GOONG/PRINCESS HOURS~(updated : page 1 link hardsub/megaupload pg248
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Apa kata tahun depan bila season 2 dah nak start , kita buat poll. Teka whether CG pregnant or not?... |
Originally posted by hhhhh at 4-5-2006 11:42 AM
Apa kata tahun depan bila season 2 dah nak start , kita buat poll. Teka whether CG pregnant or not?...
hehehe boleh sajer...
gambar utk hari ini..
Klip lama drama Joo Ji Hoon .
[ Last edited by hhhhh at 4-5-2006 12:39 PM ] |
betul tu eyka...hhhhh...paling tak sanggup...terseksa jiwa raga bila time cg kata nak divorce tu...merata korang berdua termasuk princess...jasmine cari kat lain website betul ke shin ngan cg berpisah...tak cukup tu siap nengok dalam komik manga lagi...hahaha itu satu hal...
belum lagi bab ending...ya rabbi memang sengsara hidup aku masa nie...tak keruan...
heheh eyka ada translation tuk perhap love ke??
awat aku tak perasan arr?? |
Originally posted by babyface76 at 4-5-2006 12:09 PM
betul tu eyka...hhhhh...paling tak sanggup...terseksa jiwa raga bila time cg kata nak divorce tu...merata korang berdua termasuk princess...jasmine cari kat lain website betul ke shin ngan cg berpi ...
ada ler baby translation Perhaps Love kat page belakang tak sanggup aku nak selak...aku tak simpan kot yg lain ada simpan minta ler pastekan.. |
Originally posted by babyface76 at 4-5-2006 12:09 PM
betul tu eyka...hhhhh...paling tak sanggup...terseksa jiwa raga bila time cg kata nak divorce tu...merata korang berdua termasuk princess...jasmine cari kat lain website betul ke shin ngan cg berpi ...
aku dah jumpa
"Perhaps Love" by Howl & J (Goong OST)
I don't remember from when it was
That I started to keep thinking about you
The thoughts would appear about twice
They kept expanding and I felt a bit surprised
I kept thinking to myself that it was nothing
But it was awkward when I talked to you
Is it love? If you're thinking the same thing, then is it a start for us?
My heart keeps loving you
It's screaming for the whole world to hear
Why is it that I hear it now?
I've found love now that I've found you
Even if I try to explain my heart
The only way you would know is if you had my heart
I? already inside you
Just how you're in my heart
We might already be inside each other's heart
Is it love? If you're thinking the same thing, then is it a start for us?
My heart keeps loving you
It's screaming for the whole world to hear
Why is it that I hear it now?
I've found love now that I've found you
If I think about it now
There were many times when I was shy
But since I was late to know what I felt, I will do that much more for you
I want to be with you, I will only you give you happy memories
Don't ever leave me
Even if you're gone for a short time, I get nervous
I get scared
This is how much
I love you |
iyalah cam kena je ngan situasi shin ngan cg....tak sabarnya nak nengok season 2....heheh
eh bila arr start season 2.... |
Originally posted by babyface76 at 4-5-2006 01:17 PM
iyalah cam kena je ngan situasi shin ngan cg....tak sabarnya nak nengok season 2....heheh
eh bila arr start season 2....
February 2007.. |
Originally posted by hhhhh at 4-5-2006 03:16 PM
pening lak tgk Shin nie..pusing-pusing lol |
Originally posted by PrincessFiona at 4-5-2006 04:36 PM
pening lak tgk Shin nie..pusing-pusing lol
cuba tgk betul2 bila kepala shin pusing ke bawah jer... mata dia semua kaler hitam... |
heheh aaku sedang nengok ep 2....baru perasan waktu pertengahan ep 2 nie...masa nenek shin negok tv..baru aku perasan neneknya nengok cite samsoon....heheh ada yg perasan tak??
cite samsoon tu masa adegan samsoon atas katil..samshik tidur kat perut....
lawak pulak aku mengoknya..terer gak nenek shin nie...heheh |
takde ke sesapa yg baik hati uploadkan ep3 dan ep4 hardsub -LQ punya (bm sub atau eng sub)...
kalau ada leh aku layan hari esok...nengok waktu lunch.... |
eh nak tanya dalam ep special goong 1.5...pengacara lelaki dalam nie pernah berlakon drama kan...berlakon dalam cite apa arr?? |
ep special goong 1.5 tuh, pasal ape yek? |
huish.. pnatnya marathon dr page 1.
dkat seminggu br abeh.
byk btul gamba cgs ngan shin.
cair abeh tgk shin :mll:
memula skali tgk muka si JJH rasa takdek la ensem, tak tertarik pon :nyorok:
dah tgk byk kali ... ;):nerd: |
tak dapat clubbox la eyka...tuh yg sengsara menunggu hari nie megaupload buat hal la....adusss lagi sengsara la gamaknya...baru aja habis eps 16...entah bila plak boleh tgk eps 17.... |
korang taknak hantar b'day message kat jujihun ke?? b'day dia 16 May... sama pulak dgn b'day mak aku...
kat official website jujihun.. dorang nak compile msg sblm 6 may.. pastu hantar kat JJH... so apa lagi buat la se creative yg mungkin hantar kat dia.. mesti terkejut dia tgk ada fan dari malaysia
pegi kat http://jujihun.net
pastu pegi kat dear jujihun
kena log in baru boleh post msg |
eh, part diorg kisu2 tuh dlm manhwa buku brape?
ganas ekk diorg kisu2 :malu: |
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