Road 2 Oscar*UPDATED PAGE 1* (Nomination page 8)
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bru lpas tgk milk nagn changeling...
changeling mmg bez...
jolie dserve 2 be nominated...but 4 win..might be hard
nilk pon bez gak...
sean dserve 2 win..
tp ak rse james franco lg layak 2 be nominated as supporting actor than josh brolin |
aku tak habis nengok benjamin button tapi udah nengok in bruges.
mcm tak adil je brad pitt dpt nomination. patut colin farell :bg: |
Balas #261 flyzpiz\ catat
aku pula rasa sepatutnye angelina jolie menang best actress.tapi biasalah ramai x suka.... |
-mula2 nicole kidman yg dtwrkan 4 wtak Hanna Schmitz...tp dye pregnant lak..lpas abis shooting australia
-Than Juliette Binoche was considered 4 that role.. |
Balas #264 emera\ catat
biasalah nak menang Best Actres kena bogel dulu...
mana ada Best actress yg x penah bogel.... |
Originally posted by bedah_kg_pisang at 27-1-2009 08:19 PM 
skang, slps aku tengok Doubt, i have no doubt yg Meryl Streep adalah pencabar utama Kate Winslet dlm Oscar. malah kalau Meryl menang pun aku takkan sedih sgt. but.. i still wants Kate too win ...
I agree.I was hoping KW would win but after watching Doubt, Meryl Streep pon tererrr (well she has always been terer).Im dying to know if F.Flynn mmg guilty tapi sama macam the play, only the character playing Flynn je yang tau whether he's guilty or not. |
:pompom: Mickey Rourke, Kate Winslet. :pompom: |

Alahai 13% jek....  |
kalau Kate Winslet menang oscar,org pertama yg dia pelru berterima kasih adalah NICOLE KIDMAN! Kalau nicole x tarik diri dr filem ni di saat2 akhir sbb pregnant x mungkin kate dpt watak yg sebagus ni..  |
Reply #272 Rhyno's post
alahai, jolie dah been there done that.her first sex scene bukan masa umur 17 tahun ke?foxfire ke hapatah movie tu.ada jugak baca the thing she enjoyed the most while filming is doing the sex scene.jadi takyahla nak ingat dia tu saint sgtt tak perlu scene bogel la pebenda nak menang.
anyway i read some articles la claming kate chances to win dah turun due to certain stuff relating to the movie.and of course, for calling jolie,- the other one.LOL.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/cultu ... na-Jolie-gaffe.html |
Originally posted by nashrudean at 18-2-2009 07:22 PM 
biasalah nak menang Best Actres kena bogel dulu...
mana ada Best actress yg x penah bogel....
hellen mirren menang oscar best actress x bogel aku rasa
hu hu |
angie acting cam fake jerkkk ini pendapat aku lerrr |
ak dah tgk milk ngan The Wrestler
No doubt mmg bez n gempak lakonan sean penn n Mickey
tp personally ak plih mickey 4 win.... |
takde sape2 ke bagi lintas lansung utk academy award ni aah? Sape2 yg tengah tengok tu updatelah sikit.. |
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