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Author: Arwen

Hongkong Disneyland [merged kebayan]

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Post time 6-4-2010 09:42 PM | Show all posts
kat HK kitorg stay kat usa hostel (hostel tau, bukan hotel).
bilik dia agak sempit la, tapi bersih. dan bathroom pun bersih.
kalu takat nak blk bilik utk mandi & tidur saja, ok ja duduk bilik tu ...
lady_cactuss Post at 6-4-2010 18:25

lady, U tinggal kat USA Hostel. saya pun ada book kat hostel tu 30/4 untuk triple room.

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Post time 7-4-2010 12:33 AM | Show all posts
Korang sume...hrp blh share agk2 brape patut spend utk meals for 5day4nites?
tgh bwt bajet ni...makan je yg blom lg...jenis makanan yg simple2 aku ni xmakan yg berat2 sgt as long as kenyang & bg tenaga

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Post time 7-4-2010 12:43 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by kun.kun at 7-4-2010 00:46

2462# bdk2

Bawak bekal bnyak2 dr KL mcm serunding, roti, sambal goreng ke, maggi, mushrooam soup etc.

Makan halal agak susah, at least kene spent minimum HKD60 untuk sekali makan... Makan kt cni pon mahal..

i teringat chewing gum yg mcm sehinggit lebih kat cni, kat sana dlm rm5.00! mentos pon dlm 6 7 hinggit..huhu..
ni baru chewing gum!

ps -  bawak coklat bnyak2 dr KL, sbb coklat akan beri bnyk tenaga!

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Post time 7-4-2010 01:04 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by kun.kun at 7-4-2010 00:46

2462# bdk2

Bawak bekal bnyak2 dr KL mcm serunding, roti, sambal goreng ke, maggi, mushrooam soup etc.

Makan halal agak susah, at least kene spent  ...
kun.kun Post at 7-4-2010 00:43

owh yeke kun.kun? HKD60 skali mkn??? huhuhu pokai2
nmpknya...i kene la bwk serunding..beli nasik putih je.. (dorang jual x)...kalo roti kt sane yg jual yg halal x?

coklat2...coklat mcm mane tu? coklat bar ke?

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Post time 7-4-2010 07:51 AM | Show all posts
kt 7-11 dia ader je jual maggi dr mesia, tp rega dia mahal sikit. mcm coke, sebotol 10 hinggit mesia, botol yg kecik tu ye...and kalo makanan halal kt sana mmg agak pricey sikit mcm monik dulu order nasik goreng (share ngan asben) teh ais 2, telur daadr 1, hk80...huhuhu....dah lapar telan je la.....

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Post time 7-4-2010 08:46 AM | Show all posts
2462# bdk2

bawak je bekal megi banyak2 dari mesia. dan jugak coklat.
kat sana, boleh makan buah2 je mcm pisang & apple, yg memberi tenaga.
kalau sesekali nak mkn nasik, boleh la pi mkn briyani ke, tapi mahal laa,
harga dlm HK50 sepinggan.
all in all, masa i kat sana haritu, 5d4n (2n in shenzen, 2n in HK),
utk mkn rasanya kitorg spend dlm RM100 je kot. tu pun sebab ada 2 kali mkn briyani,
1 kali mkn prata. selebihnya, hanya mkn pisang, apple, coklat.

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Post time 7-4-2010 08:48 AM | Show all posts
2461# fiktee

happy holiday!! senang nak cari hostel tu, dan dia sgt lah convenient sebab dia betul2 kat sebelah stesen mtr. dekat dgn 7-11, dan dekat dgn kedai2 mkn halal.

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Post time 7-4-2010 08:52 AM | Show all posts
2459# bdk2

ohhh.. tak mungkin u akan keluar awal dari WOTW ni. masuk seawal dia buka, dan gerenti akan keluar bila dia dah nak tutup.
tak pun, keluar bila kaki dan badan dah penat berjalan. banyak ooo nak kena ambik gambar. nnt sampai dah habis posing pun, tpt2 nak bergambar tu tak habis2 lagi

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Post time 7-4-2010 09:00 AM | Show all posts
owh yeke kun.kun? HKD60 skali mkn??? huhuhu pokai2
nmpknya...i kene la bwk serunding..beli nasik putih je.. (dorang jual x)...kalo roti kt sane yg jual yg halal x?

bdk2 Post at 7-4-2010 01:04

yup.. makan memang mahal coz like muslim kita kena makan kat restaurant tertentu yg serve halal food (if possible)... kalau sekadar makan noodle kat pasar u sure murah macam kat sini juga.

