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Author: naz


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Post time 23-6-2006 04:01 AM | Show all posts
butter chicken sedap makan dengan pitta bread, naan takpun dengan nasi+yogurt...

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Post time 27-6-2006 12:03 PM | Show all posts
mr.nice....maklang dah try ayam Ghee tu...<> macam masak kari jerk....nanti nak try ayam keledai plak...

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emma_rafie This user has been deleted
Post time 10-8-2006 04:04 PM | Show all posts



So kepada sesapa yang penggemar masakan india, tentu tau kan resepi nak buat rasam ni...kalu bole tempek ar resepi tu kat sini...tiba2 jer teringin nak makam.......:bodek:

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Post time 12-8-2006 06:54 PM | Show all posts



1 ekor ikan jenahak/merah/bijik nangka dsb - potong kecil
3 sdm rempah kari ikan - penuh bumbun
9 ulas bawang merah - hiris
5 ulas bawang putih - hiris
1 sdm halba campur
1 sdm cili mesin
1 kotak santan
1/2 cawan minyak atau lebih
3 tangkai daun kari - lurutkan
segumpal asam jawa - rendam dalam air
2sdk garam
1sdk perasa ikan bilis

Bahan tumbuk:-
5 ulas bawang merah
3 ulas bawang putih
1 sdk jintan manis biji
1 sdk jintan putih biji
2 sdk lada hitam biji

Bahan sampingan:-
2 biji terung bulat ungu/putih - potong baji
6 batang bendi
2 biji tomato - potong 4
1 biji bawang besar - potong baji
3 biji cili hijau - belah tgh tapi jgn putus

1. Dalam periuk masukkan minyak dan biar panas.
2. Masukkan halba campur,goreng sekejap dan masukkan daun kari.Biar halba dan daun kari 'masak' sedikit baru dimasukkan bawang merah dan bawang putih.Biarkan sekejap di atas api.
3. Di dalam mangkuk..masukkan rempah kari bersama air panas.Kacau sehingga rempah tidak berbintil-bintil.Kemudian masukkan cili mesin ke dalam mangkuk tadi.Masukkan bahan tumbuk juga.kacau2 dan ketepikan.
4. Pastikan bawang ditumis sehingga garing [color dia mmg kuning nak garing betul]
5. Tuang bahan2 dalam mangkuk tadi ke dalam periuk.Kacau sekejap dan tudung dgn periuk.
6. Dalam pada itu boleh siapkan terung.Potong 4 terung.
7. Kacau rempah sehingga benar2 masak dan pecah minyak.Sampai mercik2 kat tanganlah!
    [Lebih kurang mcm dok kacau dodol laa]Bukak tudung dan kacau lagik..tutup balik..pastu dalam 5 minit kacau lagik sampai benar2 masak.[part nie yg penting..rempah kena masak btoi2]
8. Masukkan terung dgn sedikit air.Bila terung dah empuk masukkan air asam dan santan.Ya ng nie kalau rasa pekat sgt kuah tu,boleh masukkan air.tapi jgn byk..tuang skett2 dulu..
9. Bila dah menggelegak,baru masukkan ikan,kacang bendi,bawang yg dipotong baji.Perasakan dgn garam dan perasa ikan bilis.
10. Bila ikan dah masak,tutup api dan masukkan buah tomato yang dipotong 4 dan cili hijau.

sediakan bahan2 [bawang merah..bawang putih..daun kari]

dan jugak halba campur..

bahan2 tumbuk [jintam manis/putih/lada hitam/bawang merah dan bawang putih]

rempah ikan..

rempah yang dah campur air panas..sedang nak masukkan cili mesin diikuti bahan tumbuk..

pastikan bawang digoreng mcm nie..agak garing..

apabila dah masuk rempah dan kacau sehingga pecah minyak..

apabila rempah dah masak..masukkan terung dgn sedikit air..

asam jawa sebesar penumbuk..rendam dalam air..lebih kurang dalam 2 cawan..

ikan yg dah siap nk masuk dalam periuk..

bahan2 sampingan..

apabila dah masukkan bendi dan bawang..
tomato dan cili hijau dimasukkan lepas dah tutup api..



