GOONG/PRINCESS HOURS~(updated : page 1 link hardsub/megaupload pg248
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Originally posted by adheq at 1-5-2006 06:50 AM
tak kuar pape pon :stp:
ada.. ko kena bukak laman web tu... tu briefcase yahoo... donlod fail2 manhwa tu kat situ... try refresh banyak kali kalau page keluar error.. mungkin byk org masuk...
[ Last edited by eyka at 1-5-2006 08:16 PM ] |
Originally posted by eyka at 1-5-2006 08:14 PM
ada.. ko kena bukak laman web tu... tu briefcase yahoo... donlod fail2 manhwa tu kat situ... try refresh banyak kali kalau page keluar error.. mungkin byk org masuk...
tq eyka :bgrin::tq:
tuh vol. 9 cukup tak??
[ Last edited by adheq at 1-5-2006 10:05 PM ] |
huuuuuuu..baru abis tengok..besnyeee.... :love:
cepat la season 2..aku da tak sabo nih..
err..biler derang tido same..leh pregnant lak tetibe..huuuu..cepat2..
aku harap yul jumpe dier punye love next season nanti...
kalo yul dengan choi sang gong pon okeh gak
choi sang gong lawa gile biler dah tuka fesyen.. :lol
kawan cg ngan budak yg suke die tu pon camne..huu..kene tunggu nih..ahahah
[ Last edited by awoks at 2-5-2006 06:40 AM ] |
aku rasalah kan dorang tidur sama waktu yg shin datang ke bilik cg dan mereka nak cium...tup2 cg sendu tanpa henti tu...kan shin masih dibilik masa malam tu...hehehe
sori ye off topik./...
sapa ada nengok drama 'dalam hati ada cinta'??
lawak tul ngan astro...siap suruh undi lagi siapa lelaki pilihan umie aida....sama ada ako atau fahrin....bila nengok undi2 nie teringat cite pinoy sanay wala nang wakas...siap undi lagi....pandai tul astro cari duit...heeh |
Originally posted by awoks at 2-5-2006 06:38 AM
huuuuuuu..baru abis tengok..besnyeee.... :love:
cepat la season 2..aku da tak sabo nih..
err..biler derang tido same..leh pregnant lak tetibe..huuuu..cepat2..
aku harap yul jumpe dier punye lo ...
Aku rasa masa CG kena hiccup tu...hehe. Tapi kat soompi ada yg kata mungkin itu gimik aje utk tarik penonton tgk season 2. Sebenarnya tak pregnant pun. Aku harap mmg dia pregnant.
Nak tanya pada yg dah baca manwha, sbb aku baca sampai vol10 je, vol 11 belum translate kan. Nak tau kalau ikut manwha apa jadi kat Shin and CG? Did they follow the manwha accurately atau dah lari dari citer sebenar? Mungkin ke dari manwha boleh tau plot utk Season 2?
Aku pun harap Yul akan dapat kebahagiaan in season 2. Walaupun aku mmg nak CG end up dgn Shin, tapi aku suka betul Yul ni. Kesian kat dia. Hopefully he will meet someone new and be happy. Aku rasa mesti jugak ada citer psl kakak Shin sbb dia dah jadi queen. Pastu dia tak kawin lagi. Mesti kena ada citer pasal dia di'matchmake' ke, fall in love ke, sbb skrg ni kan dah takde Seja. Mesti nak kena ada Seja baru, so queen kena kawin n beranak la kan?:ting: |
Originally posted by awoks at 2-5-2006 06:38 AM
huuuuuuu..baru abis tengok..besnyeee.... :love:
cepat la season 2..aku da tak sabo nih..
err..biler derang tido same..leh pregnant lak tetibe..huuuu..cepat2..
aku harap yul jumpe dier punye lo ...
Aku rasa masa CG kena hiccup tu...hehe. Tapi kat soompi ada yg kata mungkin itu gimik aje utk tarik penonton tgk season 2. Sebenarnya tak pregnant pun. Aku harap mmg dia pregnant.
Nak tanya pada yg dah baca manwha, sbb aku baca sampai vol10 je, vol 11 belum translate kan. Nak tau kalau ikut manwha apa jadi kat Shin and CG? Did they follow the manwha accurately atau dah lari dari citer sebenar? Mungkin ke dari manwha boleh tau plot utk Season 2?
