garfield_comot This user has been deleted
sy pkai parfum oil moonflower ummmpp..besh.. :love: |
Originally posted by lizzymizzymizzy at 1-4-2005 12:02 PM:
dah byk kali beli lipgloss dari yg mahal branded sampai yg cikai2 tapi bile pakai jer...rase bibir cam bibir ikan..rase tebal semacam..pastu tgk org lain dari pagi sampai malam mcm tahan jer..yg ka ...
heheh kelakar la ni kalau nak makan nganga besar besar mulut tu.,... kalau nak minum pun gitu...elok pakau straw jer.... hehehhe |
Originally posted by acot at 1-4-2005 11:08 AM:
blue...ko beli sama kaler ngan aku..crystal balm 03.. kaler die x nampak merah pon bile apply kat bibir...
haz..harge crystal balm ni rm 35 aje..
thanks acot...:tq: :tq: |
Originally posted by haz at 1-4-2005 05:40 PM:
thanks acot...:tq: :tq:
my pleasure...:hug: |
haz dah g survey body shop tadik...yg crystal balm tu cute nyer!!!
yg eye shadow bulat2 tu lom ader lagik laa... |
beli ..jgn tak beli..Haz.. |
Originally posted by KRUfan at 3-4-2005 07:29 AM:
beli ..jgn tak beli..Haz..
adehhh...bankrupt laa haz gini :kant: |
takperr...asalkan bergaya lawa...;) |
hi...i baru baru lg kat sini...b4 this just view this forum as guest disebabkan berminat dgn body shop ni nak tanye gak la skit...
can anyone suggest me atau bleh bagi idea on body shop cleanser, scrub and mask.....
currently im using skII toner dan essence.....cleanser, scrub ngan mask tu campo2..ikut laa mana yg nampak menarik kat watsons or guardian skrg mcm teringin nak pakai body shop plak......
my skin combination....oily kat t-zone.....kalo bleh nak cleanser/scrub/mask yg bleh kasik fairer....and hilangkan scar, parut2 jerawat...
atau anyone bleh suggest other skin care yg affordable.....tanak yg mahal2 laa sbb those 2 skII tuu pun dah tak larat huhu |
Calling for consultant bergerak body shop semua ..pls help our new friend kat atas nie..:pompom: |
lizzymizzymizzy This user has been deleted
last night after work i went to KLCC ingat nak beli bday gift for my sister..sekali tu terus jer 'termasuk' dlm the bodyshop... so alang2 ingat dah masuk boleh lah beli african scrub sbb dah habis...sekali ade range baru..ayoooo!! ni ler list yg beli semalam, koleksi spa wisdom dia very nice i love the smell!! :love:
Blissful body cleanser
Dreamboat milk bath
African Spa Salt Scrub
Wisdom Monoi Miracle Oil
On A High Hydrating Puree
Africa Spa Rich Body Balm
Purify Me Body Mask
tapi yg tak best bile bab nak bayar , cc statement next month kene sorok aar!!:cry: |
Originally posted by lizzymizzymizzy at 7-4-2005 02:43 PM:
tapi yg tak best bile bab nak bayar , cc statement next month kene sorok aar!!
macam pernah dengar ayat ni...ohhh pernah buat ...:cak: |
yagi-uda...u can try using tea tree punya range...
dia mmg utk oily & acne prone skin...
haz pakai sebab my face is oily...
alhamdulillah....ok jer...takder laa teruk sgt...
tapi yg whitening nyer range haz tak penah try.... |
wahh byk nye borong lizzy....body shop nye body scrub ngan body butter dia how much ekk....
haz, thanks a lot.....rasa2 nya mmg dr awal berminat ngan tea tree bila dah di suggest kan tuu bleh carry on laa...bleh tak bg price details on tea tree cleanser/scrub/mask ni.....kalo haz still igt laa...tak detail roughly pun takpe |
Originally posted by Yagi-Uda at 7-4-2005 03:31 PM:
wahh byk nye borong lizzy....body shop nye body scrub ngan body butter dia how much ekk....
haz, thanks a lot.....rasa2 nya mmg dr awal berminat ngan tea tree bila dah di suggest kan tuu ...
yagi-uda(nak panggil aper ekk..??? yagi ker uda..?? :stp: )
yg haz ingat...
facial wash - rm25 (more or less laa harga dia yer...)
freshener - rm25
scrub - rm28 kot
mask - rm35
tea tree oil - rm22 (ni bagus utk zits...masa ader zit tu, dab jer atas jerawat..insyaAllah esok2 kecut)
tu jer yg haz pakai kot...(eh, scrub tu tak pakai..heheh)
i've been using it for 4 years....:ah: :ah: |
Originally posted by haz at 7-4-2005 03:50 PM:
yagi-uda(nak panggil aper ekk..??? yagi ker uda..?? :stp: )
yg haz ingat...
facial wash - rm25 (more or less laa harga dia yer...)
freshener - rm25
scrub - rm28 kot
mask - rm35
tea tree oil ...
yagi pun bleh haz....
tq again ek.....lagi satu nak tanye..since haz ni nampak gaya sgt2 laa pelanggan setia body shop ni (dah 4 tahun tuu...kagum nye!), tau tak slalu body shop ni buat sales bila ek |
pernah tak guna yang ini ???
The body shop tea tree oil daily foaming facial wash ? ada ke ia
mengeringkan kulit atau bagaimana cuba cerita sikit ... :ah: |
my sis pernah guna tee tree punya acne zapper...letak jer kat acne... |
Originally posted by haz at 7-4-2005 03:50 PM:
yagi-uda(nak panggil aper ekk..??? yagi ker uda..?? :stp: )
yg haz ingat...
facial wash - rm25 (more or less laa harga dia yer...)
freshener - rm25
scrub - rm28 kot
mask - rm35
tea tree oil ...
scrub kalau tak silap storm RM38...tea tree oil RM19.90...yg tea tree stick RM22...yg lain tuh almost that range yg Haz list kan.. |
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki