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Author: PrincessFiona

GOONG/PRINCESS HOURS~(updated : page 1 link hardsub/megaupload pg248

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Post time 8-5-2006 01:47 AM | Show all posts
apsal ada org ckp kat ckucin citer nie tak best.. ckucin setiap episode tak sabar tunggu habis donlot..nak tahu juga apa jadi lepas ini lepas ini lepas ini.. emmmmmm... depend pada individu kot.. Ckucin suka tgk pakaian tradisional kerabat diraja nie..colourful.. traditional game yg cam golf tu pun interesting juga.. byk juga culture dorang kita pelajari kat sini.. protokol diraja nie susah juga ekk.. setiap masa ada event kena time for ourselves.

sian chae gyeung kena belajar semua itu.. setakat ckucin tgk hingga episode 6.. geram juga ngan shin and geng masa kat pulau jeju celebrate shin punya birthday.. geng dia kutuk2 chae gyeung depan shin..shin buat nothing jerk.. bodohnya mamat.. dorang tu bodoh ker..kutuk bakal permaisuri laks tu.. geram laks ckucin tgk.. Sib baik ler kawan2 chae gyeung dtg at least terhibur gaks hati dia..

tp masa chae gyeung nangis tak dpt jumpa mak dia..ckucin nangis sama.. sian dia... kira tiap2 kali dia nangis, air mata ckucin mengenang ler juga..

[ Last edited by  ckucin at 8-5-2006 01:48 AM ]

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Post time 8-5-2006 08:26 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hhhhh at 7-5-2006 12:20 AM

That is why I feel pity him.
And when I pity him, I begin to understand him.
And as much as I understand him, I become to like him.
I know one thing for sure.
At least, Shin isn' ...

hhhhh...tersentuhnya hati ku bila baca ayat3 nie...huhuh aku baru je nengok sampai ep7

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Post time 8-5-2006 08:31 AM | Show all posts
iyalah ckucin...masa birthday shin tu...aku geram nengnok perangai kawan2 shin dan jugak hyorin tu...mentang2 lah kawan shin backup dia...kemain lagi...paling aku menyampah masa shin duduk kat kerusi...shin datang bawak kawan2 dia sebab mereka nak kasi hadiah...siap cg kena sound lagi sebab duduk kat tempat hyorin....shin wat bodoh aje...

sian nengok cg...kasi hadiah kasut kena perli...tapi yg lain tak tahu kasut tu ada makna pada cg....hehehe

tapi geram bila kawan2 shin gelarkan cg sebagai itik yg nak jadi angsa...ada ka patut???

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Post time 8-5-2006 08:59 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2823 babyface76's post

itu ler pasal..pastu perbodoh2kan si CG ngan speaking London.. cam dorang punya english tu bagus sangat.. ckucin dengar pun tak faham.. biar cam CG ckp terang.. thank you.. great party..walaupun sepatah2..

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Post time 8-5-2006 09:09 AM | Show all posts
itu lah... aku suka sgt kat citer ni sampai boleh nangis gelak dan menyampah sekali... citer ni byk msg di antara msg.. ada simbolik2 kat suasana persekitaran... ckucen lepas ko dah tgk 1st round ni.. cuba ko tgk sekali lagi dari mula.. nanti ko akan jumpa benda2 lain pulak...

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Post time 8-5-2006 09:19 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2819 ckucin's post

rasenyer shin mula suka kat cg masa bday party shin tu. kan cg bg shin kasut sekolah siap lukis muka2 kat kasut tu (kan tu first time org bg kat shin hadiah lain drpd yg lain)...then shin try pakai kasut tu..tapi hyorin interupt kut...tak hengat la...pastu biler sepupu shin (yul) tu mula rapat ngan cg, lagila shin jeles...
citer ni mmg ader part yg boring, but as a whole, kp suka tgk citer ni esp. episode 8, 16 and 20-24...episod yang lain2 pun best gak, tapi these episode yg kp tak leh nak

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Post time 8-5-2006 09:25 AM | Show all posts
Tak lama lagi makin ramailah ahli Kelab Angau Goong kita ni.

