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Author: aku1265

DSA 2010

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Post time 22-4-2010 09:26 AM | Show all posts
OKlah tu kalau Gahmen sekadar bayar Rm2 beliyon je utk 200+ PARS tu while the rest akan dicover oleh DEFTECH...maknakata masih ada berbaki lagi peruntukan RMKe-10 yg boleh digunakan...

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Post time 22-4-2010 10:59 AM | Show all posts
Dzirhan dah lama xjenguk sini kan?

Aku tengok comment dia pasal AV8 dlm defence talk.
If I may quote:

It's not PARS, it will incoporate certain elements from PARS but will be new design/chassis.
257 is the figure from deftech, the initial 233 number came about because the draft release said 233 but this was taken out from the final release, think final numbers to be negotiated between MOD and Deftech but should be around the two figures

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 Author| Post time 22-4-2010 11:21 AM | Show all posts
Dzirhan dah lama xjenguk sini kan?

Aku tengok comment dia pasal AV8 dlm defence talk.
If I may q ...
StealthTuah Post at 22-4-2010 10:59

itu yg aku dgr dari org Deftech... Pars ni sebagai referance... so akan dibangunkan utk ikut kesesuain local terrain... input dari trial dulu termasuk dari pirahna & rosomak juga akan digunakan...

anyway baru aku tau rupanya system starstreak tu bukan fire & forget system... masih kena guide missile ke target mcm starburst jugak... yg lawak masa duk sembang dgn askar british yg explain system tu dia tunjuk demo... dari 6 kali try...sebijik aje yg hit target..... dia kata aritu hand eyes coordination dia off...

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Post time 22-4-2010 11:35 AM | Show all posts
Dah tentu, starstreak still pakai laser targetting. Cuma improved dari segi control system.

Notably, perubahan missile paling extreme

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Post time 22-4-2010 12:03 PM | Show all posts
- Starstreak has a number of advantages over infrared guided, radar guided, and radio command MCLOS/SACLOS (Blowpipe or Javelin) missiles:
* It cannot be jammed by infrared countermeasures or radar/radio countermeasures. [5]
* It cannot be suppressed with anti-radar missiles.[5]
* Its high speed makes it more likely to be able to intercept a fast moving aircraft.
* Three submunitions increase the size of the lethal area, increasing the probability that the target will be hit by at least one submunition. This is partially reduced by the missile's attack pattern (see disadvantages).
* Its high speed reduces the amount of time for effective usage of any potential countermeasure, such as the beam maneuver or illuminating the guidance laser source with an eyesight damaging battlefield laser.
It is much quicker reacting than infrared guided MANPADS, with no seeker cooling-down period required.
* The guidance laser has a low energy level, making detection more difficult for a laser warning receiver system.

:: Disadvantages
* The major disadvantage is that the submunitions, having no proximity fuze, need to strike the target to do damage, a near miss would do no damage to the target.
* The guidance laser may be detected after the missile is fired, if the target aircraft is equipped with a suitable laser warning system, unlike entirely passively guided Infrared homing systems. Infrared launch signature detecting MAWS tend to be subject to a high false alarm rate, and the radar based MAWS radiate an easily detectable signal, giving away the presence of the aircraft.
* Battlefield obscurants such as smoke can degrade the ability of the missile operator to see the target, and can also interfere with the guidance laser.
* The training level of the operator is critical since, unlike infrared guided missiles, the operator has to track the target exactly with the sighting unit aimpoint (SACLOS).

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Post time 22-4-2010 12:03 PM | Show all posts
- Starstreak has a number of advantages over infrared guided, radar guided, and radio command MCLOS/SACLOS (Blowpipe or Javelin) missiles:
* It cannot be jammed by infrared countermeasures or radar/radio countermeasures. [5]
* It cannot be suppressed with anti-radar missiles.[5]
* Its high speed makes it more likely to be able to intercept a fast moving aircraft.
* Three submunitions increase the size of the lethal area, increasing the probability that the target will be hit by at least one submunition. This is partially reduced by the missile's attack pattern (see disadvantages).
* Its high speed reduces the amount of time for effective usage of any potential countermeasure, such as the beam maneuver or illuminating the guidance laser source with an eyesight damaging battlefield laser.
It is much quicker reacting than infrared guided MANPADS, with no seeker cooling-down period required.
* The guidance laser has a low energy level, making detection more difficult for a laser warning receiver system.

