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Post time 22-10-2006 06:46 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cutepie at 21-10-2006 04:55 PM

yes, hopefully those yang appeal they will call for the interview.....especially bitarax....he deserve to be in actually..........

thank you soooooo much. no matter what happens, all the best to all the forumers. kalau dah dapat result interview, bagi tau ok...boleh kite same-same tunmpang gembire...

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gabbysolis This user has been deleted
Post time 26-10-2006 01:38 PM | Show all posts
ptd ni same je ngan lain2 skim gomen, cume die ranking atas sekali memandangkan fungsi diorg ni sbg penggubal dasar ngr. ade gak skim jwtn (level lebih kurang gred 41) yg menarik eg kadet asp, kapten, pgw bomba, etc. tp gaji gomen tu paham2 jela, bape sgt pon. cume utk starting gaji ptd lebih sket dr lain2 skim, alaa lebih 2, 3 ringgit je. tp prospek keje tu luas. ade 8 core business ptd; admin, hr, kwgn, dll. carikla kat internet tu, aku pon x ingat. n x dinafikan, peluang kenaikan pangkat tu cepat berbanding lain2 skim. pasal post pnlg pgrh tu, cume name post je. gurkha jugak pd ptd senior. kalau kau dpt attachment kat jabatan, jadikle pnlg pgrh. kalau dpt kat kementerian, jadikle pnlg setiausaha. kalau kau dpt state, jadikle ADO. semuanye bgantung pd attachment kau. name je gempak. tp setahu aku la, mase mule2 dpt surat tawaran tu xde cite pasal post ape, attachment kat mane. ko kena pi attend PTD Unggul 10 hari tu dulu, last day die bgtau attachment bdasarkan pilihan kite. tp x semestinya dapatla. tengok vacancy dan kesesuaian la.

mmg ramai org apply ptd ni, tp die amek x ramai. byk gak kengkawan aku yg gaji dah berkepok2, dah stabil, dah ade anak 7,8 tp minat gak nak masok ptd. semua tu bergantung la pd minat dan keperluan masing2. tp kalau dah terpilih utk interview tu pon ko dh patot bsyukur. atleast ade ptd material gakla

tp aku x puashati bace some previous reviews/comments. mcm cakap org2 uneducated. come on la, mane2 kite keje pon ade rules & regulations. kalau gomen tu ikot GO la, kene ikut rate yg sesuai dgn gred jwtn la, kalau setakat gred 41 tu ape sgt la. n tengokla faktor2 lain; jarak lokasi outstation, tempoh, eg. heran aku ade gak org2 yg cakap bantai je. xde la aku backing sesangat gomen tu, aku pon bukan serta-merta ditawarkan keje gomen kalau aku bodek2 pon. tp biarla kite cube faham satu2 benda tu sblm kite carik2 point nak kondem. yela, kotle ade bnda kita x paham. sekurang2nya cakap tu mcm ade sikit berasas la

besfren aku pon ptd. mase mule2 die dpt dulu aku kutuk2 gak. yela, gaji fresh grad cam kitorg ni kalau dah dapat 2.7K excluding lain2 elaun tu dah kira bagusla. tp sbb her family insist her to join the public service, dia relakan je walaupon aku tahu hati die sedih; gaji cipot, bonus sebulan bahagi dua, etc. xde la lg melaram pakai branded stuff. dan kawan aku ni pon sepatah haram tak tau ape2 pasal servis gomen, family die pon jenis yg kaya raya ade company sendiri. tp day by days, aku tengok dia makin happy, maybe serasi dgn keje tu. dan byk yg die share dgn aku. jeles aku. tp i'm happy for her, bangga pun ade gak. kwn2 yg lain sampai dh dioffer VSS pon still x pass gomen. pd aku x adil nk menilai kegagalan/burok sorg ptd pd yg lain2. keje ape pon, kat mene pon, akan ade la segelintir yg mmg fault. attitude dibentuk by one's past and way of upbringing. cume mungkin org tu excited sgt/gile kuase bile dpt ptd, tu yg burok perangai. dan kdg2 ade org secara teori die ok, tp bile bab nak implement keje tu fail. tu subjektif. kalau kita pegi interview 10 minit tu, mustahil si interviewer dpt nampak perangai sbnr sesorg, sbb ape yg dipamerkan baik2 belaka. tp terpulangla pd those lucky ones to fully utilize the opportunity and trust given

kalau kau pikir pasal gaji, kalau keje gomen tu xkan bole kaya jutawan. tp asal mampu la. n my besfren still pakai those branded stuff with her own pay, cume x segalak dulu2 la. depends on how u manage ur financial income la. tp kalau kau fikir nak sense of security dan nak serve the nation dgn join the public service, amekla tawaran tu. byk lg contoh lain kalau kau nak serve n contribute to the nation, ni cume satu contoh je la. peluang bukan selalu. tp keje tu biarla dgn nawaitu yg ikhlas, n don;t turn back n regret ur choices. toksah lg pikir bab2 compare gaji tu. ade gak member2 aku yg quit dr servis ptd after 2,3 years. x sesuai. ape2 pon, ko kene paham, objektif swasta n gomen lain2; satu tu profit-oriented, tang satu lagi service-oriented. kau plak study law dulu, takot bile buat keje administrative ni xde/ kurang kepuasan bekerja. jadi pikirla baik2. jgn tutup peluang org lain yg betul2 nak, benda2 ni ko dah kene pikir dulu2 lg, way before u even went for the PAC and interview
good luck..

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Post time 26-10-2006 02:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bitaraX at 22-10-2006 06:46 AM

thank you soooooo much. no matter what happens, all the best to all the forumers. kalau dah dapat result interview, bagi tau ok...boleh kite same-same tunmpang gembire...

wah.....lamanya feedback from forumer yang lain...this site macam dull lah.....masih cuti lagi ke? i dah masuk kerja today........chinese company tak dapat cuti banyak..

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Post time 26-10-2006 06:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cutepie at 26-10-2006 02:44 PM

wah.....lamanya feedback from forumer yang lain...this site macam dull lah.....masih cuti lagi ke? i dah masuk kerja today........chinese company tak dapat cuti banyak..

eh...same with me...i'm also working in a chinese company. ari ni pon dah masuk keje...

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Post time 27-10-2006 03:34 PM | Show all posts

Saya dpt panggilan SPA utk interview PTD 31/10 ni. Rasa takut pulak pasal sebelum ni mmg tak penah pergi interview gov. Even for exam ngan pac pon saya main hentam aje, tapi alhamdulilah lepas walaupon 1st time try. Actually saya sudah pon bekerja sebagai engineer di private firm yg serve gov. Just nak cuba ptd ni mana tau ader peluang yg lebih cerah, maklumlah kita tatau esok atau lusa di VSS kan. Anyway sebagai seorang graduan engineering, kat mana kita akan ditetapkan sebagai ptd ?

[ Last edited by  igor_lexus at 27-10-2006 03:51 PM ]

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Post time 27-10-2006 03:59 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by igor_lexus at 27-10-2006 03:34 PM

Saya dpt panggilan SPA utk interview PTD 31/10 ni. Rasa takut pulak pasal sebelum ni mmg tak penah pergi interview gov. Even for exam ngan pac pon saya main hentam aje, tapi alhamdulilah  ...

Good luck igor......i'm pun macam you...semuanya first time...exam ,pac and interview.....alhamdulilah walaupun pac teruk sangat.....

p/s: dara_lara, where r u ? how was ur interview?

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Post time 28-10-2006 06:38 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by igor_lexus at 27-10-2006 03:34 PM

Saya dpt panggilan SPA utk interview PTD 31/10 ni. Rasa takut pulak pasal sebelum ni mmg tak penah pergi interview gov. Even for exam ngan pac pon saya main hentam aje, tapi alhamdulilah  ...

good luck....Jabatan Kerje Raye kot....

