Elken - Corpsdevere DX Corset vs Hai O Premium Beautiful
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DIYAnIFA posted on 9-9-2012 12:04 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
body shaper nie kna pkai bra berasingan. ada testimoni org yg slip disc pkai nie jd better. fungsi ...
Ohhh...sedang eloklah gitu. Sbb currently ku pakai long bra pb agak susah utk breastfeed or buat handsfree double pumping yg memerlukan sangkutan dkt cangkuk bra depan like a typical nursing bra.
So kalau pakai body shaper, I can straight away pakai my nursing bra without having difficulty to do handsfree double pumping when the need arise.
I ada baca set2 yg dijual, tp tak berapa faham. Kalau lingerie set body shaper meaning dpt aper? Long girlde + body shaper + bra ke?
I think at the moment I need body shaper the most. How much eh?
Or perhaps a combination of body shaper + waist nipper + long girdle. Guess, this is what my body need most pd ketika ini.....hihihih |
tina^^ posted on 9-9-2012 12:34 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Ohhh...sedang eloklah gitu. Sbb currently ku pakai long bra pb agak susah utk breastfeed or buat h ...
body shaper set - body shapingbra ,body shaper , long girdle free 1penties
waist nipper set - body shaping bra , waist nipper , long girdle free 1 penties
full set - body shaping bra , waist nipper, body shaper, long girdle free 2 penties
try la fitting dulu...
nk bli body shaper shj pun bole.. ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
DIYAnIFA posted on 9-9-2012 03:16 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
body shaper set - body shapingbra ,body shaper , long girdle free 1penties
waist nipper set - bo ...
ohhhh seems mcm i kena amek full set.
but at the moment susahla nak ukur size B tue sbbnyer skang tgh membuak buak extra ordinary bcoz of breastfeeding. my concern is after breastfeeding nanti, how???
tina^^ posted on 9-9-2012 10:04 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
ohhhh seems mcm i kena amek full set.
but at the moment susahla nak ukur size B tue sbbnyer ...
u boleh je amik the pakej but just the bra u hold until the moment u nak..u akn dpt bra dlm btuk voucher dulu..
ade sesape bole pm i full set price elken ni nak tau harga ahli
emyena posted on 10-9-2012 08:54 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
ade sesape bole pm i full set price elken ni nak tau harga ahli
ok i pm u yea..![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
tina^^ posted on 9-9-2012 12:34 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Ohhh...sedang eloklah gitu. Sbb currently ku pakai long bra pb agak susah utk breastfeed or buat h ...
body Shaper.... bra lain...... so tak de hal kalau nak menyusu ke apa ke...
Body shaper ni bleh support breast kita.. Meratakn blakang bdn... Menolong kita support our postur bdn.. dia nye fabrik cover kezeluruhan belakang bdn kita.. Ada lg dlmnye fabrik berganda d bersilang utk merataln lemak blkg bdn.. tp kan... Kt perut krg grip.. Msti nk pkai jg dgn waist nipper taw.. |
aduishhh..tak dek org yg jual trade in ke hape ker...x mampu lagi ni nk beli....kan best kalau dpt buang 'sparepart2' di perut ni before kahwin..huhuhuhuhu... |
mini1990 posted on 15-9-2012 11:13 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
aduishhh..tak dek org yg jual trade in ke hape ker...x mampu lagi ni nk beli....kan best kalau dpt b ...
ble amik dgn aeo loan. dealer ekken yg uruskn loan tu. if single set sbln rm108 je. wpun bk utk 36bln.. once u dot ka let say dividen ke bonus ke u boleh lump sum kn dkt aeon crd servis nti interest tu akn direbatkn smula... i bole uruskn utk u.. ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
Full set berapa harganya ye? Boleh pm saya.. Tq. |
zaimis98 posted on 19-9-2012 10:04 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Full set berapa harganya ye? Boleh pm saya.. Tq.
pmed u already ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
Td kwn tegur wah bontot mkin cntik.. Hehe. Suke suke..:![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif)
Sbnarnye sdg berusaha gemukkn diri. Alhmdulillah dh naik 5 kg bsm body yg solid. Bygkn klau sy x pkai dx consistently mesti body sy gemuk menggelebih.. Mklumlah dh msk 3 series dgn ank dh 4 org.. |
MLM is evil!! It's not a sincere type of business or trading. From the get go, we can already see its pyramidal structure is going to bring out all kinds of forms of supression, opression and even slavery!! It's already banned and illegal in the US, in the UK it's in the process of being banned, the Europe...and one of the factors that brought down the Eurozone to its knees was MLM businesses..can you believe that?
Kalau org putih boleh nampak, kenapa org melayu tak boleh nampak? Nak kata bengap tak juga.. Pegi universiti jugak..
I hate this Hai-O thing, one of my family member Bankrap sbb mender MLM dajal ni..berutang sana sini..tertindas..
It is lurking with evilness, selling through indirect force and opression!
Yang atas2 upline tu jadi lintah darat sedut jer darah sampai kering..dasar mata duitan!! Bila org marah, counter attack, condemn, kata kat orang jgn dengki orang lain punya rezeki periuk nasik... Banyak cantik?? Yg korang ingat carik rezeki lagu tu halal sgt lah menindas, menipu orang lain??
Yang paling saya pantang, is MLM health products... Saya ni doktor kat hospital, tiap2 bulan dok jumpa patient masuk ward sebab liver failure, kidney failure, side effects sbb herbal products MLM-4life lah, alpha lipid lah, gluthathione la, transfer factor lah, herbalife lah, hydroxycut lah....memanglah kesian, nak marah pun ada, tapi diorang makcik2 pakcik2 tua yg tertipu dengan mala'un2 MLM ni...
Woii, orang MLM korang tak sedar ke yg korang jual tu bokeh mrmbunuh orang lain!! Sedar la sikit, kalau sabit kesalahan boleh consider second degree murder tau!!
Yg pakcik makcik ni dok la cari nafkah tiap2 bulan forking out huge amount of cash nak beli pil2 kesihatan MLM ni, when diorang tak sedar, lagi membahayakan kesihatan diorang...You tindas dgn bebanan cost beli barang tu, you tipu kata pil2 ni mujarab boleh sembuhkan penyakit mujarab, you bagi diorang masuk hospital pertaruh nyawa diorang!!
Aku cerita dua kes patient yg aku jumpa kat hospital ehh:
1. Patient ni dok makan warfarin, diabetic meds, segala maknika penyakit ada. Dia beli pill transfer factor baru seminggu, terus masuk hospital sbb bleeding besar haematoma kat kaki dia. Tengok2 INR sampai 8. Kidney failure pulak lagi. Sapa malaun MLM yg jual transfer factor tu mmg mangkuk ayun, kalau mati patient ni macam mana?
2. Patieng mmg ada penyakit buang pinggang sebab SLE, dah bertahun2 sihat walafuat dok mkn steroid dan immunosupressant, tetiba kena approach alpha lipid... Kata bagus utk buah pinggang bla2... Tiba2 patient jadi penat lelah tak boleh bernafas, letih lesu, kaki bengkak2...tak boleh tidor mlm sbb sesak nafas..tanya penjual MLM alpha lipid...boleh diorang kata 'dont worry, nanti hilang la tu, tu namanya HEALING CRISIS'....healing crisis mangkuk hayun kau... Patient tu dtg hospital dgn nephrotic syndrome, glomerulonephritis, acute left heart failure... Sapa nak tanggungjawab Nih??
Sesapa kata MLM tu bagus kalau buat betul2..,THINK CAREFULLY... How are my actions will affect others from here onwards??
Ko agak2 further down the line tu ada harmful effects tak??
Sesapa MLM nak mai promote kat saya or family saya... Be prepared, im going to grill you until youre fried, bone-dried until not an ounce of water droplets left in your body!!
Geram sangat2....first Hai-O, then transfer factor, then alpha lipid... Ni mende2 yg dah affect family member aku!!
Adik aku pulak nk beli corset premium beautiful apa ntah.. Ada teknologi FIR infra red, boleh bakar lemak.. WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!!!
Toksah mengada...
Ada sesapa MLM yg tak puas hati, boleh message saya... Im ready..
MLM bkn pyramid skim tp ade jg piramid skim yg bertopengkn MLM.. produk2 kesihatan di psrn smada dlm psrn MLM atau konvensional sgt byk x taw la slamat diminum atau dimakan wpun ada kelulusan kkm. Jamu2 la produk utk breast la pepe produk lah dijual merata2 tanpa dpt dipastikn jaminan keselamatan d jgka ms pnjg.... Sy pun mmg skeptikal dgn MLM tp lps mengenali elken... Sy rs puas hati la dgn
Produk suplemen kesihatannya sbb produk dibangunkn under r&d d under founders. Cthnya livextra tu founder ialah dr ferid murad yg terima anugerah nobel. Boleh google nm dia mmg ada.
Sy fhm perasaan dr yg telH melalui pengalmn buruk dgn MLM.. Huh kl sy pon mbakar...
Singapore pun x silap sy x benarkn mn2 MLM beroperasi di sn tp elken tK..
DIYAnIFA posted on 21-9-2012 10:48 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
MLM bkn pyramid skim tp ade jg piramid skim yg bertopengkn MLM.. produk2 kesihatan di psrn smada dl ...
