Originally posted by adiwarna at 8-2-2007 05:55 PM
aku setuju 1000 kali.... tapi tgk pada list artis solo hampeh. nyanyi takat kunyah lirik & jerit membingitkan telinga & tergedik2.
bintang AF tu mawi sorang yang aku boleh teri ...
aku tau sapa yg kunyah lirik and gediks tu...PADAM kan??
hahaha...ntahnya...ntahapahapa ntah...mmg x best langsung! |
Originally posted by jue7269 at 9-2-2007 09:07 AM
Siapa artis F tu?????
Faizal? Farah? Felix? Fuad? ;)
Jac takde dalam senarai? What were they thinking? |
Reply #289 VernMrManager's post
knp takut nak bertanding ???
it's for the industry right??
atau NING malu kot kalau dia kalah..... |
Reply #328 Rhyno's post
tu senarai awal la ikut sape paling senior dlm industri :ah: |
Reply #329 tsumawee's post
malu la...sebab yang menang tu nak hantar ke international...
konsep bende ni sepatutnya di tukar..tak payah gune sms...
even aku yang minat siti pun agak kecewa kalau mawi yang menang...
tapi kalau ade artis yang lebih baik dari siti atau lagi senior dari siti menang...tak de papesangat.. |
Reply #329 tsumawee's post
its not for industry!!!its ruining the industry!!! |
Reply #329 tsumawee's post
sape yg untung? adakah industri?:no: cube ko tanya diri ko, jgn terkejut bila dah jumpa jawapan die |
sekarang ramai dah celik, bukan main ikut je kehendak org atas |
Originally posted by tsumawee at 9-2-2007 11:58 PM
knp takut nak bertanding ???
it's for the industry right??
atau NING malu kot kalau dia kalah.....
Aku jawabkan...
NING pun pandai berfikir...tau apa yg patut apa yg tidak...
Bukan main hentam ajer...apa yg sykrt rakaman suruh buat.....ngko pun buat.... |
Reply #336 ColbyRaikkonen's post
nasib baik siti under her own production:bgrin: |
Thanks to Colby, Calmille and Sayang Mulut for answering on my behalf to Tsumawee. Thanks guys.
Tsumawee, Ning nak malu ape? Yang patut malu are the people who come up with such a pathetic attempt at trying to make more money out of the viewing public in the disguise of a competition that judges not on ability or talent or criteria or experience but SMS. Now how sad and malufying is that?
I am a friend of Mawi and I support him all the way. It is not his fault that his label made him join this competition. If anything, I feel sorry for my friend Mawi yang terpaksa bertungkus lumus atas stage tapi yang dapat lion's share of the profits adalah orang lain. |
Originally posted by VernMrManager at 10-2-2007 01:36 AM
Thanks to Colby, Calmille and Sayang Mulut for answering on my behalf to Tsumawee. Thanks guys.
Tsumawee, Ning nak malu ape? Yang patut malu are the people who come up with such a pathetic at ...
kalo mcm ni....patutnye program ni kena cancel....buat research betul2......kalo tak nanti segala kontroversi yang melanda... |
Originally posted by VernMrManager at 10-2-2007 01:36 AM
Thanks to Colby, Calmille and Sayang Mulut for answering on my behalf to Tsumawee. Thanks guys.
Tsumawee, Ning nak malu ape? Yang patut malu are the people who come up with such a pathetic at ...
This is what I thought exactly...sabar Mawi nanti habis kontrak..dengan mestro..kalau nak samb demand sikit..you have to ..sepayu org tak pijak kepala |
Reply #339 cloudnine_mm's post
cancel tak untung la...:lol
32999 --->> aku tak sabr nak tunggu ni..kikiki |
Mr. Manager..I think you done a good job with Ning ..but not Mestro with Mawi.. |
lady_arviena This user has been deleted
Originally posted by VernMrManager at 10-2-2007 01:36 AM
Thanks to Colby, Calmille and Sayang Mulut for answering on my behalf to Tsumawee. Thanks guys.
Tsumawee, Ning nak malu ape? Yang patut malu are the people who come up with such a pathetic at ...
MrManager , kalau Mawi dah habis contract sambar dia ya , Marsha jugak . Suara Marsha best . |
Reply #343 lady_arviena's post
mana ada Mr.Manager nak sambar Mawi, Mr.Manager x pentingkan keuntungan tetapi dr segi kualiti, dah sah2 la Mawi tu x leh join sekaki
tetapi kalau Marsha ok la  |
wakakakak....mawi.....nak masuk dalam pencalonan ni??kelakar..... |
Reply #336 ColbyRaikkonen's post
aku tgk list aku paling nak gelak terguling2 bila:
adam, farah, ezlynn, & reshmonu tercalon untuk ikon malaysia.... oh please!!!!!!! toooooooo bad tuk jadi ikon malaysia. nyanyi? OUT!!!!!!
please jangan memalukan industri muzik. aku sokong SM bila dia kata industri malaysia semakin tenat. lebih tenat bila RIM sendiri menilai ikon dr segi populariti budak2 tak sampai setahun jagung & anugerah 2, 3 itu pun berdasarkan SMS. |
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