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Author: wkk5159

Sperms are produced in chest not testicle ! According to Quran....

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Post time 2-2-2013 12:36 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 2-2-2013 11:42 AM
kami tak rasa malu kerana menegakkan kebenaran tetapi saya dan manusai sejagat rasa malu dengan kedu ...
In all Islamic countries including Malaysia, why Islam prohibit and ban proselytizing of muslims by other religion but allow and encouraging proselytizing of non-muslims by their evil doctrines ??? The murtad muslims or muslims who leave this evil faith even threatened with death ! No other civilized people will commit such barbaric act...let alone any religion you can think of except Islam.

the  other day i watched astro chanel 106...the program called 'dasyat" ...the topic about 'murtad"
according to the ustaz, if person come out from islam, must approached him/her and guide them...if still refused, the penatly is to killed the murtad...

hmmm....islam is the way of life... thats what they claimed ...or islam is indah

Last edited by Truth.8 on 2-2-2013 12:37 PM


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Post time 2-2-2013 12:40 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 2-2-2013 11:42 AM
kami tak rasa malu kerana menegakkan kebenaran tetapi saya dan manusai sejagat rasa malu dengan kedu ...

Ha ha , when you have been shitted upon , just look at your answer. You are not even answering to the context of the argument that you started. This is evidence that you are unable to defend your argument as it has the basis of intellectual dishonesty by cherry picking translations with regards to Quran86:4-7

kami tak rasa malu kerana menegakkan kebenaran tetapi saya dan manusai sejagat rasa malu dengan kedunguan kamu sehingga tidak pandai membezakan rasa malu dan kemaluan.....

Thank you for another entertaining classical moronic post by a typical religious muslim, keep it up ! The world is watching.

Any rational thinking human being know that Islam cannot withstand scrutiny by intelects of other faiths. The very concrete proof is in front of us;
In all Islamic countries including Malaysia, why Islam prohibit and ban proselytizing of muslims by other religion but allow and encouraging proselytizing of non-muslims by their evil doctrines ??? The murtad muslims or muslims who leave this evil faith even threatened with death ! No other civilized people will commit such barbaric act...let alone any religion you can think of except Islam.
The answer is simple; Islam cannot compete with other religions on equal playing field. Islam is rigid but it is easily smashed into smithereens by truth ! Their Quran is filled with erroneous verses that cannot withstand scrutiny from intelligent people.....Islam only appeals to people with specific traits; eg: congenitally evil, mentally retarded, lotharios.....sound familiar, yes, you guess it right.....Their zombie followers only follow the path left by the infamous pseudoprophet by the name of Mu-ham-mad.  
Ha ha , again and again mere assertions from you. If you have half a brain you would look into stats that proves Islam is the fastest growing religion. Christianity on the other hand is in the decline. If you want to talk about proselytization , how many muslims in western countries became christians compared christians reverting to Islam? A good example is Daniel Striech who was a leader and a die hard supporter of the minaret ban in Switzerland. In the end , he became muslim as he studied the Quran with a view to refute Islam / muslim.
The Swiss politician Daniel Streich, who rose to fame as a result of his opposition to mosques in his homeland, has now embraced the faith he reviled.

Daniel Streich was a member of then Swiss People’s Party (SVP) in Switzerland. A well-known politician, Streich led the calls for a ban on minarets across Switzerland. He was active in building anti-Muslim sentiments throughout Switzerland. This sustained campaign led to him being given a high ranking position in the Swiss Army.

Streich attempted to understand the Qur’an and Islamic teachings in order to argue against Muslims on tenets of their faith. In the course of his efforts the ex-Christian began to agree with and acknowledge the proclamations of the Qur’an.

“Islam offers me logical answers to important life questions, which, in the end, I never found in Christianity,” says Streich. He is now a committed Muslim, who attends the mosque, recites the Qur’an and prays five times a day.
Daniel Striech

Ha ha , I believe I have provided verses from the bible that commands christians to kill apostates. Can you now show me any verse in the Quran that states of to kill apostates? Until now you cannot even meet the standing challenge.

You are just delusionally trying to console yourself that Islam cannot stand up to scrutiny. If that is the case , Islam would have been wiped out. Yet it is growing and christianity in decline. A good example , you and 'prototaip' think Islam cannot stand up to scrutiny and tried to use Quran86:4-7 as an argument by being intellectually dishonest cherry picking on translations to suit your argument. Ha ha , the argument of you guys have exploded in your faces and has embarrassed you guys to no end. In the end , you and 'protatiap' are just con men who have very little knowledge of the Quran.

Pssst , is the christian way of proselytizing by abducting muslim orphans (babies) in the last tsunami in Acheh? Such tactic have been used by christions missionaries throughout the christian history. No wonder the natives and other religion treat christian missionaries with caution. It looks like its the christians who cannot compete on a level playing field. You want to compare theology? You will not only be decimated , you will be embarrassed to no end. You want to have a go? I am all game. Don't be like 'prototaip' who is only comfortable in the position of asking questions. When his world view of 'common descent' been questioned , he turned tail and ran as fast as he could. The same will happen to you if you with a debate on comparative theology - Christianity and Islam.

Your choice .... , I bet you will not respond .... ha ha


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 Author| Post time 2-2-2013 01:37 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 2-2-2013 12:40 PM
Ha ha , when you have been shitted upon , just look at your answer. You are not even answering to  ...

Hehehe...the poor ustaz try very hard to defend his evil faith....just like corrupted BN politician try to lie their way out. Keep it up, smart people are watching.

Islam fastest growing religion of the world ? Hahaha...i don't have to answer this muslims' favourite statement as i'd answered this alzhelmerish question countless time already and it can easily be found on any anti-evil faith websites.

Seems like this ustaz has learned from his Arab master the overt and covert type of racism...anything from mat salleh is good, even mat salleh's shit is fragrant one you know ? They even won't hesitate to munch it like a shit eating dog...

He seems to forget that lots of smart people have left Islam and become biggest critic of this evil faith, eg; Ali Sina and Son of Hamas leader....even in his own backyard there are countless Malays "murtading" everyday(some i know them personally)but they kept it secret for fear of oppressive action from the government and lost of bumi status. All these because of a evil faith called Islam.

Biblical truth - Islam, the most vile, violent, uncivilised, anti-humanity, anti-development, anti-science religion created by a self proclaimed prophet 14 centuries ago...won't suvive the scrutiny by intelligent people and internet age.


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 Author| Post time 2-2-2013 02:41 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 2-2-2013 12:36 PM
the  other day i watched astro chanel 106...the program called 'dasyat" ...the topic about 'murt ...

Yea, Islam is a way of Hell !


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Post time 2-2-2013 03:40 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 2-2-2013 01:37 PM
Hehehe...the poor ustaz try very hard to defend his evil faith....just like corrupted BN politicia ...

I really hope everyone sees your response and realize that you are nothing but a religious bigot. You have nothing but just hatred and you don't even know what your hatred is all about. All you have are just assertions , one after another. When asked for evidence , your pathetic evidence you gave so far ; 'sperm = semen' lah , 'testicles' lah , 'god is love' lah. Assertions are just your uneducated opinion. Yet you delve in intellectual dishonesty in your arguments. So far it has been proven that your (and 'prototaip') argument about Quran86:4-7 has the basis of intellectual dishonesty in cherry picking translations with zero regards to scholarship. Only one word for it .... pathetic
Hehehe...the poor ustaz try very hard to defend his evil faith....just like corrupted BN politician try to lie their way out. Keep it up, smart people are watching.

Islam fastest growing religion of the world ? Hahaha...i don't have to answer this muslims' favourite statement as i'd answered this alzhelmerish question countless time already and it can easily be found on any anti-evil faith websites.

Seems like this ustaz has learned from his Arab master the overt and covert type of racism...anything from mat salleh is good, even mat salleh's shit is fragrant one you know ? They even won't hesitate to munch it like a shit eating dog...

He seems to forget that lots of smart people have left Islam and become biggest critic of this evil faith, eg; Ali Sina and Son of Hamas leader....even in his own backyard there are countless Malays "murtading" everyday(some i know them personally)but they kept it secret for fear of oppressive action from the government and lost of bumi status. All these because of a evil faith called Islam.

Biblical truth - Islam, the most vile, violent, uncivilised, anti-humanity, anti-development, anti-science religion created by a self proclaimed prophet 14 centuries ago...won't suvive the scrutiny by intelligent people and internet age.

You have no substance in your response except for mindless blabber. Save that for your gf or mistress or the protitute whom you frequent. Ha ha , now you personally know murtads? A claim that cannot be substantiated ... yet again. Son of Hamas leader? Only he die die claim of such. There is no independent confirmation. I remind you again , assertions don't count.

Racism? Lets have a look at the depiction of biblical jesus , your god :

Since when did biblical Jesus became a caucasian? Ha ha , to you christians he is more caucasian than middle eastern. Subconsciously christianity appealed to you as now you think you are in the same league like the caucasian. Oops , to some of them , like I stated before , you are just a slant eyed gook.

My challenge to you. You want to debate on the comparative theology of Christianity vs Islam , I am all game. I can assure you , you will end up embarrassed to no end. What say you?

You will probably go on a sideway diatribe but never rise to the challenge.

Ha ha , Islam won't survive the internet age? If you had been a bit more well read , the internet age is one of the prime movers in the growth of Islam.
"Then when I became Muslim, I sort of calmed down. I wanted to stay at home studying on the internet or reading books. And I'm more happy than I was - I'm proud of who I am, I've got a certain identity."

Aisha is one of a growing number of white converts according to a new study by Swansea University for the charity Faith Matters.

Using a number of sources, including a survey of more than 250 British mosques, census data from 2001 and conversion figures in Europe, the researchers estimate that there could be as many as 100,000 converts - of all ethnic backgrounds - in the UK. This represents an increase on an estimated 60,000 converts in 2001.

bbc news

The religion that will probably not survive intellect curiosity is christianity. An good example is the nature of the triune god. How can the father (fully god) , the son (fully god) , the holy spirit ( fully god) are not 3 fully gods but 1 fully god. It takes a lot of compromise in logic to believe such. You are just in delusion consoling yourself.

Too bad .... so sad .... ha ha

Last edited by sam1528 on 2-2-2013 05:31 PM


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Post time 2-2-2013 03:41 PM | Show all posts
No, no, no...the so called wise biologist wannabe inteprets the Quran:
Sperms are produced in chest not testicle !

Easy anatomy:
- Stick number plates on both side of the Quran, start interpret using testicles.
- Then all researches need to prove the 'interpretation' of only ONE verse.
- Finally, declare yourself as a wise biologist cum Quran interpreter.
Note: Do not refer any religious books i.e. Bible (OT & NT), scriptures, and
encyclopedia Judaica, Britannica, Americana, etc. to support the verse (rejecting the interpretation)

p/s: No need to wear gloves, just point out the testicles required.


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 Author| Post time 2-2-2013 05:05 PM | Show all posts
Hehehe....first the poor old microopthalmic ustaz aka beady piggy eyes ustaz got embarrassed by his pseudoscience statement as regard to male reproduction, now he want to voluntarily take off his own pant and show us his ugly impotent cxxk but too bad it is not sexually appealing, just a quote from this dumb piggy eyed ustaz; "Since when did biblical Jesus became a caucasian? Ha ha , to you christians he is more caucasian than middle eastern. Subconsciously christianity appealed to you as now you think you are in the same league like the caucasian."

I see, the imbecilic charlatan ustaz want to call himself a anthropologist now ??? Isn't Jesus a Jew or Israelite ? Isn't Jew categorized in caucasoid group according to anthropology ? Jesus is caucasian and that's a historical fact and that got nothing to do with racial preference. Christians have no problem with a negroid or mongoloid Jesus if he really is one just like most oriental Buddhists have no problem accepting the fact that Buddha was a Indian.
Unlike muslims who practise overt and covert type of racism as i mentioned with evidences in my previous post and one good concrete example here is this serpentine ustaz who keep on shouting racist remark" slant eyed gook"....
By the way, just a excerpt from my post 189#; "I'm not even slant eyed to begin with, hehehe....with this racist remark, he has insulted all of his own muslim brethrens in the world with slant eye which millions can be found in China, Krygystan, Turkmenistan.....what can i say; stupidity need not to be taught !
p/s: Arab muslims practise overt and covert type of racism, they look down on colored skin muslims which include Black, Malay.....They believe in any scientific research of white non-muslims even it's a shit, eg: Dr Maurice Bucaille but despise their own colored scientist brethrens even the findings are more outstanding..... Do you think Arab will buy a Proton ?? Wake up ! They rather buy a much more expensive BMW or Audi made by the minds and hands of people who crave schweinchaff (pork knuckle) instead of halal meat...."
Fellow benign earthlings, do you have any doubt now why muslims are the most vile, violent, uncivilised, anti-humanity, anti-development, anti-science religion created by a self proclaimed prophet 14 centuries ago ??? It's crystal clear !   

I guess now we should officially induct that serpentine ustaz into our Hall of Imbecile 2013........

If you all still  really can't have enough of these serpentine amusing lies, keep provoking him, you'll never regret if you are bored....

Got to go for my tennis game now, ciao !

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Post time 2-2-2013 05:56 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 2-2-2013 05:05 PM
Hehehe....first the poor old microopthalmic ustaz aka beady piggy eyes ustaz got embarrassed by his  ...

I just don't know why you are blabbering mindlessly. Is there something pathologically wrong with you? All of your mindless blabber are just your assertions or uneducated opinion.
Hehehe....first the poor old microopthalmic ustaz aka beady piggy eyes ustaz got embarrassed by his pseudoscience statement as regard to male reproduction, now he want to voluntarily take off his own pant and show us his ugly impotent cxxk but too bad it is not sexually appealing, just a quote from this dumb piggy eyed ustaz; "Since when did biblical Jesus became a caucasian? Ha ha , to you christians he is more caucasian than middle eastern. Subconsciously christianity appealed to you as now you think you are in the same league like the caucasian."

I see, the imbecilic charlatan ustaz want to call himself a anthropologist now ??? Isn't Jesus a Jew or Israelite ? Isn't Jew categorized in caucasoid group according to anthropology ? Jesus is caucasian and that's a historical fact and that got nothing to do with racial preference. Christians have no problem with a negroid or mongoloid Jesus if he really is one just like most oriental Buddhists have no problem accepting the fact that Buddha was a Indian.
Unlike muslims who practise overt and covert type of racism as i mentioned with evidences in my previous post and one good concrete example here is this serpentine ustaz who keep on shouting racist remark" slant eyed gook"....
By the way, just a excerpt from my post 189#; "I'm not even slant eyed to begin with, hehehe....with this racist remark, he has insulted all of his own muslim brethrens in the world with slant eye which millions can be found in China, Krygystan, Turkmenistan.....what can i say; stupidity need not to be taught !
p/s: Arab muslims practise overt and covert type of racism, they look down on colored skin muslims which include Black, Malay.....They believe in any scientific research of white non-muslims even it's a shit, eg: Dr Maurice Bucaille but despise their own colored scientist brethrens even the findings are more outstanding..... Do you think Arab will buy a Proton ?? Wake up ! They rather buy a much more expensive BMW or Audi made by the minds and hands of people who crave schweinchaff (pork knuckle) instead of halal meat...."
Fellow benign earthlings, do you have any doubt now why muslims are the most vile, violent, uncivilised, anti-humanity, anti-development, anti-science religion created by a self proclaimed prophet 14 centuries ago ??? It's crystal clear !   

I guess now we should officially induct that serpentine ustaz into our Hall of Imbecile 2013........

If you all still  really can't have enough of these serpentine amusing lies, keep provoking him, you'll never regret if you are bored....

Got to go for my tennis game now, ciao !

Hmmm , I believe you and 'prototaip' are the ones who die die insisted that sperm = semen. Therefore the champions of pseudo science in this thread is you followed by 'prototaip' or joint champions. The best part you guys got debunked by your own reference. You seem very mad about it. Too bad for you.

Ha ha , Refer to my previous post , I have already uploaded the image of biblical Jesus. Let me be more specific. Was he a caucasian - 'white' or mid easterner? Blue eyes ... ha ha. Appears that christianity is for people like you die die wants to be a 'white man'. Ha ha , you feel that you are inferior to the white man? This is because they have duped you into believing that biblical Jesus was somehow or someway a 'white' caucasian or of a european descent. Just look at his image ....

Hmmm , I believe I stated :
you think you are in the same league like the caucasian. Oops , to some of them , like I stated before , you are just a slant eyed gook.

Why you again try to twist it into :
he has insulted all of his own muslim brethrens in the world with slant eye which millions

You are quite a twister aren't you?

Ha ha , I stated that its your brothers in christianity , the 'whites' who feels that way about you.  It is true :
Researchers found that when the participants were primed with Christian religious concepts, it increased subtle and overt prejudice toward African-Americans. However, the Baylor researchers also found priming Christian concepts did not cause a shift in reported underlying emotion, such as increases in fear of African-Americans. These priming effects persisted when the researchers controlled for pre-existing levels of religiousness and spirituality.

What’s interesting about this study is that it shows some component of religion does lead to some negative evaluations of people based on race. We just don’t know why,” said Dr. Wade Rowatt, associate professor of psychology and neuroscience at Baylor


Of course lah , even if you are slant eyed you would never admit it. You ego would not permit it. However it does not change the fact that your christian brothers do regard you a slant eyed gook.

In Islam there is already a statement of non racism. In his farewell sermon Prophet Muhammad(saw) declared :
No Arab is to be preferred over a non-Arab except by virtue of his piety

TQ for your admission '..Isn't Jesus a Jew or Israelite ?..'. I was hoping you say that. Biblical Jesus stated :
mat15:24 - He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”

Are you an Israelite? Yes or no? Ha ha even your god in biblical Jesus does not want to have anything to do with you but you die die worship him. Wait! There is more :
Acts16:6 - Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia.

Even the holy spirit does not want asians like you. Yet you die die worship a god who does not even want nor acknowledge you. Sad isn't it.

So how? Your gods in biblical Jesus and the holy spirit do not want to have anything to do with you. Hey it was you who admitted that bibilcal Jesus was an Israelite , your admission again , '..Isn't Jesus a Jew or Israelite..'. The logical question here is that why do you worship gods that do not want to have anything to do with you?

Ha ha, now its back to Proton issue? If one has the $ , why not an unmarket car? Its a choice one has. Ooi tambi , I don't think you have the money to get an upmarket car. Even the dinky beemer 318 could be out of your reach. Why you talk so much without engaging your brains?

Ha ha , I think I am the one provoking you as it is very evident from your mindless blabber you have nothing more in your locker. Ha ha what do you expect from a so called 'medical professional' who die die (mis)understand that sperm = semen.

Still waiting for an answer. Are you game enough to debate on christian vs islam theology? Oops .... you are now looking for any exit hole just to run away.

Last edited by sam1528 on 2-2-2013 07:41 PM


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 Author| Post time 2-2-2013 08:27 PM | Show all posts
Degree of muslimness and imbecility = 100% !
Keep going !
加猪油 !

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Post time 2-2-2013 08:37 PM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 2-2-2013 09:53 PM | Show all posts
Dzulqarnain posted on 2-2-2013 08:37 PM

Degree of muslimness and imbecility = 200% !
Keep going !
加猪油 !

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Post time 2-2-2013 11:15 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 2-2-2013 08:27 PM
Degree of muslimness and imbecility = 100% !
Keep going !
加猪油 !

Aiyah , why you are such a party pooper that you never want to answer my question? Did I hit a raw nerve somewhere? I guess I diid. I repeat my question :
Per mat15:24 and acts16:6 , why you worship gods that do not want to have anything to do with you?

Are you game enough to debate on christian vs islam theology? Oops .... you are now looking for any exit hole just to run away.

Last edited by sam1528 on 2-2-2013 11:17 PM


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 Author| Post time 3-2-2013 12:13 AM | Show all posts
Degree of muslimness and imbecility = 150% !
Keep going !
加猪油 !

p/s: Christian Theology vs Islam Theology = God vs Satan = Good vs Evil.....all the earthlings with neuron got the essence of it know who lah !

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Post time 3-2-2013 04:13 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 2-2-2013 11:15 PM
Aiyah , why you are such a party pooper that you never want to answer my question? Did I hit a raw ...

Nerve? Neurology is not biology la
Anatomy is biology and biology is anatomy
Dont argue on nerveous system with the biologist wannabe cum Quran interpreter...
Dont ever relate with cardiology, bio-genetics, genealogy, neurology, etc. with the wannabe(s)
because sperms are produced in chest not testicle ! According to his wise interpretation.


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Post time 3-2-2013 04:28 AM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 2-2-2013 09:53 PM
Degree of muslimness and imbecility = 200% !
Keep going !
加猪油 !

Testicles will keep on going producing sperms unless
you castrated it and hang it on the wall as prototype...
Wait! I forgot, u need 'puberty' la. Sorry ah, kiddo no no ok.


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 Author| Post time 3-2-2013 06:20 AM | Show all posts
Degree of muslimness and imbecility = 300% !
Keep going !
加猪油 !

p/s: added 100% for excluding neurology as part of biology.