Aku pun harap Yul akan dapat kebahagiaan in season 2. Walaupun aku mmg nak CG end up dgn Shin, tapi aku suka betul Yul ni. Kesian kat dia. Hopefully he will meet someone new and be happy. Aku rasa mesti jugak ada citer psl kakak Shin sbb dia dah jadi queen. Pastu dia tak kawin lagi. Mesti kena ada citer pasal dia di'matchmake' ke, fall in love ke, sbb skrg ni kan dah takde Seja. Mesti nak kena ada Seja baru, so queen kena kawin n beranak la kan?:ting: |
Originally posted by babyface76 at 27-4-2006 04:58 PM
lamanya princess tak masuk sini....mesti sibuk ngan exam....
aku baru habis exam...yahooo..merdeka:pmuka:....bestnya JJH dah confirm dlm Season 2... |
Sapa2 yg belum burn Ep 24, aku dah edit subtitle yg part Yul ngan Shin tengah ' fencing, tu. Subtitle yg asal kurang jelas. Ni yg chinese translated text. Sapa2 yg nak sub ni...Dozo...
Subtitle ASAL
00:11:52,736 --> 00:11:55,349
Are you saying that I lost when I got attacked?
00:11:56,202 --> 00:11:58,485
You didn't make it up once before.
00:11:58,485 --> 00:12:00,869
How can you be sure of that?
00:12:00,869 --> 00:12:06,863
The reason how I know is that you would never cross that line.
00:12:32,787 --> 00:12:34,627
What is this?
00:12:37,303 --> 00:12:41,289
I thought that you were a good person.
00:12:41,289 --> 00:12:51,134
But, now that I think about it, the person who
loses in this fate is not me, but you.
00:13:01,268 --> 00:13:08,821
When the crown of the Prince was taken away from
me by you, I wasn't comfortable with it.
00:13:08,821 --> 00:13:15,342
If we were to switch places, I would have done the same.
Subtitle yg dah edit
00:11:52,736 --> 00:11:55,349
You don't have any intentions of fighting back/attacking?
00:11:56,202 --> 00:11:58,485
This conspiracy wasn't planned by you
00:11:58,485 --> 00:12:00,869
How can you be sure of that?
00:12:00,869 --> 00:12:06,863
The Yul that I know doesn't do underhanded things.
00:12:32,787 --> 00:12:34,627
What is this?
00:12:37,303 --> 00:12:41,289
I've always thought that knowing about this...by myself is enough.
00:12:41,289 --> 00:12:51,134
But now that I think about it, the person who can end this twisted fate amongst the three of us...is not me, but you.
00:13:01,268 --> 00:13:08,821
After you were forced out of the palace, I was never comfortable with the role of being the Crown Prince
00:13:08,821 --> 00:13:15,342
If our roles were reversed, I would have been the same.
Download edited subtitle kat sini
[ Last edited by hhhhh at 2-5-2006 02:58 PM ] |
lawanya... wallpaper ni..
Jas tak tahu samada dah letak lum CF YEH ni..ni iklan Samsung!
save target as
kat youtube tu mmg takde sub ker? bengang betul aku la. |
hhhhh, thanks for the edited sub. Barulah clear conversation antara Shin dgn Yul tu, walaupun aku dah faham the gist of it dari subtitle originalnye. |
citer nih bleh tgk kat youtube ke??
btw, ape ending season 1?? |
ada kat youtube, ada raw file saje & ada jugak yg dgn sub... pandai2 la cari.. search kat youtube tu... |

The Seoul Collection on Sunday ended its 11-day agenda. Designers and brands showcased their lines of clothing, which they hope will mesmerize people this fall and winter.
Artistic garments dazzled in 62 shows at SETEC in southern Seoul, forecasting romantic retro will continue to rein strong yet another season.
In female attire, as seen in the world's top collections in Paris, New York and Milan over a month ago, designers took motifs from various eras, including the Victorian era, the 1950s and the 1980s, to create glamorous retro looks on the catwalks with a seasoning of minimalism.
Reinterpretation of retro was diversified, ranging from the dominant mannish and chic streamlined looks to girly puffed-up sleeves and fitted legging trousers.
Achromatic colors such as black, white and gray continued to rule the fashion frenzy since the Spring/Summer Collection last November, while gold, bright red, purple and others were applied for highlights. Subdued sapphire blue and khaki were also notably present, while gray was the genderless fashion keyword.
A variety of typical winter fabrics including silk, velvet, leather, wild fur and wool were utilized.
As for male attire, the slim silhouette accentuating masculine lines with easy-to-wear, manly achromatic colors was a strong trend, demonstrating diverse combinations to attract both the metrosexual and the ubersexual breeds.
In addition to the all-time favorite, seasonless denim, such fabrics as leather, wool, silk and cotton were in use to create somewhat avant-garde sexless looks with the help of some feminine chiffon or metallic accessories. |
Tanya sikit...kat mana nak download komik Goong vol 4 ke atas...try Manga tea House asyik page error je |
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