[ Last edited by  NoorMasri at 6-11-2006 11:22 PM ]



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Post time 13-8-2006 01:04 PM | Show all posts

Rupa2nya korang sebut ni ikan jenahak. Saya paling suka makan ikan ni. Nanti nak cuba resipi Kacip Fatimah ni. Mengancam sungguh!!! Dahlah saya suka makan masakan berempah mcm ni.

[ Last edited by  Kacip_Fatimah at 13-8-2006 01:24 PM ]

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Post time 13-8-2006 01:27 PM | Show all posts
tempat Bai panggil jenahak apa?!
ikan nie mmg sedap Bai..kalau bakar lagikk sedapp!
kat sini harga dia boleh tahan mahal laa jugak..
nanti dah cuba jgn lupa kasik feedback yea..

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Post time 13-8-2006 01:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #306 Kacip_Fatimah's post

Kalau tak silap kat sini org panggil ikan selayang or selayah. Saya bab nama ikan tertentu memang fail. Saya selalu describe kat org rumah ikan sisik besar & tulang besar. Harga ikan ni satu kg dlm RM10 - 12 mcm tu lah. Ni kalau beli kat wet market di Gambier Rd. Kalau tempat lain tak taulah pulak.

BTW, kepala ikan ni sedap masak kari. Teringat kari kepala ikan makcik yg Tganu tu - yg kena saman hari tu.

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Post time 13-8-2006 01:44 PM | Show all posts
mmg sedap Bai..dulu saya suka sgt masak kari kepala ikan nie..tapi laa nie hb taknak makan kepala ikan makan isi aje..
kalau nk makan kepala ikan..jgn dibelah2 kepala tu..biar seketul mcm tu..
masa nk hidang plak..tambah skett daun pudina dan beberapa kerat daun bawang..

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Post time 13-8-2006 06:55 PM | Show all posts
sesapa ada resepi payasam..buleh tak tempek kat sini?thank you

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Post time 14-8-2006 08:46 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 13-8-2006 01:04 PM

Rupa2nya korang sebut ni ikan jenahak. Saya paling suka makan ikan ni. Nanti nak cuba resipi Kacip Fatimah ni. Mengancam sungguh!!!  ...

Bai, giney kita nyebut ikan tok tek? aku nang fail lalu mun part nama ikan.. nak ditauk ku ikan kembong, ikan pari, ikan duey (bawal), ikan bulu and ikan tenggiri.. hahaahaha

[ Last edited by  Kacip_Fatimah at 14-8-2006 05:52 PM ]

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Post time 14-8-2006 08:55 AM | Show all posts

Reply #310 CoKeLat-RaWkZ's post

Kamek nyebut ikan selayang. Best ikan tok. Mun polah fishball pun sedap. Ari ya molah kari kepala ikan makei ikan tok. Nang yummy sampai menjilat jari.

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Post time 14-8-2006 08:56 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Kacip_Fatimah at 13-8-2006 01:44 PM
mmg sedap Bai..dulu saya suka sgt masak kari kepala ikan nie..tapi laa nie hb taknak makan kepala ikan makan isi aje..
kalau nk makan kepala ikan..jgn dibelah2 kepala tu..biar seketul mcm  ...

Terima kasih bnyk2 Kacip_Fatimah. Ni dah terliur bila teringat ikan ni masak kari.

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Post time 14-8-2006 09:04 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 14-8-2006 08:55 AM
Kamek nyebut ikan selayang. Best ikan tok. Mun polah fishball pun sedap. Ari ya molah kari kepala ikan makei ikan tok. Nang yummy sampai menjilat jari.

oh nak tok padu ikan selayang.  nang menar nyaman dipolah kari. eh, kamek pernah makan ikan tok masak lemak tapi di mana ya? lupak.. tp memang sedap dan berisik la ikan tok.

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Post time 14-8-2006 09:09 AM | Show all posts

Reply #313 CoKeLat-RaWkZ's post

Kamek belum pernah cuba masak lemak. Masak sup lagik nyaman Cokelat. Kelak kamek cuba masak lemak. Tapi ikan tok mahal Cokelat. Mun digoreng dgn tepung KFC pun nyaman. Makan dgn french fries, mayonaise campur dgn daun salad, roti, sos - nang yummy yummy yummy.

