Line tu nama dia Linea Nigra(cam sedapjer nama dia ek). Orang asia selalu ada line nih especially yg kulit dia dark, lagi clear. Shinky pun ada gak...lepas bersalin nanti hilang. |
Saya lak takdelah rasa gatal2 lagi. Hehehhe, tapi kalau bab stretchmark tu....errrr, sebelom kawin lagik dah ada stretch mark kat montot. Kesan dari penurunan dan peningkatan berat badan yang selalu berubah2 masa zaman anak dara dulu.
Pasal stretchmark and cocoa butter tuh, saya tak tahu memang betuk2 berkesan ke. Sebab selama ini pon saya ingatkan camtu gak. Meaning kalau nak avoid stretchmark kena sapu cocoa butter dari awal. Tapi baru2 ni i did read an artikel lam magazine rasanya kut, ada satu kajian oleh Dr, dia kata tak semestinya pakai cocoa butter or any stretchmark cream akan menghilangkan or mengurangkan stretchmark. sebab strecthmark ni ada kaitan dengan jenis kulit and genetik kita. so, the dr said most probably cerita pasal cocoa butter tu cuma digembar genburkan oleh kosmetik industri utk bg laku barang dorang. Jadi jangan dia cakap jangan kecewa, kalau kita pakai cocoa butter tapi still ada stretchmark.
Saya pon cam Tina & Osheen gak, pemalas sangat nak sapu menatang2 cream or lotion nih. So, sebagai langkah nak sedapkan hati sendirik....hehehe, saya pakai sabun cocoa butter. Kalau masa mandi tu, takde laa songeh sangat. Lagipun masa kawin saya dapat set cocoa butter Marks & Spencer dari hubby. Bodyshop pun ada gak set cocoa butter, cuma harganya lebih mahal dari M&S.
Pasal tanda hitam tu plak, ada gak kat peyut ni. Memula tanda tu dari pusat ke pubic area, tapi sekarang ni dah tukar posisi lak. dia jadik melintang dari pinggang kanan ke kiri (ada pinggang lagi ker?). Rasanya kalau lam buku Pregnancy week by week ada bagi explaianantion. Sapa2 ada buku tu, leh tolong tak? |
Hello geng,
ni yg i dapat dari bahan pembacaan:
Stretch Marks:
Stretch marks occur when fibers of the skin protein collagen are broken due to the rapid stretching of the skin or to hormonal changes that disrupt the fibers. They affect three in five pregnant women. They're most likely to appear on your stomach, the sides of your breasts, and your thighs-those areas where it's most common to put on weight. Stretch marks initially appear as pinkish-red streaks, which fade to silvery gray or white several months after birth. You are more likely to get stretch marks if you've had more than one baby, gain an excessive amount of weight during pregnancy, or have a genetic disposition to getting them.
There's no surefire way of preventing stretch marks. Your best bet is to avoid excessive weight gain and to exercise regularly to maintain muscle tone, which eases the pressure of the uterus on the overlying skin.
5 ways to minimize stretch marks:
1. Eat sensibly and avoid gaining too much weight. If u gain a great deal of weight in a short space of time, your skin won't have a chance to adapt and will have to stretch to accommodate your new shape.
2. Wear a well-fitting bra throughout your pregnancy. Keep your growing breasts adequately supported as they become heavier.
3. Wear a sleep bra if your breasts are larger. Looking after your breasts during the day isn't enough-they need 24-hour care.
4. Keep your skin supple and itch-free. Massage cream into your breasts and belly to elasticize the skin. Cocoa butter or almond oil extract-available from pharmacists-have proved effective for some women.
5. Apply pure vitamin-E oil locally to moisturize your skin.
Stretch marks will fade in time. Retin-A cream or gel and laser treatment may slightly reduce their appearance, but before you embark on any treatment, make sure it's safe, if you're breasfeeding.
[ Last edited by shinky_pinky at 17-11-2005 11:22 AM ] |
Also got from the net
Stretch Marks and Other Skin Changes
You might have heard stories from family members or friends about the dreaded stretch marks from pregnancy. Stretch marks are red, pink, or purple streaks in the skin, usually over the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and breasts. They are scars caused by the stretching of the skin, and usually appear in the second half of pregnancy. Only about half of all pregnant women get stretch marks though. They can start out as pink, reddish brown, or dark brown streaks, depending on your skin color. While creams and lotions can keep your skin well moisturized, they do not prevent stretch marks from forming. Most stretch marks fade after delivery to very light lines.
Besides stretch marks, you might notice other skin changes in the second half of your pregnancy. You might notice that your nipples are darker than before becoming pregnant, or that you have a dark line on your skin that runs down your abdomen from your belly button to your pubic hairline, called the linea nigra. You also might have blotchy brown pigmentations on your forehead, nose or cheeks. These skin changes are called melasma or chloasma. They are more common in darker-skinned women. These skin changes are caused by pregnancy hormones, and most of them will also fade or disappear after delivery.
Tingling and Itching
Tingling and numbness of the fingers and a feeling of swelling in the hands are common during pregnancy. These symptoms are due to swelling of tissues in the narrow passages in your wrists, and they should disappear after you deliver your baby. It also is common to feel itchy as your pregnancy progresses. Pregnancy hormones and your stretching skin, especially over your abdomen, probably are to blame for most of your discomfort. About 20 percent of all pregnant women have some kind of itching. And many pregnant women also get red and itchy palms and soles of their feet. Only in rare cases do pregnant women develop a condition called cholestasis of pregnancy, which is itching along with nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, jaundice and fatigue. This condition is a sign of a serious liver problem. In general, itching most often goes away after delivery. In the meantime, you can relieve itching with moisturizers. You can also use only gentle soaps, and avoid hot showers or baths that can dry your skin. Try not to get over-heated since heat rash can make the itching worse. |
Tak suka tengok nipple dah jadi kaler gelap. Rasanya cam mak orang yang dah tua2 jer :geram: |
dah lah gelap lepas tu skala kegelapan tu melebar dari asal kan...hmmmm |
ni eden dapat dari artikel indonesia...jadi bahasanya berBEDA ya...harap kamu ngerti...ngeh ngeh
SELULIT berbeda dari stretch mark. Jika pada stretch mark permukaan kulit seperti tergores-gores, pada selulit permukaan kulit tampak bergelombang seperti kulit jeruk. Selulit terbentuk di kulit paha, bokong, dan perut.
