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Author: paler kembang


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Post time 4-10-2011 01:13 AM | Show all posts
ip4 aku signal wireless tk kuat.... ade jalan penyelesaian tk?
mirage_46 Post at 3-10-2011 20:57

Nie product defect.. Bru mggu lepas teman mmbr buat report n unit bru akan diganti dlm masa sebulan..

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Post time 4-10-2011 10:01 AM | Show all posts
Reply  silverstar333

bang, jangan la pegi kedai Apple, sah-sah kena marah... hahahha

dtg kat  ...
macpunks Post at 3-10-2011 15:59

Bukan bang...kena panggil kakak....heee...heee.....

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Post time 4-10-2011 11:10 AM | Show all posts
Nie product defect.. Bru mggu lepas teman mmbr buat report n unit bru akan diganti dlm masa se ...
SmokinAces Post at 4-10-2011 01:13 AM

   boleh hantar kedai untuk repair tk?... hp ni pun beli atas tgn kawan

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Post time 4-10-2011 11:44 AM | Show all posts
Reply 223# mirage_46

boleh juga. tapi x sure brp kedai charge! aku kalau hantar repair biasa kt mines. kat situ kebanyakan tokei2 kedai ble wat mcm kawan2. x mcm low yat. maybe sbb kt mines customer x seramai low yat kot. tu yg diorg jaga baik2.

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Post time 4-10-2011 12:00 PM | Show all posts
br pakai ip4 ni... dekat about dia tulis version 4.1
nk kena update ios dia ker

budak baru belajar
mirage_46 Post at 30-9-2011 13:56

    mirage_46 latest version for iOS now is 4.3.5 (bila IP5 release maybe ada version iOS 5.0). if mirage_46 nak Jailbreak dinasihat utk x upgrade ke latest version di iTunes. stick kt version 4.1 dan buat jailbreak utk version tu guna tool sn0wbreeze. cara nk Jailbreak ble refer kt . website tu utk iOS 4.3.3 with snowbreeze 2.7. mirage_46 kena gugel n donlod iPohone firmware IPSW file versi 4.1 dengan software snowbreeze versi 2.0.

p.s.: kalau silap minta tolong otai2 betulkan. sy pun budak baru belajar. heee!

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Post time 4-10-2011 03:01 PM | Show all posts
tp pakej digi sgt murah...nk tkr tp contract kt maxis belum abes lg

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Post time 4-10-2011 03:44 PM | Show all posts
Reply 226# gurlfriday

huu..gurl, i beli iPhone 4 (32GB) kt mines RM2600 last year. for me celcom is the best so far..mcm i punya plan exec 50 (voice+sms)+68 (unlimited data)=118 je sebulan. btw sy ada comparison plan between DiGi VS MAXIS VS Celcom for 16GB model kt blog i

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Post time 5-10-2011 06:04 AM | Show all posts
Kesimpulan event Apple malam tadi:
Apple melancarkan iPhone 4s dgn Chip A5 (dual core), camera 8mgpxl, full HD recording, capacity 16gb, 32gb, 64gb serta design/size yg sama dgn iPhone 4. Dilengkapi Assistant (voice command), iOS 5 dan iCloud. Harga utk tiga capacity tersebut adalah USD 199, 299 dan 399. iOS 5 akan dilancarkan kepada pengguna idevice yg lain pada 12/10/2011.

Spec iPhone 4S

Video iPhone 4S

Video Event Apple malam tadi

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Post time 5-10-2011 06:11 AM | Show all posts
iphone 4s ni ram 1gb ker stil 512 erk???

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Post time 5-10-2011 06:14 AM | Show all posts
Apple buat kejutan lagi!. Tiada iPhone 5 but iPhone 4S pula diperkenalkan. Untuk early review dalam bahasa melayu boleh baca di sini. ... hone-4s-review.html

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Post time 5-10-2011 08:56 AM | Show all posts
iphone 4s ni ram 1gb ker stil 512 erk???
xiemean Post at 5-10-2011 06:11

4s ram 1gig A5 dual core. tapi perlu ingat A4 punya speed pun dah macam 1gig samsung haha tak da lekat2. yang A5 ni aku pasti mesti lagi mantap

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Post time 5-10-2011 08:59 AM | Show all posts
voice command rasanya dah lama kan. mungkin 4s ni lagi improve. sekarang ni pun aku call pakai suara je. ipod nak play pun sebut je. nak text or bukak website pun sebut saja dia bukakkan untuk kita.

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Post time 5-10-2011 11:49 AM | Show all posts
voice command rasanya dah lama kan. mungkin 4s ni lagi improve. sekarang ni pun aku call pakai suara ...
_dj_ Post at 5-10-2011 08:59

Voice command or personal assistant yg diberi nama Siri ini adalah seperti rakan or PA iPhone kita. Ia boleh faham pelbagai command dalam satu ayat.. Ala2 phone masa hadapan seperti yg pernah kita tgk dalam movie2 futuristik

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Post time 5-10-2011 12:01 PM | Show all posts
Voice command or personal assistant yg diberi nama Siri ini adalah seperti rakan or PA iPhone ki ...
bacteria82 Post at 5-10-2011 11:49


dlm pelbagai bahasa ke??

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Post time 5-10-2011 12:10 PM | Show all posts
dlm pelbagai bahasa ke??
ayushuhada04 Post at 5-10-2011 12:01

Nope.. Bahasa utama dunia je.. ENglish German, French dan lain2..