:: Disadvantages
* The major disadvantage is that the submunitions, having no proximity fuze, need to strike the target to do damage, a near miss would do no damage to the target.
* The guidance laser may be detected after the missile is fired, if the target aircraft is equipped with a suitable laser warning system, unlike entirely passively guided Infrared homing systems. Infrared launch signature detecting MAWS tend to be subject to a high false alarm rate, and the radar based MAWS radiate an easily detectable signal, giving away the presence of the aircraft.
* Battlefield obscurants such as smoke can degrade the ability of the missile operator to see the target, and can also interfere with the guidance laser.
* The training level of the operator is critical since, unlike infrared guided missiles, the operator has to track the target exactly with the sighting unit aimpoint (SACLOS).

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Post time 22-4-2010 12:08 PM | Show all posts
Dzirhan dah lama xjenguk sini kan?

Aku tengok comment dia pasal AV8 dlm defence talk.
If I may q ...
StealthTuah Post at 22-4-2010 10:59

oh..ok baru faham....deftech develop APC baru berdasarkan platform PARS la ni....

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Post time 22-4-2010 12:18 PM | Show all posts
oh..ok baru faham....deftech develop APC baru berdasarkan platform PARS la ni....
Periuk_api1209 Post at 22-4-2010 12:08

    yup....tu la...kita ni cepat sangat melatah bila tgk figure yg bilion2 ni....

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Post time 22-4-2010 12:31 PM | Show all posts
Reply 308# lkick2113

Scara praktikal nyer, patut nyer kita beli jea yg da develop n battle proven. Kata kita nyer condor/sibmas perlu ganti sgera takkan nak tgu belasan tahun br fully operation...

Satu pembaziran tbesar kalo projek nei lingkup...

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Post time 22-4-2010 12:45 PM | Show all posts
Reply  lkick2113

Scara praktikal nyer, patut nyer kita beli jea yg da develop n battle proven. K ...
yaminz Post at 22-4-2010 12:31

    bro...cuba pandang dari sudut positif... kalo kita tgk regional punye defence firm, mcm pindad, PTDI, ST marine, ST technology, etc.. dah boleh berbangga dg product diaorg even though initially diaorg bermula dari copy aku rasa malu, sampai bila kita nak jd pengguna ni la platform terbaik yg aku rasa gov nak encourage company tempatan supaya boleh keluarkan product pertahanan bermutu yg diharapkan boleh dieksport....zaman sekarang org lebih tgk pada battle proven or not, tapi x der usaha nak enhance capability yg sedia ada....aku amik contoh mcm mane M1 Abrams MBT dihasilkan....dulu masa WW2 MBT jerman (tiger) memg jadi igauan buruk pada US,UK dan France, coz senang je Paton kena titik dek tiger ni, so bertitik tolak dari situ, US wat kajian dgn mengambil semua input dari semua jenis MBT di seluruh dunia....cost dia develop Abrams ni aku x ingt tapi makan bilion dollar berbalik kpd kes ni, aku rasa gov memang wat tindakan bijak dgn encourage local deffend firm untuk develop our indegenuos APC.....

lkick~setiap kejayaan memerlukan harga yg tinggi...

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Post time 22-4-2010 01:01 PM | Show all posts
Reply 310# lkick2113

Agreed... Takkan kita dok tgk org len kan...
But, rm8billion too much tok ifv development n r&d, lgpun budget kita bukan nyer banyak... duit pun tarak...
tp biar la bpada2...
Cuba tgk org selatan n seberang laut, diorg beli lisenced build n pastu trus production.
Yg teres nei plak diorg buat rnd bg better solution dr original version.

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Post time 22-4-2010 01:08 PM | Show all posts
aku thlah yg kita akan produce kenderaan pars ni, klu betul2 nak develop, cari lah kenderaan yg betul2 proven, yg tak ditolak, kan lebih baik, dari yg baik kepada yang lebih baik, klu betul2 nak naikkan industri tempatan, kajilah kenderaan yg lebih hebat, mcm patria dan piranha, klu tak pun boxer atau nexter, yg terbaru, kenapa pars, klu dah sampai 8 billion, dah alang2, kaji lah kenderaan yg battle proven , kan sama gak. ttp dapat lesen pengeluaran, turki pun beli blueprint gak dr korea, mbt lagi.

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Post time 22-4-2010 01:09 PM | Show all posts
Reply  lkick2113

Agreed... Takkan kita dok tgk org len kan...
But, rm8billion too much tok ifv ...
yaminz Post at 22-4-2010 13:01

    ok bro...bussines ni ade marketing mungkin serampang 2 mata, yg mane Deftech nak wat RnD dan license production simultaneously...maybe diaorg akan jadi regional FNSS/denel punye agen untuk maintenence or manufacturer and at the same time wat RnD, ni mungkin berneza dgn ape yg PINDAD,PTDI,ST Marine etc. buat...

lkick~ni pendapat aku lah...

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Post time 22-4-2010 01:09 PM | Show all posts
Kuala lumpur (ANTARA News) - PT Pindad dan WGR Malaysia, di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, menyepakati penjualan enam panser 6X6 "Anoa" produksi Pindad.

Kesepakatan itu dituangkan dalam nota kesepahaman yang ditandatangani kedua pihak di arena "Defences Services Asia Exhibition and conference 2010", di Kuala Lumpur, Kamis.

Penandatanganan disaksikan Menhan Purnomo Yusgiantoro dan Menteri BUMN Mustafa Abubakar.

Panser 6X6 Pindad merupakan kendaraan tempur pengangkut personel dengan sistem penggerak roda simetris yang dirancang khusus untuk TNI AD, khususnya kavaleri.

Panser ini dapat mengangkut 10 personel dengan tiga kru, satu komandan, dan satu "gunner".

Panser juga dilengkapi dengan "mounting" senjata 12,7 mm yang dapat berputar 360 derajat.

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Post time 22-4-2010 01:10 PM | Show all posts
ini bkn pasal kerajaan hbskan Rnd dlm bidang pertahanan, tp pasal ambil cth yg salah, ambil kenderaan yg dah ditolak awal2 dr negara pengeluar, ambillah dr kenderaan yg digunakan bnyk negara, barulah blh market kenderaan ni. ambil yang baik, kita buat yg lebih baik , bkn ambil yg ditolak, kerana hasilnya nnti akan ditanggung oleh kita gak.

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Post time 22-4-2010 01:16 PM | Show all posts
ada yg kaitkan pasal blh pasang turret yg sama dgn adnan sbb tulah pilih pars, nak tergelak aku dengar, patria ni pun apa yg kurangnya, kenderaan generasi br semuanya bentuk modular, jd kenderaan ni , bokleh dikonfugirasi dlm pelbagai bentuk maknanya blh dilengkapkan dengan pelbagai peralatan, klu dah alang 2 nak rekabentuk, baik ambil boxer sebagai cth, yg ni kalu belanja sampai 10 billion pun aku setuju, aku rasa forumner lain pun setuju.

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Post time 22-4-2010 01:16 PM | Show all posts
Reply 314# @hli

    yang pindad ni berapa lak, 18 billion?

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Post time 22-4-2010 01:23 PM | Show all posts
Reply 317# hyazinth79 Sumpah aku tersembur air coke sambil baca comment kau neyh, kekekeke, takdela bro, Anoa ni dari funding UN untuk peacekeeping mission di Lebanon, rilex bro, cool, ahaks~

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Post time 22-4-2010 01:25 PM | Show all posts
Reply 241# d'zeck

    cadangan aku pakai nama AV8billion, terbeliak biji mata tgk no 0 tu banyak2

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Post time 22-4-2010 01:26 PM | Show all posts
Reply  lkick2113

Agreed... Takkan kita dok tgk org len kan...
But, rm8billion too much tok ifv ...
yaminz Post at 22-4-2010 13:01

off topic
bro...pindah la umah baru

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