MLM bukan skim piramid lagi?
multi level marketing bukan piramid?
you live in denial la kak...
livextra founder dier Dr Ferid Murad? Youre joking right?
mana you dpt fakta2 nih? Upline bagitau ker Ferid murad tu founder?
tak abis2 menipu...
dr Ferid murad tak pernah dengar pun livextra tuh!!
jangan nak menipu jer tak habis2
dr ferid murad biggest contribution is the GTN SPRAY yg org sakit jantung dok pakai tuh..
yang bila sakit dada angina, spray dua kali bawah lidah tuh...,tu la dia punyer contribution...
GTN tu amik masa more than 10 years before released utk guna kat public tau sebab extensive research!
mana dier research paper kata livextra ada dlm research selama 10 tahun? Mana dier?
org MLM ni suka menempek nama orang yg expert sesuka hati jer, nak direcognised la kata kan..
Active ingredient L arginine tu for your information is a semiessential amino acid. When you are an adult, your body makes all of your arginine in the mitochondria. It's for cell division and YES a precursor to Nitric oxide...
Last edited by Arissa_Sofea on 22-9-2012 12:09 PM
Arissa_Sofea posted on 22-9-2012 12:08 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
MLM bukan skim piramid lagi?
multi level marketing bukan piramid?
you live in denial la kak...
dr ferid murad org belakang livextra.. dia ada dtg sms livextra roadshow di malaysia d mmg msk paper.. mmg byk syarikat MLM yg tipu dn mpy marketing plan yg sm mcm piramid..
sy x pndai nk bergaduh d x pndai nk berdebat...
Sambung....(taktau kenapa aku tkleh nk edit post atas tu)
BUT, your body can only absorb so much of L Arginine from oral intake.
You only take L arginine supplements only if you have a disease called Urea cycle disorder
Arginine is a Nutritional supplement for the dietary management of urea cycle disorders other than arginase deficiency, such as hyperammonaemia types I and II, citrullaemia, arginosuccinic aciduria, and deficiency of N-acetyl glutamate synthetase
Takder pun untuk perlancaran darah cardiovascular utk jantung etc...
If betulla kononnyer apa yg livextra ckp tu betul, arginine ni untuk NITRIC OXIDE, utk jantung..then you what side effect nitric oxide have?
NItric oxide ni is a potent vasodilator tau! Blood pressure boleh drop mendadak....
Yg GTN tu pun guna bila perlu jer...bila sakit dada angina jer spray... Tu pun blood pressure drop mendadak..
If you are so much well informed about this livextra product....then teach me here, im going to listen...i'll sit still and wont interupt you until you are finished.... Then, im gonna start asking some serious questions... Fair enough??
Tak aci laa, even panadol ker aspirin ker kena jawab research questions bertalu2 amik masa puluh2 tahun, lalui randomised controlled trials, side effect profiling semua, sebelum finally released to public...
Yang MLM health products ni amik shortcut jer dengan testimoni2 orang kampung mana ntah mak jah, pak amat etc.... Terus boleh jual??
Tampal sket research paper yg sebenarnyer takder kaitan langsung, bubuh sket nama orang expert, Tadaaa....boleh jual mahal..,kayo pakcik...
Lepas tu, berpusu2, patient masuk ward ada liver failure kidney failure segala bagai...
It's the reality!! |
Dr ferid murad ada sms roadshow livextra di malaysia... camana dr kata beliau x knal livextra sdgkn beliau org belakang livextra.
D mmg ditemuramah sms roadshow tu. Ads msk paper kl x silap sy...
DIYAnIFA posted on 22-9-2012 12:35 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Dr ferid murad ada sms roadshow livextra di malaysia... camana dr kata beliau x knal livextra sdgkn ...
He's not the founder of livextra mahupun orang belakang livextra..
maybe org livextra mintak dia ckp kot kt roadshow...
im sure he has his own reason..,,
anyway, saya tak anti sgt pun livextra ni, sbb tgk kandungan dia harmless juga...
protein, amino acid, multivitamins, antioxidants- it's what you can get from eating a healthy diet..
cuma bezanyer, you are paying more for a healthy diet, you are making expensive urine.....
if Dr ferid murad acknowledge livextra ni, im not suprised because it looks harmless..
it's like someone promoting cod liver oil capsules...
But anyway, i have yet to see any evidence yg ferid murad ni support livextra...betul ker?
however said, i still hate MLM no matter what kind... Harmless or not harmless, it's entire premise is built on the element of opression...
you can disagree with me all you like
but I advise you again: think carefully... How are my actions going to affect other people from here onwards?
if you are happy with your answer....live it with them on your conscience..
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki