much has and is being said abt the influx of Foreign Trash to our shore.
but Msia is no different the last 10 years and still is, you are too struggling to integrate those foreign trash into what makes you a malaysia. now in your southern region those PRCs that are not welcome to SG are landing on your shores, and in the years to come your country will face the same problems like SG, but you hv more trash than SG to deal with.
like what LKY said ~ He is only interested in being correct and not politically corrected. He is a strong willed man with vision to outsmart you ( via the separation agreement that was drafted by his late wife)
outdo you in all areas and shame you for kicking her out. and he did all that and he won't apologize for that, the Msia that he left is in worst state than it ever was.
so now melayu tunjuk kn lah kekuatan melayu and outdo us.
thank you for sharing!
bukan saja melayu, share populasi cina juga menurun
anak perempuan dia masih kecil cantik..kenapa dah dewasa rupa jantan..?
this one is much better than ICity punya patung lilin ...
ye ker? i belum sampai lagi...![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
I have no komen for the rest of Malaysia, tapi kalau utk Sarawak, so far our immigration ok lah. Tak seperti di Malaya atau Sabah, kedai runcit dan kedai makan pun ramai foreigners, di Sarawak masih boleh tahan, local ppl masih menguasai hampir segenap peluang pekerjaan kecuali sektor kerajaan persekutuan. Kat sini jgn kata influx, nak import Bangla utk kerja kat ladang pun jadi hot issue. Alhamdulillah lah, ada rahmatnya menjadi autonomous state. Masih boleh tapis2 siapa yg masuk. ![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif)
laaaa...tak bangun lagi mr lee...hari tu ckp nak bangun...bangun la...
Soal jawab kubur belum lepas kot?
![](static/image/smiley/default/shutup.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/shutup.gif)
Edited by Dunhill. at 24-3-2015 01:42 PM
dutchy replied at 24-3-2015 10:34 AM
much has and is being said abt the influx of Foreign Trash to our shore.
but Msia is no differe ...
Klu nk dtg dan bekerja tkda masalah asalkan mereka tidak merampas pekerjaan lokal dan isu2 lain spt rumah, pendidikan dsb..
Klu pekerjaan local disapu bersih ditambah dgn majikan yg utamakan FT, apa akan jadi...ditambah dgn MRT yg over kapasiti..rakyat akan tambah stress..cmni ke nak bangunkan nation??
Belum pernah ada negara yg jual rumah under seliaan kerajaan kpd org luar spt spore..
Indon bleh duduk mana2 setinggan tp tiada hak milik...smpai masa surat mahkamah keluar pastu dtg plak bulldozer nak kasi roboh... |
i pun x masuk
selama tgk kat TV3 ada org bubuh bunga kat patung LKY ..
i was like 'Whatttttt' .... mmg patung dia x de rupa dia langsung
buruk jahhh
p/s : as makcik ni .. mungkin ada jasa LKY kat dia...
kita mana tau ...
Tapi you kena ingat....spore geographically ada sikit beza dgn malaysia. Ada yg boleh di contoh tapi tak semua lah....
LKY is a very determine person. biasa lah org kafir. Hati nya keras unlike org melayu perasaan kesian sentiasa ada.
Bukan saja muka macam lelaki tapi agak scary gitu eh....![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif)
apek kat avvy lu dah kena tanam belum..??
belum bang...hari ahad nanti. Kalau bg lava nak visit boleh lah sempat lagi.... nak bawak munga ke, card ke atau doa boleh lah mai ke singapore.......![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
good for swak, please maintain a tigh security at all borders, pendatang haram wajib ditembak jerkk dari dibiarkn membiak mcm lipas.
even in Johor and some malls in KL i can see pinoy working as sales staffs, aper kt mesia dh kurang bdk nk kija in sales line ker?
takziah kepada keluarga mendiang..
alamak...banyak lama simpan...tarak baik la gitu..
kesian taww ulat2 dalam kubur kelaparan tunggu makanan...
as part of Spore's goverment FTA with other countries, we cannot totally shut out all FTs to come to spore and work as even some MNC of spore are setting up branches in other countries as well and HOD mesti org spore gaks kt saner, contoh mcm keppel smpai GOM ader skrg, same as in philipines and vietnam etc.
only those that holds PR status in spore are able to buy HDB housing, and bkn murah pung, semuer org tau the price of property in spore is one of the most expensive in the world, unlilke sporeans that enjoy HDB housing loans and bank loans at good rates the same deal is not offered to the PRs, oleh krn spore imports those highly qualified ppl, org2 neh semuer bkn sengkek, they even come with money, pinoy kalo sewa umah smpai sumbat 10 org, so they save cost.
one of the requirements for those that gets PR in spore is that their children can also study here, so they are allow to tp school fees and student visa bkn murah pung yearly
bkn kt mesia indon yg dpt PR pung bleh dpt tgl kt umah PPR ker? lg2 yg kena halau dr setinggan, ader jerk dut dgr kes surat branak bli kt mesia, bwk baby kt mesia, matikn passport and claim ilang and rasuah utk dpt kn surat branak seterus nyer dpt IC?
Edited by Dunhill. at 24-3-2015 02:36 PM
dutchy replied at 24-3-2015 02:11 PM
as part of Spore's goverment FTA with other countries, we cannot totally shut out all FTs to come ...
Ada duit semua boleh jalan...tp ramai yg ada duit tp kedekut nak keluarkan modal....ikut jalan depan berkurun la tunggu...
Itu je la modal dia dari dulu..indon dpt pr indon dpt ic msia..sebenarnya dari dulu mmg law mcm nie...citizenship by birth atau neutralization..klu nak pinda kenalah ubah perlembagaan..
Even kt negara maju mcm Kanada pun ada byk kes ic dan passport palsu sehinggakan US mengetatkan pintu masuk apatah lg msia yg byk org negara jiran sanggup membeli ic dlm pasaran gelap..
Malaysia mmg tinggi kadar rasuahnya..apacite spore yg ranking no1 dah jatuh ke7...lain tahun jatuh lg...pokoknya ada duit semua boleh jalan..
FT mmg penting tp sampaikan anak watan nk kerja kene bersaing apa cite?? Budak2 abis uni,abis sekolah....mujur msia tk buka pintu utk kerja2 clerical.. |
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