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Reply #318 anonymous5050's post
nony kena panggil FBI nie wat siasatan.... |
Balas #324 errasazza\ catat
ko jd la witch tu..
tp kuar kejap2 jer dlm skrip..  |
Post-BOF: Lee Minho and Kim Hyun Joong
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Finally,weve reached a much-needed post-BOF period. Both on the actors partsand ours. For one, that抯 bye bye to pink squiggly BOF font foreverything in the world of advertising!
Now for the news. It抯been widely announced that final filming took place on the night ofMarch 29th, ending a 5-month long filming period. The production teamhas announced that fans will be 揳ppeased |
Balas #326 airwickss\ catat
aku tak mau ...aku juz...nengok je la...  |
erra....memang aku tak bole nengoklah gambar tu....
erra.....oh erra.....
leh email kat aku tak gambar yj ngan ge tu.... |
cpt btol korg ni...
semput me nak kejar... |
Balas #331 errasazza\ catat
leh ajer..
jk blum ada lg..  |
Reply #329 Jelita's post
mmg kuat mkn btol... |
Balas #329 Jelita\ catat
penuh perasaan betul dia makan.. |
me nk watak JH moahahaa kang mcm lesbo lak leh tuko2 jantina watak, tp takpe scene2 panas me pakai stand in  |
Reply #337 airwickss's post
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