Kamek teringin nak makan kari ikan jenahak recipi Kacip_Fatimah ya. Bila nak pegi wet market tok?

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Post time 21-8-2006 08:45 AM | Show all posts
rasanya seafood (ikan, udang, sotong etc.... except kerang) kat kuching lah yang paling murah yang pernah rimbun jumpa.

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Post time 30-12-2006 08:22 PM | Show all posts

Rahsia Resepi Kari...

Curry Sauce

This is the most closely guarded of all the secrets of restaurant cooking.
Once prepared, it has a very smooth texture and a pale golden colour. Taste it and it is pleasant with a subtle curry flavour. Every good restaurant has a large pan of the sauce always at hand, with the recipe varying only slightly from chef to chef. It forms the base of all the restaurant curries from the mild to the very hot and spicy. It will keep in a refrigerator for up to five days, although the best restaurants will prepare no more than three days' requirement in one go. Together with your spices, the prior preparation of the curry sauce, and whatever meat or fish you propose to use, a selection of dishes can be prepared in a matter of minutes.
You will see that the making of the curry sauce is in fact simple, with no special equipment required other than a blender. It is essential, though, that you follow strictly the instructions for blending and skimming as these are the two procedures that can make the difference between a good curry sauce and a poor one.
The quantities I have given are enough for six to eight persons. If you do not require so much you may halve the quantity of each ingredient, or alternatively, freeze the remainder of the finished sauce. I have included freezing instructions where applicable. Although Indian restaurants do not normally do this, it is a perfectly good way of taking advantage of your freezer at home.

How To Make The Curry Sauce
For approximately eight main course dishes.
Preparation and cooking time: 1 hr 30 minutes approx.
2 lb (900g) cooking onions
2 oz (50g) green ginger
2 oz (50g) garlic
2? pint (I litre 570ml) water
1 teaspoon salt
1 tin (8oz/225g) tomatoes
8 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 teaspoon tomato puree
1 teaspoon turmeric
1 teaspoon paprika

Stage One
Peel and rinse the onions, ginger, and garlic. Slice the onions and roughly chop the ginger and garlic.
Put the ginger and garlic into a blender with about ? pint of the water and blend until smooth.
Take a large saucepan and put into it the onions, the blended garlic and ginger, and the remainder of the water.
Add the salt and bring to the boil. Turn down the heat to very low and simmer, with the lid on, for 40-45 minutes.
Leave to cool.

Stage Two
Once cooled, pour half the boiled onion mixture into a blender and blend until perfectly smooth. Absolute smoothness is essential. To be certain, blend for at least two minutes. Pour the blended onion mixture into a clean pan or bowl and repeat with the other half of the boiled onion mixture.
Wash and dry the saucepan. Reserve about four tablespoons of the sauce at this stage to use in cooking the chickenFreezing. Freezing is best done at this stage.

Stage Three
Open the can of tomatoes, put into the rinsed blender jug, and blend. Again, it is important that they are blended perfectly smooth, so blend for two minutes.
Into the clean saucepan, pour the oil, tomato puree, turmeric, and paprika.
Add the blended tomatoes and bring to the boil. Turn down the heat and cook, stirring occasionally, for ten minutes.
Now add the onion mixture to the saucepan and bring to the boil again. Turn down the heat enough to keep the sauce at a simmer.
You will notice at this stage that a froth rises to the surface of the sauce. This needs to be skimmed off.
Keep simmering for 20-25 minutes. Stirring now and again to prevent the sauce sticking to the bottom of the saucepan.
Use immediately or cool and refrigerate for up to four days.

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Post time 31-12-2006 06:22 PM | Show all posts
mmm... camner nak buat kari kambing cam kedai mamak tuh? ...perhh

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Post time 2-1-2007 10:43 PM | Show all posts
Preparation of Lamb
Lamb is generally the only red meat used by Indian restaurants. The use of beef or pork is largely avoided, as certain ethnic groups will not eat one or the other.
For our lamb curries we use leg of spring lamb, either fresh or frozen, according to season. The quality of your lamb dishes will depend heavily on the quality and preparation of the meat. It is essential to buy tender spring lamb and remove ? or have removed by your butcher ? all bone, fat, and gristle. Cut the remaining meat into one inch (2.5cm) cubes (except for lamb pasanda) and you are ready to proceed.
NB. All the recipes in this book are for boned lamb. If you prefer your meat unboned you may use it in this way, but remember to double the quantity.

