Post Last Edit by spiderweb6969 at 20-11-2009 07:09
[QUOTE=bdique;4566588]From Ex Forging Sabre (XFS) 2009 in Fort Sill... Quote: The area where enemy targets are located being engulfed with thick smoke after the dropping of the 2000-pound bomb by the F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft. Quote: The HIMARS opening fire upon receiving confirmation of the location of an enemy target. Quote: An Apache Longbow helicopter firing at an enemy target during the integrated live firing at Exercise Forging Sabre 2009. Quote: Team leader of the Commando Lasing Team, Captain Ng Kiang Chuan, leading his men out on a surveillance mission shortly after alighting from the CH-47 Chinook. Quote: The Commando Lasing Team making sure the area is free of enemy presence before pressing ahead on their 30km survelliance mission. Quote: The six-men Commando Lasing team embarking on a 30 km journey by foot as part of a surveillance mission having just alighted from the CH-47 Chinook. Quote: Members of the six-men Commando Lasing Team which acts as both a sensor and a shooter in the air-land integration operation. Quote: Getting ready to reload the Apache helicopters with live rounds in anticipation for the integrated live firing exercise.
Quote: A Singaporean Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) does reconnaissance as it works with two Singaporean F-16 fighters at Falcon Range Nov. 14, 2009. About 600 Singaporean servicemembers are in Southwest Oklahoma participating in the Forging Sabre combined exercise, which is hosted by Fort Sill. (U.S. Army photo by Jeff Crawley) Quote: A 2,000-pound laser-guided bomb released by a Singaporean F-16 fighter hones in on a moving target at Falcon Range Nov. 14, 2009. Two Singaporean F-16s took part in the bombing run, during the Forging Sabre combined exercise with U.S. servicemembers and contractors from throughout the Southwestern United States. Forging Sabre is the largest strike exercise by the Singaporean Armed Forces. (U.S. Army photo by Jeff Crawley)
90 cents Strait Times paper and Mindef ought to denote the latest range of GMLRS rockets which is more than 92 kilometres. But i guess it is always diplomatic to under-state. would be better if the UAVs are armed as well which would be very easy to do for the SAF. Spikes and Hell-fires are in SAF`s inventory. And there are a lot more new and smaller missiles and precision bombs available as well.
Saturday November 21 2009 Singapore cements military ties with US
IDAHO, Nov 21 - Singapore’s already-strong friendship with theUnited States has reached another milestone with the opening of a newlong-term defence training detachment in the American state of Idaho.
The detachment — the country’s fourth in the US — will enableRepublic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) personnel to carry out trainingon its newest F-15 fighter jet in the wide open spaces of the AmericanNorthwest.
Under an agreement, 12 RSAF F-15SG fighter jets will be based at thevast Mountain Home Air Force Base, which has an airspace of more than19,000 sq km — six times the size of Singapore’s.
About 250 RSAF personnel and their families are already there,having moved in since last year to set up the 428th Fighter Squadron.They will now work with US Air Force personnel to sharpen theirfighting skills, before returning to Singapore in March to set up anF-15 squadron.
In a speech to launch the new detachment on Thursday Deputy PrimeMinister Teo Chee Hean described the bilateral relationship betweenSingapore and the US as “strong and warm”.
DPM Teo, who is also Defence Minister, said the ties, which go backdecades, are based on shared strategic perspectives and commoninterests.
The cornerstone for such a deep relationship, he said, isSingapore’s position that a US presence in the Asia-Pacific is vitalfor the region’s continued peace and security. He added that the armedforces of both countries benefit from the close relationship.
Singapore, he said, gains by having wide open areas in which totrain, thus overcoming land and airspace limitations back home. Thistraining, he added, helps the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) improve itsoperational readiness.
He also noted that US ships and aircraft called at Singapore’s airand naval bases even before the Republic gained independence, and thatvarious other agreements since then have allowed American forces to usefacilities in the country.
Joint training exercises between the two milita lso touched on the strong ties between the two countries yesterday.
“Having an F-15 detachment here provides mutual training andinter-operability opportunities that we have always valued in thestrategic partnership with Singapore and Asia,” he said. “Singapore has always been a strong and steadfast partner in manymutual areas of security interest, not just in South-east Asia, butaround the world as we confront global issues like piracy and globalextremism.” Singapore has three other long-term training detachments in theUnited States: a Chinook helicopter unit in Texas; and an Apache attackhelicopter detachment and F-16 squadron at two locations in Arizona.
In all, about 600 SAF personnel have been deployed to the four detachments.
The commander of the Idaho detachment, Lieutenant-Colonel Lim CheeMeng, said he was excited by the training opportunities in store.
“We will get to benchmark ourselves against one of the best fightercrews in the world during large-scale exercises and competitions.” Because of space constraints in Singapore, the SAF has agreementswith several other countries, including Australia, India, South Africaand Thailand, to train on their turf. — Straits Times
Malaysia should also consider to do the same. Without US, Malaysia like Spore is just a small peanut in time of trouble.
LKY ejen US !!!!!!
habis ler LKY ganyang mesia indon thai
kekbelacan Post at 21-11-2009 20:01
ni bukan pasal siapa ejen sesiapa ler... military alliance ni lebih kepada deterrence dan persiapan masa kiranya kalah diserang masa perang.... sebab tu bukan sajer s'pore... banyak negara asia seperti korea selatan, jepun, taiwan, thailand, filipina, australia semua pro-amerika, negara2 teluk arab islam termasuk arab saudi, kuwait, UAE, qatar, oman, bahrain semua sekutu amerika... jordan, mesir pro US takkan semua ejen US..... libya sekarang pon akrab dgn amerika... malahan malaysia juga dilihat cuba mengorat pakatan dengan US tapi tak berapa berjaya....sebabnya kita tahu dan sedar diri lagi kecuali yg dungu... siapalah kita malaysia.....tanpa amerika... dan kalau satu hari nanti kiranya dalam senario kita tersungkur waktu perang, suka tak suka, ke arah amerikalah kita kena berpaling..... macamlah kuwait, iraq, afghanistan, bosnia yg selalu kita kutuk... akan kita jadi balaci dan ejen amerika ka masa tu?
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Teo Chee Hean officiated at the inauguration ceremony of the Republic of Singapore Air Force's (RSAF) Peace Carvin (PC) V F-15SG fighter detachment at the Mountain Home Air Force Base (MHAFB), USA, today (Singapore time). The inauguration marked a milestone in the RSAF's development of its advanced fighter capabilities to deliver more effective air power for the 3rd Generation SAF.
The PC V detachment was established in October 2008 as part of the US Air Force's (USAF's) 428th Fighter Squadron, and will operate up to 12 F-15SG fighter aircraft at the MHAFB for the next 25 years. The detachment of about 250 RSAF personnel comprises pilots, Weapons System Officers (Fighter) and ground crew. They will undergo air-to-air and air-to-ground training and development programmes to operationalise the F-15SG fighter aircraft, and set up a core group of fully qualified F-15SG air and ground crew. They will also participate in USAF exercises to hone their professional skills and enhance their combat readiness.
At the inauguration ceremony, Mr Teo said that the RSAF detachments in the US "have provided realistic, rigorous and demanding training for our airmen to build up their combat readiness. They have also seen countless friendships forged between the airmen and crews of our two Air Forces. They are a reflection of the longstanding defence relationship between Singapore and the United States."