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Post time 29-10-2006 09:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by NAGAmerah at 19-10-2006 02:39 PM
tq reds. reds pon PTD gak ke?nak tanya kawan2 yg dah dpa, betul ke sepanjang kursus dpa tu pergaulan sesama PTD amatlah bebas sehingga ada dengar kes laki+popuan tido satu khemah masa modul ketente ...

hey there!! i tengah dpa skarang and dah lepas pun modul tentera, obs and also polis. As for your concern, tak pernah lagi la we gals and guys diletakkan dalam satu khemah. so.. dun worry yer!! maybe time dpa lain, i tak tau.. :lebai:

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Post time 30-10-2006 11:42 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aweqlanun at 29-10-2006 09:53 PM

hey there!! i tengah dpa skarang and dah lepas pun modul tentera, obs and also polis. As for your concern, tak pernah lagi la we gals and guys diletakkan dalam satu khemah. so.. dun worry yer!! ...

nak tanya sikit, aweqlanun........betulke modul bombal..kena masuk terowong, dan tong oksigen akan diberi....susah tak?...

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Dara^Lara This user has been deleted
Post time 30-10-2006 02:45 PM | Show all posts
Hi All....alamak...sorryyy sangat2....i had problems logging in to this forum before... dapat msg the website is under constructions... actually petang lepas my interview saya nak trus nak post my experience dah aral, here's my nightmares...

Let me cry out loud firsttttt....!!!! I Am so frustrated with my performances.... i messed up this interview surely.... uhuks...
Panel langsung tak tanya fakta..... dah la aku separuh mati baca buku malaysia kita tuh....sebijik pun tak keluar.. macam nak gila hafal nama menteri2 kita.... sorang pun tak tanya.... blum lagi ulangkaji tentang parlimen la, pilihanraya la, kabinet la...pembahagian kuasa la... rmk9 la... asli report la... budget la.... university ranking la.....satu pun tak keluar....huarrrghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's my Questions....

-Why u choose ur course in the first place - I said i wanted to be a scientist...then they spend lots of time try to persuade me to go on and be a scientist...they said i can never be a scientist if i become a ptd..but when i said "Now, i really want to be a PTD"..they said this is what they want to hear....laaa pulak...

-What do u know about PTD? - bla bla bla...siap dari sejarah lagi kena cerita....

-Do u know about PTD specialisations? Name them - Haaaaa, part ini la yg aku tak gembira sangat...bole lupa la pulak...aku ingat 5 je, n terpaksa mengaku lupa...ciss ...pasal terlampau hafal menda lain la ni..

-Tetiba tukar bahasa pulak panel ni, dalam spesifikasi PTD, mana satu yang kamu minat - alamak, masa ni aku cakap secara akademik saya memang tak ada pendidikan khusus dalam mana2 bidang pengkhususan ni, tetapi tuan boleh menilai kemahiran dan personaliti saya dan lebih tahu yang mana satu bidang sesuai dengan saya... (Uhukssss..masa ni la aku rasa betapa tidak competant nya diriku ini)... ye la...dah aku bidang sains (teknikal pulak ni...mana ada pengkhususan dalam ptd yg tepat dengan kelayakan aku..)

-Lepas tu panel tu tanya, sekiranya diberi peluang di mana kamu nak berkhidmat? - saya cakap la, berbekalkan kelulusan saya, saya boleh berkhidmat dengan baik di MOSTI... blum sempat nak make-up aku punya jawapan, dia potong trus tanya, 'How about if i send u to rural area in sarawak?'...then i said 'No problems, it's just like going home"... ye la, aku ni asal orang kampung....

-question ni baru aku kena tanya opinion " Macamana cara mengatasi masalah graduan menganggur" - bla..bla..bla.

-Last question, "ceritakan kebaikkan2 kamu yang menyebabkan anda layak menjadi PTD yg baik?'- this sound easy tau, tapi adowwww..susahnya nak memuji diri dengan straight confident face... mungkin dah budaya kita kot, tak baik angkat bakul.... rasa nak gelak pun ada masa cakap betapa patrioticnya diri...uweeekssss....

Overall, aku rasa macam panel tu main2 je... 3 panel, 2 lelaki 1 perempuan... yang perempuan tu satu ayat pun tak keluar dari mulut dia.... senyum2 dan gelak2 je... aku pulak pantang tgk ada org senyum dengan aku, mmg senyum balik...jd sepanjang interview tu mmg aku senyummmmm jak, rasa2 nya panel tu ingat aku gila kot....