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Post time 3-2-2013 07:22 AM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 3-2-2013 06:20 AM
Degree of muslimness and imbecility = 300% !
Keep going !
加猪油 !

Then how the nervous system related to sperm production?
Shud a biologist wannabe xplain which system(s) generates re-production?
Or mammals/vetebrates are just like amoeba? - no sex

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 Author| Post time 3-2-2013 09:21 AM | Show all posts
Degree of muslimness and imbecility = 200% !
Keep going !
加猪油 !

p/s: minus 100% for implicating muslims are monocellular being.

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 Author| Post time 3-2-2013 09:51 AM | Show all posts
What a lovely sunny Sunday....lets cast the dark side and evil spirit by exorcising some demons;

Frequently asked mentally retarded question by Mu-ham-Mad-an; Jesus was only a prophet to the Jews and not the Gentiles. Is this true?

Answer:    Matthew 15:24, He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel."

Muslims understand this to be mean that Jesus was a prophet for the Jews only, and that his disciples were therefore also only sent to the Jews. From this they argue further that the teachings of Jesus are not for Gentiles and that the Gospel cannot therefore be a universal religion - like Islam.

Let us look at the context of the verse. Jesus healed the Syrophoenecian woman's daughter - a Gentile! Jesus delivered a demonized Canaanite (Mark 7:24-37). Later, we see Cornelius coming to faith, after Peter preached of Jesus (Acts 10; especially vss. 34-48). Paul was an Apostle to the Gentiles (Acts 9:15; Rom 1:5-6). As John sates, "He is the atoning sacrifice for our [elect Jews] sins, and not only for ours [elect Jews] but also for the sins of the whole world [elect Gentiles]" (1 John 2:2). Apparently, there was a ministry to Gentiles well before Mohammed.

So, if Jesus (in part) and the Early Church ministered to Gentiles, what did Jesus mean by, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel"?

Prior to the resurrection, the "dividing wall" (Eph 2:14) between Jew and Gentile still stood and at this point Jesus' mission was to "Israel" as defined by the Old Testament ordinances. Jesus ministered to this woman's request in Matthew 15 only after clear evidence that she no longer thought of any claim to the covenant mercies; rather she hoped to benefit from the overflow of the blessings promised to Israel (an overflow seen even as Gentiles were saved in the Old Testament Rehab the Harlot, foriegn servants that dwelt with Israel, etc). After the resurrection though the engrafting of the Gentiles began on a more full-scale level by the command of Christ himself (Matt 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8). This was God's eternal plan (Abraham the father of many nations - Gen 17:5, 15-16; Rom 4:17). God as the divine Potter is free not only to choose Jews, but Gentiles as well:

    Romans 9:24-26 even us, whom he also called, not only from the Jews but also from the Gentiles? As he says in Hosea: "I will call them 'my people' who are not my people; and I will call her 'my loved one' who is not my loved one," and, "In the very place where it was said to them, 'You are not my people,' there they will be called 'children of the living God.'

Part of God's restorative plan for elect Israel is to provoke them to jealousy. He began this early in the church (Acts 1:8):

    Romans 11:11, 13-14 because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel envious. I am talking to you Gentiles. Inasmuch as I am the apostle to the Gentiles, I take pride in my ministry in the hope that I may somehow arouse my own people to envy and save some of them (cf. vs. 25-27).

Clearly the Early Church and even Christ himself ministered to Gentiles.

p/s: This time around the serpentine ustaz again takes off his pant in front of everybody and it is filled with syphilis and gonorrhea abscess, yuck ! Last edited by wkk5159 on 3-2-2013 09:55 AM


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Post time 3-2-2013 10:43 AM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 3-2-2013 09:51 AM
What a lovely sunny Sunday....lets cast the dark side and evil spirit by exorcising some demons;

Wow , such a long non answer to a simple question : Per mat15:24 and acts16:6 , why you worship gods that do not want to have anything to do with you?
References to the question :
(1) mat15:24 - He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”
(2) Acts16:6 - Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia.

What a lovely sunny Sunday....lets cast the dark side and evil spirit by exorcising some demons;

Frequently asked mentally retarded question by Mu-ham-Mad-an; Jesus was only a prophet to the Jews and not the Gentiles. Is this true?

Answer:    Matthew 15:24, He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel."

