okay, dr akan tolong awak.Get well soon to all mental illnesses survivors!
Depression is on a continuum. Severe depression is often overlooked or misconstrued. It is not the same as low-grade depression. Discover the differences and signs in this eye opening interview about how to spot severe depression vs feeling depressed with Dr. Ramani Durvasula and MedCircle Host Kyle Kittleson.
We often think of self-harm as something visible, but did you know that there are ways we can harm ourselves that are not so obvious? In today's video, we'll explore the eight ways we invisibly self-harm and how we can work towards healthier coping skills. Discover:
1- Not feeding ourselves regularly2- Not taking breaks and overworking ourselves
3- Guilting ourselves
4- Perfectionism
5- Staying in unhealthy relationships
6- Overspending
7- Overspending
8- Over-exercise
Plusractical tips to break free from these invisible self-harm behaviors.
Resources to help you build healthy coping skills.Watch and learn how to truly care for yourself, both physically and emotionally.
Take control of your mental health and stop harming yourself in disguise!