Time of Dog and Wolf ~ Lee Jun Ki/Nam Sang Mi/Jung Kyung Ho ~ Sesi Borak2
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caps from epi 5
taken and credit to soompi...
so rupanya kematian SH sengaja dipalsukan...
bapa angkat gan ketua dia pun tau...
Time of Dog and Wolf Ep.05 with Eng Hardsubbed
Credit to: www.Junkichina.com & TSKS
The file can be downloaded from Junkichina clubbox
Link of junkichina
Size: 221.9 MB
Format: RMVB
File Name: Time.of.Dog.and.Wolf.E05[junkichina's english sub].rmvb |
Some spoilers
In the beginning of ep 6, SH is sitting outside a club carving the elephant when his sidekick went to him and started to talk.
Mao and other gang members are in the meeting.
Afterthe meeting, outside the meeting place, Mao and the guy who hurt SHlast time is talking. I think the guy is against to Mao because the wayhe stares at him when Mao went ahead.
Ari is called by Mk a few times and she didn't pick it up.
Mk talk with the girl in his old department.
Ari and his dad went to play tennis again.
Ari and his dad meet up with the boss of a gang when Mao went to Korea.
InThailand, Mao is in his house and the guy earlier gave him aninvitation or something. His mistress came and snatch the invitation.
SH/Kei went to the club to talk to his sidekick.
Mao and the gang members went to boxing match and Kei is one of the contenders.
Kei sees Mao and he is knocked out.
Theguy who hurt him went to his locker room and SH quickly put his towelon the head. The guy let him out and SH overhears the guy wanted tokill Mao.
When awarding the winner, Mao went up to award then SH saves Mao's life.
MK saw Ari walking then they had lunch together. Mk saw Ari wearing the wristwatch.
Mk is in nIS and met his dad along the way and they started to talk and went ahead. He receive some text message.
Theyare in a mission and they are briefing and preparing for the mission.Thai resto owner is there also and receive a call with a gang member.
Theyare in the train station. Mk and Thai resto owner meet up with the gangmember. They began to run the aisles then they capture the gangster.
Theteam have fun and started to karaokeing. I think the girl MK is workingwith when he was assigned first to this information dept has a crush onhim. MK and his supervisor begin to talk then the thai resto ownercame. MK is in the hallway and thinking if he is calling Ari then thegirl in her old department appeas and they talk.
In Thailand,Kei and his sidekick went to Mao's mansion. Mao's girfriend thenappears and talk with Kei. They went in a training room where Mao is.They talk alone. Mao gave Kei a karate suit and they fight. Kei lossthen when he sees a sword he hold it then Mao went to him and gave hishand to hold. Kei lost his hold to the sword and he hold Mao's hand.Then they talk. I think Kei wants to join Mao's gang because he bowdown before Mao.
Mk went to the thai restaurant holding agift. He saw Ari sitting. Just as Ari sees MK she stands up and MKstops her. MK gave his gift to Ari then Ari open it and it is a watch.They talk. Ari begins to sob.
Mao's entourage is on the way and one of them is Kei.
They went to a hotel.
SH'sadopted father meet up with gang boss in seoul. They talk.(The seoulgang boss' right hand man looks like the guy in 9 ends out)
Mao and his men are in the house. One of his man went to the safe and Kei is observing him.
Ariis on her bed with the two watches: one is SH's and one is the one thatMk gave her. She picks SH's.( then i dont know what happend my pcbegins to buffer)
Kei is having a bad dream about the time hismom being killed. He went out and saw Mao outside. He went up to himand they started to talk with him.
Mao's mistresses wentshopping. The mistress got the hots for Kei and she choose a suit toKei. SH's adopted father appears and Kei excuses himself and they talkin the rooftop.
The Thai resto owner begins to spy on a couplewhen Ari arrives. The thai owner gave Ari a coconut ice tea and hejoins her. Then they are staring to a couple fight. They talk.
Ariwent to SH's grave and gave a flower. She stands there crying and sheputs the watch on his tomb and started to cry. I think Ari is lettinghim go. SH went to his tomb and picks the watch and cries.
SH knows the relationship between Ari and Mao.
Scenes from episode 1.
Some party scenes where Ari and his father is there.
[ Last edited by errasazza at 3-8-2007 11:34 AM ] |
bel x tgk gi episode 6 ni....
smlm tgk epi 5 separuh jln aje...tapi tu pun bel dah sedih...sedih sgt2 tgk MK, JW gan mak angkat SH nangis kat kubur tu...
bel tgh nak buat caps utk part kemalangan gan kat kubur tu... |
Reply #231 isabel's post
lor k bel lagi advance...kita tgk baru sampai epi 2...terus lompat epi 6...sbb tgk online...huhuu...tapi citer ni memg buat saya konpius sikit....sbb tgk tak de sub...hehehe... |
so bel tau ler napa 1st epiode masa ada scene kejar mengejar tu...muka SH marah aje gan JW rupanya dia dah tau hubungan JW gan pembunuh mak dia..
episode 7 ni lepas SH jatuh dlm laut tu dia akan hilang ingatan lak... |
baru bkesmpatan nk tgk..baru tgk epi1 da sedih huhu...best cte ni..aku akn trus mndonlot demi memberi sokongn penuh kpd junki |
bell...apesal rambut junki oppa masa pakai kot tue buruk sgt.... xay la sikat rambut ke belakang...hodoh benau |
Reply #233 errasazza's post
streaming online pun ade yg ade sub... mcm crunchyroll n veoh... |
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