Trip yg baru2 ni...stayed kat disneyland hotel.. boleh beli nasi saja kalau nak, tapi of coz mahal.. xsalah HKD10-12 utk nasi kosong. Kami beli la juga coz perut anak2 xcukup makan roti jer... utk lauk2 kami bawa canned food dari sini....bila dah lapar kari ayam yeos chef wan tu sedap gak.

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Post time 7-4-2010 09:27 AM | Show all posts
2465# monik

hehehe....betul....air minum mahal kat sana...mineral yg rm1.20 jer kat sini...sana rm5...

kalo dlm theme park lg mahal....

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Post time 7-4-2010 09:42 AM | Show all posts
2462# bdk2

ko kene noted la awal2 yang HK ni pricey..mcm standard spore..klu nasik putih tu aku tak penah la pulak tengok ada. klu nak bawak serunding tu ok jgk. ko pegi tak lama, jap je kan?
nanti bawakla sume benda 3 in 1, pastu instant mushroom soup, porridge, segala tu.

klu nak cuba nasik jgk leh la sehari sekali.

ps: sape tuh pegi bukak umah ke-2.. cni pun tak habis lagi. baru page 99. tak paham aku. walhal nama dia lepak cni pun aku tak penah. tau2 dah bukak umah baru. kalau dah penuh page 100 sampai habis nanti bukak le. pelik2 je perangai :re:

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Post time 7-4-2010 10:05 AM | Show all posts
2462# bdk2

klu nasik putih tu aku tak penah la pulak tengok ada. cmf_fatt Post at 7-4-2010 09:42

nasik anywhere boleh dapat.. org asian kan makan nasi..
kalau tak was was.. dlm disneyland ada jual vegetarian food..

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Post time 7-4-2010 10:19 AM | Show all posts
2472# adeenda

nope adeenda, dia mean nasik putih yg jual cenggitu je mcm kat cni kan selalu org beli pakai polisterine
kalau nasik putih mmg ada la, tp selalu jual sekali lauk, cth mcm set u dlm gambo ni
tp kalau beli nasik putih tp harga lebih kurang harga sehidang, better amik sehidang kan

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Post time 7-4-2010 10:46 AM | Show all posts
nasik anywhere boleh dapat.. org asian kan makan nasi..
kalau tak was was.. dlm disneyland ada jual vegetarian food..

adeenda Post at 7-4-2010 10:05

bila aku tgk nasik hidang ni...teringat lak nasik kt hospital yg aku penah makn....sob..sob...

kalo roti lak? ade x jual yg sane?

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Post time 7-4-2010 10:48 AM | Show all posts
bila aku tgk nasik hidang ni...teringat lak nasik kt hospital yg aku penah makn....sob..sob...

kalo roti lak? ade x jual yg sane?
bdk2 Post at 7-4-2010 10:46 AM

roti mestila ada. adoi..tapi janganla mimpi roti gardenia tuh. takde yang setandingnye. keras!

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Post time 7-4-2010 10:57 AM | Show all posts
roti mestila ada. adoi..tapi janganla mimpi roti gardenia tuh. takde yang setandingnye. keras!
cmf_fatt Post at 7-4-2010 10:48

keras xpe fatt, cicah ngn soup campbell....lembik jgk...hihihi....sodappp aihhhh!

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Post time 7-4-2010 11:44 AM | Show all posts
Guys need ur opinion. this is my itinerary for HK trip 5d4n. What do u think? feel free to add some suggestions and comments. Thanks!

Day 1 (Monday)
Departing from LCCT at 1.50pm and expect will be arriving at 5.45pm. From the airport, heading to Maple Leaf Guesthouses at Chunking Mansion and arrive there around 7.30pm. After having a dinner, go for a walk along the Nathan Road/ Tsim Sha Tsui for sightseeing. Around 12.00am, go to bed.

Day 2 (Tuesday)
Wake up early and go to The Peak and also Madame Tussaud from 10.00am until 3.00pm. Heading back to Tsim Sha Tsui for solat & lunch. Around 4.30pm, go to Repulse Bay for sightseeing. This trip would take approximately 3hours @ 7.30pm. Then from Repulse Bay, heading to Symphony of Lights. Have a simple dinner aka biscuits. After that, go back to the hostel.