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Post time 8-5-2006 09:32 AM | Show all posts
dah abes tgk citer ni. cter ni mmglah...berhantu...mula2 tgk citer ni, kp memihak pada yul(sepupu shin). yela..yul kan very warm person, pastu layan cg baik lak tuh...masa ni rase nak ketuk2 je si shin tu sbb selalu buat cg susah hati /nangis....tapi bile lama2 tgk, makin suka kat shin, lagi2 bile shin mula angau kat cg. kp paling suka masa shin terbayang die kiss cg  kat videocam die, siap geleng2 konpius...
citer ni mmg touching la, even sampai sekarang still teringat how cool shin is, how warm yul and how sassy cg could be...and the sorrounding dlm drama ni mmg cantik.

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 Author| Post time 8-5-2006 09:38 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ckucin at 8-5-2006 01:47 AM
apsal ada org ckp kat ckucin citer nie tak best.. ckucin setiap episode tak sabar tunggu habis donlot..nak tahu juga apa jadi lepas ini lepas ini lepas ini.. emmmmmm... depend pada individu kot.. C ...

sapa lak kata tak best nie...:devil:

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 Author| Post time 8-5-2006 09:44 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ckucin at 8-5-2006 12:49 AM
ckucin skrg dah epsiode 6..Pertanyaan cousin shin tu ala lupa laks nama dia.. dia tu memang suka kat chae atau sajer main2.. pastu dia ada niat nak rampas kedudukan sebagai putera mahkota ker?? Sor ...

sejak dah pasang Streamyx nie ....bukan main lagi donlot sakan kau ekkk...:nerd:

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Post time 8-5-2006 10:40 AM | Show all posts
ni QUOTE dari SHIN lak... kat m/s sebelah dah ada QUOTE dari CG

Cheagyung_ Do you know that I love you?


.. Do you think I want to let the girl I like be trapped inside a Goong as a princess?
You and I have nothing in relation.
I don't care what happens to you, so that's why I'm marrying you.

Don't worry, she's not that pretty.
She's cute.
What?! She's cute?!
Don't joke around, do you know how uncouth she it?
That's the only reason why I didn't stop this marriage is because,
I want to see her having a hard time with the elders. Isn't it funny?

Do you believe that there's someone who can marry a girl he doesn't like, even to make her into troubles??? Because in the end, It's him who has to face her everyday!


Do I have to buy stuff like that for her?
Shouldn't she be honored that I'm at least visiting her?.
But then, he still bought the candy for her...  

What I can promise is just power.
When I get a little older, when I can do things without anyone blocking my path.
And if by then you can't stand being here and want to leave the palace.
I won't be able to stand a wife that's longing for her mom,
I can let you go.
But I'm a Crown Prince to be a King.
Though I'm still young, I know a divorce isn't easy to get.
So, just tell me right before you're about to really die, because then I'll give you a divorce.


Whether I'm married or not...
I will pick up all the phone calls that I want to pick up without thinking what's on anyone's mind

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Post time 8-5-2006 10:41 AM | Show all posts

Do you know how worried I was?
You didn't even bring the bodyguards,
I thought that you might got into an accident.

Is living inside the Palace that hard for you?
If you really want a divorce, then I'll divorce you.
Who brought up the divorce first, you jerk!
Because I didn't like you at first.
...Why did some random girl butt into my life...and with her big staring eyes, asking me this and that.
When I listen to your words, it felt like my life was all fake. All the things that I once believed
were real, felt fake within seconds.
But sometimes I think about this often.
But sometime, I would ask myself...
Will I be able to live without you?
...All in all, I bet I could live without you.
People will always get adapted to the new environment slowly.
I lived without you for 19 years, I could get used to my normal life without you.
But I might miss your presence.
Because of you I was tired, fought with you and all those time when we made up,
I think it became a habit now.
Like as if I don't do something that I have done daily, I feel empty.
How do you fix habits?
You should at least tell me how before you leave.