Jd kawan2.... saya mmg tak puas ati....rasa mcm main2 jak... uhukssss...kenapala pada last stage ni aku messed up.... tak laratnya nak ulang exam n pac lagi..... huarggghhhhh.....

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Dara^Lara This user has been deleted
Post time 30-10-2006 03:00 PM | Show all posts
Eh Cutepie, i just post in my experience...uhukssss...putus harapan dah ni....bagus prepare utk exam tahun depan..

To kekawan yg nak g interview, best of luck... don't repeat my mistakes, i thought i am too nervous sampai i am too rigid inside there, ssampai bole terlupa menda....

To Bitarax, when i said earlier, sometimes it's just luck.... there's nothing wrong with u.... for consolation, let me tell u sumthing....
the guy that stuck during pengucapan awam n public speaking passed the interview..i saw him during my interview.... donno la if there's some great personalities i can't see, or mungkin ada kabel besar tambak johor kot... and about dressing, there's one lady that wears sandals alll the time during PAC and she's too passed the PAC... so, maybe ladyluck is really shine on them... but maybe we shouldn't concentrate too much on d dress code or topics gempaksss for the public speaking or behave so controlled, so freakingly good during group work, ...maybe we should just be happy being ourselves...with weaknesses, with errors with fault..but we are still human nonetheless.....

whatever the results is... i am happy with the experience.. and apply again next year....

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Post time 30-10-2006 03:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cutepie at 30-10-2006 11:42 AM

nak tanya sikit, aweqlanun........betulke modul bombal..kena masuk terowong, dan tong oksigen akan diberi....susah tak?...

bole kita tolong jawabkan ? sorry yea aweqlanun...

Bagi saya modul bomba lah yg paling best! :love: Sblm pegi memang takut takleh habiskan aktiviti2 dia, tapi dah pegi seminggu tu rasa macam tak cukup...

Aktiviti memang tough tapi rasanya dulu lagi mencabar kot sebab ada aktiviti yg diaorg buat waktu malam... masa saya semua aktiviti fizikal siang je.. mlm lecture jek... Berat saya dlm 44 kg, n tak tinggi sangat... so sekali pandang memang nampak kecik walaupun saya rasa sy tak kecik sangat... so memang ramai kwan2 satu kumpulan yg asyik tanya saya boleh ke pikul BA (tong udara tu) yg berat n kena lari, panjat dll? But, saya berjaya habiskan semua modul dengan sokongan kawan2...

Paling best masuk sewer sebab ada part yg lubang dia muat2 badan kita je, n kita kena pakai BA untuk bernafas... mencabar gak lah sebab bg org yg setinggi saya, ada part kena lonjak badan untuk naik ke atas, mcm2 lah... Pastuada  scuba diving... sebab saya takut air sikit... but the experience memang best... bagi yg akan ke DPA... enjoy yourself , modul luarlah paling best...

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Post time 30-10-2006 03:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by NAGAmerah at 19-10-2006 02:39 PM
tq reds. reds pon PTD gak ke?nak tanya kawan2 yg dah dpa, betul ke sepanjang kursus dpa tu pergaulan sesama PTD amatlah bebas sehingga ada dengar kes laki+popuan tido satu khemah masa modul ketente ...

sejujur-jujurnya ... organizer takkan letak lelaki pompuan tidur sekhemah, even masa tentera, khemah yg dipasang tu tak sempat nak tidur pon... ... waktu lain ada dorm asing untuk lelaki n pompuan...

yg buat org kata time DPA tu pompuan n lelaki bergaul bebas, saya rasa tak seburuk yg disangka...sebab

1.Time gi modul luar, sometime kita punya semangat berkumpulan tu buat kita akan sentiasa tolong org no matter dia lelaki ke pompuan ke, bangsa atau agama apa... sebab ada peserta yg tak berapa fit atau perlu bantuan, sometimes tersentuh, tertarik tangan, terpeluk ... susah nak ckp sebab aktiviti modul luar memang agak mencabar

2. Bila dah jumpa tetiap hari, tak dinafikan ada yg berkenan sesama peserta... it depends on the person itself... kalau niat hanya nak berkawan dan jaga batas2 insya Allah tak ada apa berlaku.. Yg penting niat kita gi DPA untuk memperbaiki diri kita dan menambah ilmu... bukan lebih2 ye...