Day 3 (Wednesday) Option 1
Wake up early again, to visit the HK Space & Science Museums. If possible can go all 6 museums. This will take about 5hours @ 3.00pm considering that the museums open at 10.00am. After that, go the Ammar Mosque for solat & lunch dimsum (recommended by a forummer). About 4.30pm, take a walk at the Hollywood Road and try the mid-central level escalator. Then, go straight to the Ladies Market for shopping. Around 10.30pm, go back to the hostel and have a simple dinner again.

Day 3 (Wednesday) Option 2
Wake up early again, visit the HK Space & Science Museums for 2.5hours, finish around 12.30pm. Then, go straight to Ngong Ping 360 for the experience of cable car as well as visit the Giant Buddha. After that, around 6.00pm, go to the Ammar Mosque for solat and dinner  aka dimsum (recommended). Then, go shopping at the Ladies Market until 11.00pm. Go back to the hostel. Get a good rest.

Day 4 (Thursday)
Wake up early to catch the train to go to Shenzen. Expected to arrive at the border around 9.30am. After the security check and all that, go straight to Windows of The World via Shenzen Metro. Spend all day there until 5.30pm if possible. Then, visit a few of the market to buy some souvenirs. Around 9.00pm, heading back to Hong Kong. Bring some chocolate & biscuits for energy. Have a dinner at the Shadowman Café (recommended). Get a rest.

Day 5 (Friday)
Wake up early, packing the bag & have some breakfast. Heading fast to the Avenue of Stars for some photos. A part from that,  also visit the Hollywood Road and Mid-Central Level escalator and go back straight to the hostel. Check out and have a lunch at the Ammar Mosque again before heading straight to the airport. Arrive at the airport around 3.30pm and check-in. Go for a window shopping at the airport. Depart from Hong Kong at 9.05pm and arrive at LCCT at 12.50am.

ade sesetgh tempat mybe x dpt singgah cz time constraints....huhuhuh tp aku rse dh dpt singgah tempat2 yg penting kot....ocean park & disneyland mybe next time....

feel free to give some advices.

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Post time 7-4-2010 12:09 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by adeenda at 7-4-2010 12:10

2477# bdk2

these two activities boleh combine

Day 2 (Tuesday)
……………... Then from Repulse Bay, heading to Symphony of Lights. Have a simple dinner. Then, go straight to the Ladies Market for shopping. Around 10.30pm, go back to the hostel.

Boleh juga spend one day kat satu-satu tempat dulu utk jimat transporation cost... contohnya pergi Tsim Sha Tsui.. gi museum (xpernah pegi pun.. nanti story sket yer), jalan2 kat nathan road, Arena of stars, Symphony of Lights, later malam sket pegi Mongkok…


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Post time 7-4-2010 03:02 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by kun.kun at 7-4-2010 15:46

Post Last Edit by kun.kun at 7-4-2010 15:39

Post Last Edit by kun.kun at 7-4-2010 15:14


Day 3 (Wednesday) Option 2
Wake up early again, visit the HK Space & Science Museums for 2.5hours, finish around 12.30pm. Then, go straight to Ngong Ping 360 for the experience of cable car as well as visit the Giant Buddha. After that, around 6.00pm, go to the Ammar Mosque for solat and dinner  aka dimsum (recommended). Then, go shopping at the Ladies Market until 11.00pm. Go back to the hostel. Get a good rest.

my advise.
Nong Ping tempat die besar..masa nk naik cable car kemungkinan kene beratur panjang...i takut tk ckup masa.. nak turun naik tangga giant buddha pon maybe dah amik masa.
lagi satu if im not mistaken, ammar masjid punya kantin open smpai 5.30pm je..kalau tak silap la..and distance dr ngong ping ke mosque ni pon jauh...

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Post time 7-4-2010 03:47 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by kun.kun at 8-4-2010 12:31

2479# kun.kun

Day 3 (Wednesday) Option 2.

my advise.
Nong Ping tempat die besar..masa nk naik cable car kemungkinan kene beratur panjang mcm i hari tuh (sejam lebih utk beratur)...i takut u tk ckup masa.. lagi satu nak turun naik tangga giant buddha pon maybe dah amik masa.hihi!
lagi satu ammar masjid punya kantin open smpai mlm eh? u dh check ke die tutup pkul bape.. sbb journey form ngong ping to masjid ammar agak jauh.

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