Just for a while...
Can you stay like this just for a while...?

...And the hug...Just wonder_he hold her suddenly like that, because he wanted to do something to make her stay and calm her down, or he hold her just because he really really wanted to held her???

Then if we go by the book, we will meet again after 2,500 years?
Most likely.
Shin Goon would probably not want to see me again.
No. I think I would want to meet you again...

Do you want to see the sunrise?
Internal officer, don't ask anything, but I'm going to escape for a while with Bingung Mama.
If the elders ask, just say we have gone with the wind.


what do you think of us living together for 100 years?
Sometimes I want to let you go.
But sometimes, I wouldn抰 want to let you go.
So, before my heart wants to let you go...
Growing old together is not a bad idea.
Why? Are you afraid of being bored again?
No, because I can feel happiness when I'm with you.

...also, because when he's with her, he feels love, like he said to Hyorin:I think I am falling for her already


Even if I'm not the Crown Prince anymore...
Please stay by my side.


After 2-3 years, going to Paris was thought to be my future.
I think something more valuable than my dream has appeared in my life.
If I were really going to go, I'd want to go with that person.


I know that I was a little harsh.
I think I lost my mind for a minute there...
Can抰 you just understand me?

I wasn't trying to act so harsh with you, I just...
I just don't know any other way.
It's not that hard. Just say what you feel!


I want to get out, I really want to get out of here!
Then what should I do? I need you.
I don't want to give up the throne anymore.
I want to try to become the perfect King now.
If I want to do that, I need you to stay by
my side, and lie to the camera if you have to.
Then what you're saying is that you
need a Crown Princess, not me, right?

Why it's always like that? Say those thing he doesn't want to say... and then, beg her not to leave when she left?

Don't leave.
Don't leave me to deal with everything alone

Hyorin's leaving the country today.
Don't you want to go to the airport with me?
I don't want to go if you don't go with me.

After the marriage, how are your feelings for each other?
I love her.
I love her very much.

To the person who had a harder choice than me,
I am still much thankful.
Please think of this common schoolgirl at least once, who had to endure Palace life, where she knew no one, with the difficult conditions of loneliness and homesickness.
She came into the Palace with small, careful steps, the middle class Crown Princess, the girl who came to be my wife, who cannot even be severe to a puppy.
Even though she lives with many tears,
I try my best not to make her cry.
I came to love this girl.

But if there were no interview, when would have he said all this? Or would have he thought about saying this?

I believed in you with all my heart. In the end, you opened your loose and stupid mouth and crushed my request.
You don't care about my heart.
Those words were from my heart.
For the first time in my life, I said those words with meaning.
You stepped on my first confession not as a Crown Prince, but as a man to a woman.
I don't know since when, but we both came along the same path.
Just as you shook me, you brought my heart out of my hidden cave...
Just like my heart was broken, I became more and more curious of you.
I wanted to see you, and with the mere thought of you, I smiled silly.
You made me into a fool.
After you make me into a fool, you bring up divorce?
The person who give up my heart is not me, but know clearly that it's you..


I waited, I waited and waited,
even though my legs were going to give out soon, I still believed that you would come.
No matter how angry you were with me, I thought that you would of came!
Watching you sit and ask for forgiveness there, it'd make me want to puke!
Even now, with all the scars you left me with... I still can't forgive you.
You're going to live here with me forever.
For all those times you left me, and for all those scars you gave me.

after that, alone in his attic, wearing the shoes she gave him on his birthday and talk to him self, it's so hard now to say what he want to say

Why is everything getting so twisted up?
What am I supposed to say at a time like this?
No one has ever taught me.
These look good on me, huh?
Don't cry.


I wanted to be free like a balloon.
When I became the Hwang TaeJa, I gave up everything.
But after I met Bingung, I was able to dream again.
I dreamed that if I was with Bingung I would be able to fly again.


I don't really know, Halma Mama.
Will Chaegyung love me, who is now no longer the Crown Prince?
I have no confidence.

Let's get married for real.
Not following the agreement made by the elders...
To the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with,
I give all my heart to propose...