Muslims understand this to be mean that Jesus was a prophet for the Jews only, and that his disciples were therefore also only sent to the Jews. From this they argue further that the teachings of Jesus are not for Gentiles and that the Gospel cannot therefore be a universal religion - like Islam.

Let us look at the context of the verse. Jesus healed the Syrophoenecian woman's daughter - a Gentile! Jesus delivered a demonized Canaanite (Mark 7:24-37). Later, we see Cornelius coming to faith, after Peter preached of Jesus (Acts 10; especially vss. 34-48). Paul was an Apostle to the Gentiles (Acts 9:15; Rom 1:5-6). As John sates, "He is the atoning sacrifice for our [elect Jews] sins, and not only for ours [elect Jews] but also for the sins of the whole world [elect Gentiles]" (1 John 2:2). Apparently, there was a ministry to Gentiles well before Mohammed.

So, if Jesus (in part) and the Early Church ministered to Gentiles, what did Jesus mean by, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel"?

Prior to the resurrection, the "dividing wall" (Eph 2:14) between Jew and Gentile still stood and at this point Jesus' mission was to "Israel" as defined by the Old Testament ordinances. Jesus ministered to this woman's request in Matthew 15 only after clear evidence that she no longer thought of any claim to the covenant mercies; rather she hoped to benefit from the overflow of the blessings promised to Israel (an overflow seen even as Gentiles were saved in the Old Testament Rehab the Harlot, foriegn servants that dwelt with Israel, etc). After the resurrection though the engrafting of the Gentiles began on a more full-scale level by the command of Christ himself (Matt 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8). This was God's eternal plan (Abraham the father of many nations - Gen 17:5, 15-16; Rom 4:17). God as the divine Potter is free not only to choose Jews, but Gentiles as well:

    Romans 9:24-26 even us, whom he also called, not only from the Jews but also from the Gentiles? As he says in Hosea: "I will call them 'my people' who are not my people; and I will call her 'my loved one' who is not my loved one," and, "In the very place where it was said to them, 'You are not my people,' there they will be called 'children of the living God.'

Part of God's restorative plan for elect Israel is to provoke them to jealousy. He began this early in the church (Acts 1:8):

    Romans 11:11, 13-14 because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel envious. I am talking to you Gentiles. Inasmuch as I am the apostle to the Gentiles, I take pride in my ministry in the hope that I may somehow arouse my own people to envy and save some of them (cf. vs. 25-27).

Clearly the Early Church and even Christ himself ministered to Gentiles.

p/s: This time around the serpentine ustaz again takes off his pant in front of everybody and it is filled with syphilis and gonorrhea abscess, yuck !

- If biblical Jesus was only a prophet to the Jews , how do you justify he became god to you gentiles? Healing the Syrophoenecian woman's daughter was not in any way telling her to worship him. Ha ha , you mean when biblical Jesus agreed to heal her daughter , it was a covert sign for the said woman to worship him? You must be out of your mind.

- Cornelius coming to faith after Peter preached to him? Ooi tambi , Peter preached that biblical Jesus was a man accredited by god , in other words a messenger of god per acts2:22
“Fellow Israelites, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know.

- Refer to 1joh2:1
My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.

This means that biblical Jesus was an advocate or spokesman or messenger with the father or on the father's side.

- The book of romans was authored by Paul who had never met , walked and talked with biblical Jesus. The passage you provided never explicitly state biblical Jesus was / is god much less to the gentiles. Biblical Jesus have never authorized Paul to be an apostle much less to the gentiles.

Too bad , your copy paste answer did not in any way address the issue that biblical Jesus was in any way god for the non Israelites.

To compound to your problem , Paul did not know in any way what he wrote would later become the canon for christians. Some verses were his own opinion , 1cor7:12
12 To the rest I say this (I, not the Lord): If any brother has a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her.

Still nothing from you in response to the fact that your gods do not even want to know you , a non Israelite

If Paul did not consider his work to be scripture , why should you christians?

Ha ha , things are getting from bad to worse for you. You started something that you cannot control. Its fair that I now ask the questions as you questions have been answered and you been cornered (ie. Quran86:4-6 regarding 'sulb' and 'taraeb')

Hold on to your hats folks .... we will see 'wkk5159' zooming out trying to run .....
Last edited by sam1528 on 3-2-2013 10:59 AM


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