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Post time 5-10-2011 12:13 PM | Show all posts
Nope.. Bahasa utama dunia je.. ENglish German, French dan lain2..
bacteria82 Post at 5-10-2011 12:10


wokay bac..............tqvm......

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Post time 5-10-2011 12:15 PM | Show all posts
SIRI ni utk iphone 4s je kan....bukan application dlm ios 5?

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Post time 5-10-2011 12:19 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by bacteria82 at 5-10-2011 13:15
SIRI ni utk iphone 4s je kan....bukan application dlm ios 5?
kronos Post at 5-10-2011 12:15

Hopefully ia adalah system.plist yg boleh di turn on n off dalam ios 5.. Kalau bukan hardware and hanya limit melalui software, jailbreak pasti akan boleh mengaktifkan siri pada iPhone lain.. Kalau disebabkan hardware, mmg x boleh buat apa2..

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Post time 5-10-2011 03:23 PM | Show all posts

credit to blog ni:
'SIRI': Teknologi Masa Depan kini di iPhone 4S
Lupakan iPhone 4S seketika kerana bintang utama pada hari ini adalah ‘SIRI’!!!

Umum mengetahui teknologi imbasan suara (voice recognition) bukanlah sesuatu yang baru di mana Google merupakan antara nama besar yang telah memulakan inisiatif membangunkan teknologi tersebut melalui produk Google Voice Search. Walaubagaimanapun produk tersebut dikatakan siap separuh masuk serta mempunyai banyak kelemahan disebabkan batasan teknologi terutamanya dalam aspek kepintaran buatan (AI). Lantaran itu ianya tidak user friendly menjadikan kehadirannya terus dilupakan oleh komuniti IT.

Namun dalam demo yang ditunjukkan oleh Apple semasa pelancaran iPhone 4S baru baru ini, ‘SIRI’ telah membuktikan bahawa anda tidak perlu untuk berlagak seperti pakar bahasa, atau bercakap menggunakan kod rahsia hanya semata-mata untuk memastikan gadget elektronik anda memahami dan seterusnya melaksanakan tugas dengan cekap melalui teknologi imbasan suara. Melalui ‘SIRI’, ia membolehkan anda melaksanakan hampir semua perkara di iPhone hanya melalui arahan suara.

Aplikasi ‘SIRI’ mampu mentafsir kehendak anda tanpa banyak soal. Sebagai contoh sekiranya anda memberi arahan kepada ‘SIRI’ supaya menghubungi abang anda, Siri akan secara automatik mentafsir arahan itu untuk mengesan nama abang anda di dalam senarai contact. Begitu juga jika anda berkehendakkan 2 tiket wayang pada jam 7 malam. ‘SIRI’ akan terus mengenalpasti laman web panggung wayang dan seterusnya melakukan tugasnya hingga selesai. Sekiranya ia tidak mampu mentafsir maksud awal sesuatu arahan, ‘SIRI’ akan bertanyakan soalan tambahan bagi memastikan hasil tugas yang akan dilaksanakan menepati kehendak sebenar pengguna.

Bagi admin ‘SIRI’ adalah masa depan bagi Apple. Sejauh mana Apple mampu mempertingkatkan kemampuan ‘SIRI’, maka selama itulah produk Apple akan terus releven di kalangan pengguna.

Dalam entry kali ini, admin ingin menjemput pembaca untuk sama-sama melihat video berkaitan dengan teknologi ‘SIRI’. Sebelum itu, admin ingin mengingatkan anda semua supaya percaya dengan apa yang anda akan lihat dan dengar kerana ianya bukan lagi mimpi…

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Post time 5-10-2011 03:32 PM | Show all posts

Chances are you probably heard about Siri coming with the iPhone 4S. Many current iPhone 4 users were bummed when Apple announced that it would be a iPhone 4S-only feature.The jailbreak community is already working on porting Apple’s revolutionary Siri technology to the 4G iPod touch. Thanks to iH8sn0w and Gojohnnyboi, hackers have somewhat ported Siri to the previous generation iPod touch already…

As seen in the picture above, it is not fully functioning. According to iH8sn0w, it is a “work in progress.” This still has a long way to go, but it may be successfully ported once iOS 5 is officially released. According to iH8sn0w’s twitter, Apple might have left out crucial files for Siri in the iOS 5 GM.

It’s nowhere near perfect. But it’s getting there.

What do you think? Are you excited to potentially have Siri on your jailbroken 4G iPod touch? Here’s hoping that will see it on the iPhone 4, too!

Here’s a statement from iH8sn0w about the process, courtesy of Josh Tucker:

“It’s definitely not just a plist value that you have to change in order to get Siri. Thus far, it has required a lot of searching and digging. After sending all the known information to John, I’m beginning to find that it is much harder than expected. We’re using an iPod touch 4G now but our aim is to port it to all devices that Apple won’t support. At this point, we’re unsure of whether Siri requires certain hardware components or not. At this point, we can’t say but are still trying. After buying the iPhone 4S myself, I will be looking to see if there are any new files that are not available on the current iOS 5 version. This might be our stopping point.”

UPDATE: We were originally under the impression that iH8sn0w was working on the iPhone 4, but he reached out to us and said that he was testing the 4G iPod touch instead. We have removed all references to the iPhone 4 in the article. Sorry for the misleading information


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