BAIK selulit maupun stretch mark (guratan putih yang muncul karena kulit mengalami gangguan metabolisme) bukan monopoli perempuan. Para pria maupun remaja juga bisa mempunyai selulit dan stretch mark. Bahkan, seorang bayi pun bisa mempunyai selulit jika dia terlalu gemuk.
Stretch mark adalah hilangnya atau menipisnya permukaan kulit sehingga terjadi cekungan-cekungan di permukaan kulit. Stretch mark terjadi ketika kulit mengalami gangguan berupa peregangan dalam waktu cepat, seperti ibu yang mengandung, perubahan dari kurus ke gemuk atau sebaliknya, atau penggunaan steroid untuk pembentukan tubuh. Biasanya terjadi pada remaja- remaja yang ingin mengikuti body building dengan meminum obat-obatan. |
Waduh, jauh benar si ibuk shinky mencari artikel. Hingga ke seberang lautan yaaaa! |
MaMaWahiDAH This user has been deleted
saya stretch mark to tak ader ler.....waktu memula pregnant (dua2 anak) pusat tiap2 arie luka.....now dah ok dah...nipple pun dah jadik itam...lepas abis BF dia ok....apart from that betis kedua kaki selalu tangkap kejang...boleh katakan tiap malam dia kejang |
MaMaWahiDAH This user has been deleted
saya stretch mark to tak ader ler.....waktu memula pregnant (dua2 anak) pusat tiap2 arie luka.....now dah ok dah...nipple pun dah jadik itam...lepas abis BF dia ok....apart from that betis kedua kaki selalu tangkap kejang...boleh katakan tiap malam dia kejang |
demi tips-tips untuk bakal-bakal ibuk dan ibuk-ibuk yang sudah melahirkan dan yg merancang untuk menjadi ibuk...ku redah lautan luas..ngeh ngeh...risau beb perut berparut nanti...hubby nak pakai lama tuh...sian kat hubby...huhuhu |
Originally posted by tina^^ at 17-11-2005 10:39 AM
oh..u mean vertical line from tummy mark down to pubic area??
mmg ader..obvious sgt. but tatau why???
Yup betul tina. baby mmg tak nampak sgt pun, terlalu samar2. |
Originally posted by shinky_pinky at 17-11-2005 05:59 PM
demi tips-tips untuk bakal-bakal ibuk dan ibuk-ibuk yang sudah melahirkan dan yg merancang untuk menjadi ibuk...ku redah lautan luas..ngeh ngeh...risau beb perut berparut nanti...hubby na ...
Hahhaa...takpelah shinky, pasni kalau perut tu ada tanda
Errr, kita wat 'keje' lam gelap laaa :lol |
Originally posted by MaMaWahiDAH at 17-11-2005 03:13 PM
saya stretch mark to tak ader ler.....waktu memula pregnant (dua2 anak) pusat tiap2 arie luka.....now dah ok dah...nipple pun dah jadik itam...lepas abis BF dia ok....apart from that betis kedua ka ...
oooo...pas bf, nipple tu dah tak jadi itam yer? lega dengar |
Dalam gelap....ha ha ha...
Nasib baik hilang tahap kegelapan tu ek...hmmm yelah nampak cam tak attractive jer kalau permanent gelap cenggitu..dahlah nanti nak beroperasi dalam gelap...wakakakaka
woih...rosak aku melayan si katak nih |
Hitam tuh bukan menawan ke?? ngeh ngeh ngeh... :cak::cak: :lol :lol
lawak betul perbincangan sinih... makin lama makin pelik... :lol |
Originally posted by tina^^ at 17-11-2005 10:48 AM
biler kroang sebut jgn garu perot ngn tangan tp dgn sikat..i had the imagination on sikat kutu la. ahahahhaha :lol
nak tau naper? dulu masa zaman skolah, ader budak dorm aku kena kutu. pehtu die ...
wakakak.... tina, my hubby pun memang concious abt beauty. my crown 'M' memang sentiasa atas kepala, dia yg rajin remind me or kadang2 tolong sapukan anti stretch mark tu kat my perut... hahahaha... lawaks betol... kalau shin tangguh2 kan mula la dia buat khutbah jumaat " nanti perut u tak cantik lepas bersalin baru u tau...".... ekekekek... ;) |
but gals... saje nak remind each of everyone kat sini... talking abt air susu dah mula keluar tu, jgn selalu u all picit2 breast tu tau.. sbb advise frm my fren, nanti takut terjadi "False Alarm" atau contraction sebelum waktunya... so hati2 ye sumer.... |
Kawah dah 12 weeks skrg, tp kena jangkitan salur kencin plak . Semlm g scan, pastu nmpk baby gerak2 tgn ngan kaki. Syoknye!!! |
Originally posted by kawahapi at 18-11-2005 09:55 AM
Kawah dah 12 weeks skrg, tp kena jangkitan salur kencin plak . Semlm g scan, pastu nmpk baby gerak2 tgn ngan kaki. Syoknye!!!
jangkitan salur kencing? sbb kawah tak byk minum air kot... |
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