
rajanoora A photo of TAH and PAYONG on his 7th birthday. Alhamdullllah. Semoga sentiasa diberkati ALLAH SWT. #payongturns7 #rayqalturns7 #cucu #preciousmoments #familylove #rntrna #rntrnafamily #payong #putrarayqalramli #NoRayqal
7 January 2016 24min

malrozlan Hi Rayqal!! Uncle ucapkan Selamat Hari Lahir yang ke 7 Tahun Semoga jadi anak yang soleh dan berjaya di masa hadapan! You are good boy and i'm proud of you little prince !! cc : @noradanish
#rayqalturns7 2h
Meriah birthday Qal... Molek aje those little munchkins duduk dediam sang happy birthday song kat Qal... Teringat one munchkin yg suka cuit2/ kuis2 other people's birthday cake sampai makbapak dia kena pegang 
bertuah qal..ramai yg sayang dia...  |

kuaz9 Happy birthday Rayqal. Semoga menjadi anak yang soleh, berjaya didunia & akhirat dan dibawah lindungan Allah SWT selalu. Big Yop & ende ️ you. 11h
Happy Birthday Rayqal... semuga jadi anak soleh dan membalas jasa Mummy, Dady, Tah n Atok.. |
happy birthday qal...semoga menjadi anak yg soleh, taat pada orang tua & panjang umur |

rizalashramrnt Dearest Rayqal,
Cepat betul dah setahun since your last birthday. I can't believe that I have been a father for 7 years, you are 7 years old and today is the 7th of January. Nice number combo. You made it possible and taught me to become a father the first time.
It’s so cliche to say, but time really does fly. I clearly remember sitting down typing a letter to you for your 6th birthday, and here I am doing it again for your 7th.
I’ve been pondering what I want to say to you this year. I have a dream and my dream is to work as hard as i can so that i can provide enough for you, Rayfal and Jemyma. believe me sayang, I am always trying to be better for all of you. I am always working to challenge my own weaknesses
You are such a special boy, and you have such a kind heart. you are such a fantastic 7 year old. You are a great big brother. Your little brother and sister can sometimes be a pain, but you are patient and kind with them and they love you very much. You have a great sense of humour too, and you are always laughing at the crazy antics of your siblings
I love the fact that You still let me kiss and hug you. but I can see that you are starting to check to see if anyone is around before you kiss me back hahah. Please dont grow up too fast.
On this special day I would like to give u something that is precious to me. I have kept it safe for both my boys. It is a podium cap that I recieved when i won the Macau Grand prix in 2004. I stand to be corrected, i wasn't the first Malaysian to have won the Macau Grand Prix but i was the first Malay to have conquered the demanding circuit of Macau. Please keep it safe and dont lose it. I hope you like it!
Anyways, customary advice before I end this letter. I would like to nasihat sikit. Ingat kepada Allah, Hormat selalu kepada masyarakat semua. Hormat kepada semua kaum keluarga, be humble, jadilah seorang yang berguna kepada bangsa, agama dan negara.
Happy Birthday sayang. You may be seven, but you will always be my baby.
I love you with all my heart
Always and forever
Daddy |
Berani dia nak wishhhhh??? Mummy Rayqal kemain dia hamput kat IG Ende Cho, tetiba muka tebai nak wish epi sebeday kat Qallll??? memang nak kena caprut la kannnnnn????
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