All About Dr. Amalina Che Bakri #workhardplayharder
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Tu ha doc amalina dah merajuk dah. Dia announced to take temporary break from twitter nak focus kat kerjaya dan pelajaran. Ok lah doc. Bye bye |
gold_teeth replied at 20-1-2019 11:30 AM
Since uols cm tau byk psl dia.. i nak tau bf dia tu doktor gak ke.. bf mcm adore sgguh kt awek.. b ...
Dulu pernah baca dia berbalas reply dgn geng twitter yg dia kamcing. Dia jenis competitive. Bila bf dia ada MBA, dia nak achieve lebih dari bf dia. Tak silap dia ada mentioned bf dia ada stable business. So bf dia businessman lah kot hehe. |
missbigrockstar replied at 30-1-2019 03:07 PM
Tu ha doc amalina dah merajuk dah. Dia announced to take temporary break from twitter nak focus kat ...
Iols lega chuols dia kata dia still akan share psl personal stuff. Tu yg kita nk tgk. Takat ingested sunscreen tu, kita pon x terpedaya aih huhu. Kita pon x support aih product safiey sali & sajat pfftt |
Banyak lagi masalah negara tapi kisah dia take a break from twitter, worth a headline in news?
missbigrockstar replied at 1-2-2019 02:58 PM
Banyak lagi ...
The star pun mcm xde cerita ilmiah lain nak cover.. |
tu pun nak buat announcement kat twitter... kuazzzzer
nak getting sometime off from twitter buat je lah, kenapa nak kena issue statement. attention seeker jugak ya, ingatkan bijak genius duduk landen dan cukup content, rupanya masih mengemis kuis2 secebis perhatian dari ummah social media. mental
“Perhaps some Malaysians are still not ready for a mindset change towards positivity and progression, and yes I must say I’m frustrated. Therefore, it’s best if I concentrate on what I do best for my own good.
“It’s 2019, but there are still a lot of trolls and hatred and negativity even when you try to do good to people — my only intention is to share knowledge and create health awareness with the general public based on my capacity as a doctor,”
AdikSuka replied at 2-2-2019 08:44 PM
“Perhaps some Malaysians are still not ready for a mindset change towards positivity and progressio ...
Alahai... Positive sgt la konon. Klu dia tu asyik generalize smua benda pasal melayu ni negatif di mana positifnya beliau?
When it comes to melayu, yg positif dia & geng dia ja. Tolong la.
Contoh when it comes to berpantang, iols x nafi yg x bg minum air pas2 suruh bdiang pulak mmg dehydrate. Tp bab makan makanan sihat tu knapa x puji? |
Edited by duffyduck at 19-2-2019 08:02 AM
Nah motivasi utk kurus menjadi size 1 jugak hahahaha |
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agak-agak doc ni kenal tak datinkklondon tu..??
londoner asal malaysia jugak tu.. sama-sama doc kat london nun..
alah u..
dia duduk tanah melayu ni 17,18 tahun je..
lepas tu zasss fly pegi london.. upgrade gitew.. yang ada kat tanah melayu ni for some people (read : doc AB) eventho urban class cemana pon, tetap ulu.. u know what i mean..??
tapi kan doc, (if she read this thread laa) i kannnn nak cakap laaa.. u kannn bila pakai baju kurung kannnn, u nampak errr.. errr.. hahhahahaa..!!!
Edited by 234126 at 20-2-2019 09:16 AM
i think she reads forum and she most definitely googled her own name. Just to see whether or not her accomplishments are appreciated. We do, but you can make it less ‘common’ more honorary by refraining yourself from socmed share less of ur personal life or personal opinion unless genuinely requested. Make it classy like nicol david.
U are after all, a surgeon in the making. Shouldnt you be busy and have tons in mind already than to give petty matters ur slightest attention? Read:updating all about you online. We need more professional with class not just by being a genius one could get away with acting senselessly. We already dealing with clowns as politicians dont lower yourself to be in that league. |
Dr transgender tu kan
muka & gaya dia menakutkan
Hahaha u sebut researchgate je i pun gerun nama sendiri kena google kat researchgate like apa motifff??? Hahahahha.... sendiri lupa ada publish paper.
Ahaha sheols ni memang tak bergaul dengan rakyat malaysia yang bermastautin kat uk ke?? Gigih betul nak blend in dengan ummah kokesen... Dulu I suka je tengok sheols ni macam ada kagum juga tapi kalau kat twitter asik merentan melenting bila kena kecam ni rasanya dah boleh self-reflect kot... not that I blamed her action pun tapi tu la u know some things better keep to herself...
gam_gajah replied at 20-2-2019 09:33 AM
Dr transgender tu kan
muka & gaya dia menakutkan
Ape ig dia? |
My eyes
seram kan
apa status jantina dia yg benarnya...
dh tgk ig dia ni tp mak blur ler puloksss...nak kata tino mmg xdok ghuper langsung
| |