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Post time 30-10-2006 05:47 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bitaraX at 19-10-2006 06:36 PM
yang aku paling konfius is, ape beze nye antare PEGAWAI TADBIR & PTD?? memang sampai ari ni konfius lagi...

mmg ada perbezaan yg nyata
esp dr segi penempatan..kalau PTD ni kawasan liputan lebih besar dan layak bekerja sebagai pegawai diplomatik/duta di negara luar
peg tadbir nih actually byk di stat level dan badan2 berkanun..

nanti kalau masuk DPA course, maybe u akan dpt clear picture lagi

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Post time 30-10-2006 05:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aweqlanun at 29-10-2006 09:53 PM

hey there!! i tengah dpa skarang and dah lepas pun modul tentera, obs and also polis. As for your concern, tak pernah lagi la we gals and guys diletakkan dalam satu khemah. so.. dun worry yer!! ...

plg suka waktu attend DPA course ni time pi aktivit di luar INTAn, mcm module polis, tentera and OBS, tima saya dulu belum ada mudul bomba
time kena dengar lecture ada sikit ngantuk ler.. hehehehe

bab pergaulan.. i think it's not a big issue la
btw kita pun dah cukup dewasa nak menilai mana buruk n mana yg baik
tapi mmg time buat aktiviti luar kita kena deal rapat with each  other.. laki n pompuan... anyway niat mesti baik la kann..

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Post time 30-10-2006 05:51 PM | Show all posts
best nye korang semue dah DPA, kite orang kat sini bagai awan yang terpilu, tak tahu, what coming infront of us. tak tahu langsung, dapat ge tidak yang aku appeal tu, sampai skarang tak ade kabar berite, nampak gaye nye, tak dapat kot...sentap, sayu....hati ini makin sayu....(air mata syawal)...

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Post time 30-10-2006 09:34 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cutepie at 27-10-2006 03:59 PM

Good luck igor......i'm pun macam you...semuanya first time...exam ,pac and interview.....alhamdulilah walaupun pac teruk sangat.....

p/s: dara_lara, where r u ? how was ur interview?

Thanks. Good luck to you too

Originally posted by bitaraX at 28-10-2006 06:38 AM

good luck....Jabatan Kerje Raye kot....

Thanks. Hmm. Esok interview ni, mmg kena bersedia kena provoke giler2. Anyway I'll try my best.

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Post time 30-10-2006 09:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bitaraX at 30-10-2006 05:51 PM
best nye korang semue dah DPA, kite orang kat sini bagai awan yang terpilu, tak tahu, what coming infront of us. tak tahu langsung, dapat ge tidak yang aku appeal tu, sampai skarang tak ade kabar b ...

oh, pls dont be upset bitarax....never let the spirit die okay........anyway, what is ur height and weight? kalau u tak kisah......

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Post time 31-10-2006 06:09 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cutepie at 30-10-2006 09:37 PM

oh, pls dont be upset bitarax....never let the spirit die okay........anyway, what is ur height and weight? kalau u tak kisah......

my height is 168cm, my weight is 55kg

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Post time 31-10-2006 05:13 PM | Show all posts
hai all
i baru je lepas iview this morning
kire ok la..xde la kene provoke gile2
i kene dlm stengah jam
byk tanye psl keje.. bcoz i mmg keje govt
sib baik panel sume cam ok je
takla tension sgt
tak berharap,tngk la ade rezki ke x
but yg belom kene lg
good luck k!!
all the best!!!
takleh predict ape yg akan ditanyer
just ape yg trlintas je diorang tanye..takde pon nmpk skema soalan atas meja diorang
they will ask based on your answer or what they see in ur resume
bg yg baru grad,byk la diorang tanye psl dasar,asean and all yg dah keje panel byk tanye psl keje yg kite but skang & they will ask anything that u never predict..

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