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Author: syitaeyqa

Hanis Haizi Misqueen, Babutam, Nwantiti V79

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Post time 5-6-2024 08:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
razfira0707 replied at 5-6-2024 05:59 AM
Menipu je kerjanya

Vavi gemok ni tinggi pon nk menipu!!! Ko tu 154cm je PLG TINGGI. Xde nya lebih dari tu

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Post time 5-6-2024 08:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
divalaura replied at 5-6-2024 03:58 AM
at least adama laki fila tu dari family berduit lah jugak..
family babu tu silap2 lagi hauk rumah  ...

Babu mmg asal miskin, mskin gila2 duduk dlm hutan. Ni ada dlm sinopsis buku dia porumer tepek dlu2. Pernah masuk jail jgk, belajar xsure smpai mana. Pemahaman iols based on sinopsis tu belajar smpai high school je.

Tgk la baju2 babu, brg2 dia mana ada branded sblm jumpa hanis gemok. Tshirt armani n topi balenciaga yg hanis gemok ni belanja dkt outlet masa baru smpai LA tu la brg branded pertama babu

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Post time 5-6-2024 08:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Tak habis2 nak up kan diri. We all know all these are bull shit!!!

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Post time 5-6-2024 08:55 AM | Show all posts
ezypepper replied at 4-6-2024 11:19 PM
Nape ekkk dia suka tulis essay dalam IG story lepas tu kecik nauuuu la fonts tu? Dia tu pehal? Ban ...

ni nak buat kat rumah dia duduk skg ke? rupa skg pun dah sempit
atau dia nak pindah tpt lain?
btw dia pakai software ape ni


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Post time 5-6-2024 09:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by ezypepper at 5-6-2024 09:05 AM

Sayang gila laki lama dgn kepam dulu ya….

Banyak video lama kat Vimeo ni…

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Post time 5-6-2024 09:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
airmineral replied at 5-6-2024 08:55 AM
ni nak buat kat rumah dia duduk skg ke? rupa skg pun dah sempit
atau dia nak pindah tpt lain?
btw  ...

Client laki dia katanya, dia design ID jamban orang tu….geli tul design nya…software tatau apa…

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Post time 5-6-2024 09:16 AM | Show all posts
miracle_forever replied at 4-6-2024 03:48 PM
posture kakpam dlm the last two photos tu dah mcm suster ngesot. aneh betul posture dia. dah la bo ...

pelik kan dgn leher pun tak ada dlm gambar tu
serius ar sebegitu teruk sekali hodohnya dlm gambar
kalau real life entah mcmana la dgn gemok pendek bantat pengkoq


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Post time 5-6-2024 09:19 AM | Show all posts
ezypepper replied at 4-6-2024 10:19 AM
Nape ekkk dia suka tulis essay dalam IG story lepas tu kecik nauuuu la fonts tu? Dia tu pehal? Ban ...

bilik air weird la nih. Berpinar2 mata tengok dinding dan lantainya. Sambil mandi boleh basuh dan keringkan baju.

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Post time 5-6-2024 09:19 AM | Show all posts
Nadiabella replied at 5-6-2024 08:52 AM
Tak habis2 nak up kan diri. We all know all these are bull shit!!!

Kahkahkah. "BARE" in mind ye Pam

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Post time 5-6-2024 09:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ezypepper replied at 4-6-2024 10:50 PM
Merentan Kat Twitter dulu2 kepam ni…

Bngga betul lolos ke landen in 24 hours tu. I bet she xboleh stay lebih sbb takut immi trigger. Last2 jantan yg ko jumpa tu xpilih ko pon setakat basahan jantan je. Puiii. Jali betul2 untung ye terlerpas dari dia ni

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Post time 5-6-2024 09:28 AM | Show all posts
Edited by hagrid at 5-6-2024 09:39 AM
Cookingholic replied at 5-6-2024 07:32 AM
Hadir utk post gambar kepam berdress pepto bismol dgn caption tawakul to Allah tapi skirt dah nak te ...

Wowwww ayat dah macam Shuringai tu!
"Perancangan Allah tu hebat bukan?"

Peminat setia Shu nampaknya Pam ni hahah
Terpaling tawakul pulak tu..

Acah acah waiting for a daughter tapi tak jaga pun..
Asyik dikandangkan ja..

Kekonon nak buat surprise la nanti tetiba ada baby blasian no 2 Lebombo mekya..
Sorryla,acik forum semua dah tahuuu

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Post time 5-6-2024 09:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cookingholic replied at 4-6-2024 11:32 PM
Hadir utk post gambar kepam berdress pepto bismol dgn caption tawakul to Allah tapi skirt dah nak te ...

Kesiannye sheolls. Nampak sgt anak tu xmau dgn sheolls.

Gigih nak menayang

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Post time 5-6-2024 09:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cookingholic replied at 5-6-2024 07:32 AM
Hadir utk post gambar kepam berdress pepto bismol dgn caption tawakul to Allah tapi skirt dah nak te ...

Jijik perangai. Shes throwing shades at dyna sbenarnya ni. And pd yg xdpt beranak

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Post time 5-6-2024 09:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cookingholic replied at 4-6-2024 11:47 PM
Out topic sat. Bubur nasi marrybrown pun sedap sbb dia ada chilli oil

Ok nk try. Husbnd ada ckp his boss makan bubur nasi Mb also recommend

MB Msia punya ke?

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Post time 5-6-2024 09:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ezypepper replied at 4-6-2024 11:19 PM
Nape ekkk dia suka tulis essay dalam IG story lepas tu kecik nauuuu la fonts tu? Dia tu pehal? Ban ...

Dia ni main the sims ke mmg design utk client? Geli geleman i betina sekor ni lg. Client xminta gatal berangan jd ID. Tlg sat mana2 ID komen smula pelan dia ni sbb aritu dia kata dia xperlukan degree in ID sbb dia ada mata!! Tlg la bambu dia ni wahai ID-er sekalian

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Post time 5-6-2024 09:33 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nadiabella replied at 5-6-2024 08:52 AM
Tak habis2 nak up kan diri. We all know all these are bull shit!!!

The person who is hired to help with your kids' education is called personal tutor ya kuin, not nanny

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Post time 5-6-2024 09:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
razfira0707 replied at 5-6-2024 05:59 AM
Menipu je kerjanya

memang menipu pun..
katik bagak gitu mengaku 159cm booooo kepam bongok

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Post time 5-6-2024 09:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
fergie.abel replied at 4-6-2024 09:11 PM
Kalau tak, takkan babutam layan je kemalasan kepam ni…
Mesti kepams dok flex my daddy mcm baddah  ...

Itu yg pelik. Mcm hamba dah siap kena keje n provide pulak. Ke babu ni rasa untung ada jgk prempuan nk dia sbb dia miskin n hodoh? Body kakpam dah la hudoh gundu. Berbeza dgn ex2 babu . Xde apa 1 untung dpt hanis ni.

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Post time 5-6-2024 09:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hagrid replied at 5-6-2024 09:19 AM
Kahkahkah. "BARE" in mind ye Pam

Bare cam otak dia.....kerja menipu scammer cam dia kena kerja keras ke sampai 2 pagi??

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Post time 5-6-2024 09:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cookingholic replied at 5-6-2024 07:47 AM
Out topic sat. Bubur nasi marrybrown pun sedap sbb dia ada chilli oil

i memang suka bubur MB..
nasi kari pun sedap.
tapi masa tu husband beli mcd sebab MB jauh dari rumah

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