Preparation and cooking time: 45 minutes.
For 6-8 persons you will need:
2 lbs (900g) lamb prepared as above
8 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 teaspoon turmeric
4 tablespoon reserved uncooked curry sauce
Wash and drain the meat. Place remaining ingredients in a large saucepan and mix well. Cook on medium heat, stirring continuously until the sauce begins to darken in colour (4-5 mins). Add the meat and stir until all the pieces are well coated. Turn down the heat and cook covered for 30-40 minutes or until meat is tender, stirring every few minutes to ensure even cooking.
Remove lamb pieces, leaving behind the sediment, and place in a clean container. The lamb may now be used immediately for any of the curries in this chapter, as well as lamb biryani (but not for balti meat).
Or, it can be cooled and refrigerated for up to four days. If refrigerating, skim the oil from the sediment and pour onto meat to keep moist.

Freezing. Freeze for up to two months.

Lamb Curry
This is a basic lamb curry which is simple to make. Vary the chilli according to taste for a mild to medium to very hot curry, or use a combination for chilli powder and green chillies for more flavour.
Serves 3-4.
Preparation and cooking time: 15 minutes.
5 tablespoons vegetable oil
? pint (425ml or three cups) curry sauce (page 20)
1 teaspoon salt
? teaspoon chilli powder
1 lb (450g) cooked lamb (page 65)
1 level teaspoon garam masala
? level teaspoon ground cummin
Pinch ground fenugreek
1 tablespoon finely chopped green coriander
Heat the oil in a large, deep frying pan, add the curry sauce and bring to the boil.
Continue to cook on a high heat and add the salt, chilli powder, and the cooked lamb. Mix well and cook for about five minutes.
Turn down the heat to a simmer and stir in the garam masala, ground cummin, and dried fenugreek. Simmer for a further 6-7 minutes.
Skim off any excess oil. Sprinkle on the coriander just before serving.

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Post time 12-11-2007 02:49 PM | Show all posts


try to cook this keema sebab penah makan kat umah orang punyalah sedapp..
bila kita wat lain plak rasanya..hehehe..
nie kita pakai rempah briani instead of rempah daging..
tapi sebab kaler tu tak menarik..kita campur ler skett..
roti arab beli kat tesco semalam..tu yang tak sempat2 nk try..hihihi..
sesapa yang ada resepi keema yang lebih umphh..meh laa share..



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Post time 12-11-2007 04:34 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Kacip_Fatimah at 12-11-2007 02:49 PM
try to cook this keema sebab penah makan kat umah orang punyalah sedapp..
bila kita wat lain plak rasanya..hehehe..
nie kita pakai rempah briani instead of rempah daging..
tapi sebab kaler tu  ...

kacip guna resepi yg macamana? Maisya pernah buat guna resepi kak Rossya...pada maisya sedap, tak tau le sama ke idak dgn yg kacip pernah makan tu...nie resepi yg maisya try tu.


[size=100%]500g daging cincang di cuci dan ditoskan
2 biji bawang besar didadu kecil
2 biji tomato besar di dadu kecil
2 biji kentang didadu kecil
2 sudu makan paste halia dan bawang putih
150g kacang peas
2 sudu makan rempah kari daging
1 sudu makan serbuk lada
1 sudu teh kunyit serbuk
1 sudu makan garam masala
1/2 cawan hirisan daun ketumbar
1/2 cawan minyak canola (atau minyak zaitun)
garam secukup nya

Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang besar yang telah di dadu sehingga kuning. campurkan paste bawang putih/halia, tomato dan kacau rata. Masukkan pula lada serbuk, rempah kari daging dan serbuk kunyit. Tumis selama lima minit. Campurkan daging cincang, garam dan selepas itu, masukkan pula kentang dan 300ml air, masak lagi selama sepuluh minit. Masukkan kacang peas, garam masala, daun ketumbar



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