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Post time 8-5-2006 11:09 AM | Show all posts
mana dapat quote cg dan shin nie arr???

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Post time 8-5-2006 11:17 AM | Show all posts
eps 20 harsub ada ke a?

tgk giler nengok baru aja selesai eps 18, makin lama makin best kat umah tgk goong kat opis tgk goong....mana2 pergi teringat aja kat goong....mmg kemaruk sangat la rasa

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 Author| Post time 8-5-2006 11:22 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 8-5-2006 11:24 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by babyface76 at 8-5-2006 11:09 AM
mana dapat quote cg dan shin nie arr???

kat soompi ler baby...

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Post time 8-5-2006 11:27 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by babyface76 at 8-5-2006 11:09 AM
mana dapat quote cg dan shin nie arr???

kat soompi... dorang compile kata2 shin dgn cg dari ep 1-24... compile suara hati shin & cg

kalau ko dah tgk dari ep 1 - 24 dgn sub... sure jumpa punya ayat2 tu... copy paste & susun jer

[ Last edited by  eyka at 8-5-2006 11:29 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 8-5-2006 11:31 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 8-5-2006 11:34 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 8-5-2006 11:36 AM | Show all posts
We are not going to be apart

Are you very sick?
You know how bad it is for your health to vomit
Why do you care?
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
I won't say I will divorce.
I won't say that I will leave the palace.
The only reason I was able breathe inside the palace was because of Shin Goon.
That's why... I want to stay with you.

If we look at things now,
I don't know if I will get dethrone from the position of the Crown Prince. Then...
The person I love is not the Crown Prince, just you.
What? What did you say?
I love you.
If my heart hurts so much, I think I love you
If you stay by my side,
I might break your wings.
I don't care.
Just say that you want me next to you.

Please stay by my side.
Don't leave.
Don't leave me alone.

[hehehe part ni la ada passionate kiss tu]

Listen carefully to my words.
No matter what happens in the future,
Trust me, listen to me.
And one more thing,
Regardless of what you hear...
Don't be sad without my permission.
I promise.
Without Shin Goon's permission, I won't be sad.

I am worried. So tell me.
After the investigation, you will be back right?

So you think I'm leaving the earth?
We are not going to be apart.

I m-missed you.
If I don抰 see you now, I'm afraid I will suffocate.
Can you say it one more time?
I missed you.
Even if I am seeing you now, I still miss you.

[hehehe part ni yg CG tersedu pulak!]

I decide to go.
Don't joke.
Didn抰 we say we won't be apart?
It is not breaking up.
I am just away temporary for a holiday.
Just take it as winter holidays.

If this is for the royal family, you don't have to do this.
What more important is your life...
Why did you bring me out?
I want to show you the world I used to live in.
Why all of the sudden?
What if the winter holidays got too long?
Then I am afraid I won't be able to show you.
Even if it's for a short while, I still want to give you the things you lost as Crown Prince, Lee Shin.

But because I am the Crown Prince, I found you.

Even if you disappear from my side, I won't ever forget this day
I will also remember this day forever

Can I ask how much do you like me?
What kind of girl are you to ask such a question so bluntly?
I want to remember this forever.
You really want to know?
(So I will show you by my kiss!  )

I wanted to be a person who looked good with you,
but it's not working out the way I wanted it to.

You don't look good with me.
You shine so much that I can't even look at you.
And because of you, I was able to know the real world.

Shin Goon!
You being like that seems like you抮e getting farther away from me.

If I go near you, I might not let you go.
I might make you forever stay here and wait for me.
Our paths are different now.
Shin Goon, come back and protect the Prince spot.
I told you before, right?
You look better being a Prince than anyone else.
I'm going to be the world's most coolest person ever
Shin Chaegyung outshined everyone that I have met before.
Shin Goon was the most loneliest person I have ever met.
I must remember the Shin Goon today.

Because this is the real Shin Goon...
Warm, honest, innocent...

"The meeting is beautiful as a flower,
the farewell will once again bring back the flower."

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