Besides the PC V detachment, the RSAF has another ongoing F-16C/D fighter detachment (PC II) at the Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, which was established in 1992 under the PC Programme. In addition, the RSAF has two other training detachments in the US: Peace Prairie CH-47 Chinook helicopter detachment in Grand Prairie, Texas, and Peace Vanguard AH-64D Apache helicopter detachment in Marana, Arizona.
ni bukan pasal siapa ejen sesiapa ler... military alliance ni lebih kepada deterrence dan persiapan masa kiranya kalah diserang masa perang.... sebab tu bukan sajer s'pore... banyak negara asia sepe ...
braderjoni Post at 21-11-2009 22:19
m just being cynical la bro
sebab kalu org kita berbakat n baik dgn US di kata nya org tu musuh negara n ejen US
tak bole nak cerdik sikit ........kena paham kerajaan UBN ni anti org pandai n berbakat
Deal with Singapore could help Mountain Home Air Force Base land F-35s
Pomp and circumstance marked the official beginning of a 20-year agreement between Mountain Home Air Force Base and the Republic of Singapore to train flight and ground crews to operate F-15 fighter jets.
But Thursday's ceremony was only the tip of the iceberg. The deal will pump millions of dollars into the area economy, officials say, and could help the base land a F-35 fighter jet mission.
On Thursday, Air Force Secretary Michael B. Donley said the U.S. was "progressing" on a deal to sell the F-35, the next generation of fighter jet, to Singapore.
Mountain Home is among six finalists the military is considering for a long-term F-35 mission.
Already having a training deal in place with Singapore could help Mountain Home when a decision is made about the F-35s, said Wing Commander Col. John Bird.
It is unclear exactly how much the current arrangement for F-15 training will ultimately bring to the local economy. But the Singaporean government has already hired 95 contractors to maintain the jets, which will bring $25 million to the base through Sept. 30, 2012, a spokeswoman said.
Singapore is covering the cost of housing and training the 428th Fighter Squadron, dubbed "The Buccaneers," in Mountain Home.
"This is a relationship based on shared strategic objectives," said Singapore Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean, who explained that his country is "faced with severe land and airspace constraints at home."
The nation of Singapore is 274 square miles, not even the size of Mountain Home's training range, Teo Che Hean said.
Singapore has training agreements for other aircraft with other military bases in the United States.
About 255 military and other personnel and 200 family members from Singapore are based in Mountain Home.
[QUOTE=bdique;4576306]Some pics from Peace Carvin V, Singapore's F-15SG detachment on training there...once again from the good folks at CyberPioneer[B][/B][/QUOTE]
RSAF's F-15SG & AIM-120 AMRAAM Used for Weapons Loading Competition
Top Honours for F-15SG Detachment in Weapons Loading Competition
The Republic of Singapore Air Force's (RSAF) F-15SG fighter aircraft detachment in US, Peace Carvin V (PC V), came up tops in its maiden participation in the Quarterly Weapons Loading Competition at the Mountain Home Air Force Base (MHAFB) in Idaho, on 2 Oct.
Each Aircraft Maintenance Unit (AMU) located on the base would send their best load crew to participate in the competition that comes round once every three months.
The servicemen have to undergo a series of challenges comprising a theory test, uniform inspection, timed weapons loading and composite tool kit inspection.
The PC V Flight Line Crews (FLC) - Master Sergeant (MSG) Gene Tan, MSG Sivakumar and Staff Sergeant (SSG) George Ng - from the F-15SG squadron competed against the more experienced United States Air Force AMUs' Weapon Load Crews (WLC) teams.
The PC V FLC team emerged winners of the competition with zero safety and reliability discrepancies, and also achieved the fastest weapons loading time on record. The most challenging part of the competition was the loading of weapons, which the team accomplished in front of a cheering crowd.
The PC V FLC team completed the aircraft preparation, weapons pre-load inspection, weapons loading, post-loading inspection and tools checks flawlessly in less than half the time required by MHAFB standards, and two minutes ahead of their competitors.
Uh actually ramai tukang masak Cina..tapi the contractor is SFI ( Singapore Food Industries ) which is a GLC and everything has been approved by MUIS. In camps there are separate kitchens and counters for halal and non halal food. FYI combat ration singapore sema halal..