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Author: Syd

Istana Bawang 2 : Kate Middleton vs Meghan Markle

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Post time 19-2-2019 05:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kekure replied at 19-2-2019 03:12 PM
Pi New York pulak dah

Meghan Markle has reportedly returned to New York City to spend some qualit ...

For first time mommy / parents surely diorg ni patut be xtra heri pon tak kesah..wth,, sedangkan anak org biasa2 pun nenek2 akan brsuara kuasa veto tak bagi anaknya naik flight apetah lgi royal blood..fishy giler aihh..and agree with the forumer,, ur dearest fren yg ptut fly to landen to see u instead u jeopardize urself n the babys life to fly when u are heavily pregnant..unless meggot dah bosan hidup brprotokol kat landen nun thts why she need to escape

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Post time 19-2-2019 05:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kekure replied at 19-2-2019 03:12 PM
Pi New York pulak dah

Meghan Markle has reportedly returned to New York City to spend some qualit ...

asyik perabis duit rakyat UK je. x malu

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Post time 19-2-2019 05:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
KakaKiah replied at 19-2-2019 05:00 PM
For first time mommy / parents surely diorg ni patut be xtra heri pon tak kesah..wth, ...

In a way mcm BP mengiakan MM tak pregnant tp instead guna moonbump. Takkan la QE tak prihatin dgn bakal cucu. Risiko naik kapal terbang dan lagi blh lak MM pergi sendiri mcm tak dijaga. Utk trip Morocco lak tambah risiko zika

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Post time 19-2-2019 06:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mcm mnlah brf boleh berdiam diri aje dgn si Wallis ni.cleafly memalukan brf.lawak jenaka utk dunia

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Post time 19-2-2019 07:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
coconico replied at 19-2-2019 05:39 PM
In a way mcm BP mengiakan MM tak pregnant tp instead guna moonbump. Takkan la QE tak prihatin dgn  ...

second you..
BP dah bgtau kat kita, fake je tu..
ke sana sinj dgn moonbump je. klau betul2 preggy mesti PC risau sbb cucu dia. QE mungkin x risau sgt sbb tu bakal masuk line ke 7, or bawah lagi kot esp bila Kate menambah bilangan anak lagi hehhee

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Post time 19-2-2019 07:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
KakaKiah replied at 19-2-2019 05:00 PM
For first time mommy / parents surely diorg ni patut be xtra heri pon tak kesah..wth, ...

dearest friend x ada budget nak ke london..
kena la tuan diri membw diri ke nyc..
fact is.. dia kena lari sbb dia punya racist statement itew.. dah makin kena kutuk dia kat UK, now bukan calang2 yg kutuk tp org yg mengajar kat universiti..

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Post time 19-2-2019 07:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
monsterwife replied at 19-2-2019 06:29 PM
Mcm mnlah brf boleh berdiam diri aje dgn si Wallis ni.cleafly memalukan brf.lawak jenaka utk dunia : ...

dorg bg dia hancurkan diri dia..
BP berdiam diri bukan x concern tp nak bgtau kat rakyat, dorg dah ajar dia mcm2, dia je arrogant x mo ikut..
now up to us memuja atua mengutuk MM.
senjata PR dia makan diri.
abt dia dgn paparazi tu.. ewww.. konon2 shy... aish ish ish... lapok dah drama shy shy tu. dlu bukan main lagi show off bagai.

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Post time 19-2-2019 07:54 PM | Show all posts

x patut betul kutuk pasal kulit
racist & kurang ajarnyer
puiii ada gak prince bodoh yg nak kutip si basi ni jadi bini

bukan nak kata la
mmg kat uk tak brp ramai adik beradik dora  ni berbanding dgn USA
lagi satu kat uni mmg kurang keturunan dora
sbb keturunan dora ni  byk yg takde passion dlm bidang education


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Post time 19-2-2019 07:57 PM | Show all posts

dia ni perasan konon mcm princess d
tu yg tgh playing victim kene kejor dgn paparazi

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Post time 19-2-2019 09:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
monsterwife replied at 19-2-2019 06:29 PM
Mcm mnlah brf boleh berdiam diri aje dgn si Wallis ni.cleafly memalukan brf.lawak jenaka utk dunia : ...

Queen mmg sengaja you. Ketara gila dia biar je si meghan ni hanyut dgn angan2 indah nak dipuja. Padahal dicerca atas pe’el sendiri.queen cuci tangan je pastu sipping tea dgn laki dia hahahaa

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Post time 19-2-2019 09:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eva replied at 18-2-2019 05:37 PM
dia should be happy sbb biracial.
tp dia gunakan dia punya background utk dia punya gain.
dlm ke ...

And si angela tu lawa kan? Reaaaaally nampak classy mcm kate

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Post time 19-2-2019 09:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dia gi sana mesti ada agenda lain tu.

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Post time 19-2-2019 10:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eva replied at 17-2-2019 08:42 PM
twitter mostly dorg ni x suka Meghan sbb dia punya perangai esp selepas pregnant. Before tu dorg b ...

Eva ada link kena push aside tu tak? Mind to share please?

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Post time 19-2-2019 10:17 PM | Show all posts
Edited by lee_sakura at 19-2-2019 11:10 PM

PH ngan megot dh kluar dari cottage baru diorg tu scary la

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Post time 19-2-2019 11:06 PM | Show all posts
lee_sakura replied at 19-2-2019 10:17 PM
PH ngan megot dh kluar dari cottage baru diorg tu scary la

Apa citer cottage baru ni? Queen punya kah?

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Post time 19-2-2019 11:46 PM | Show all posts
huntunglah org have2 nih... bantal pun ada baby shower

spesis "male, pale and stale" tu la yg ko himpit atas yacht, meghan hoii. bg naik darjat tu pon set yg sama jua. pendek kata, semua yg minah kepam tu ada dan dpt sekarang datang drpd lelaki2 kokesen yg dipergunakan selama ini termasuk apak dia sendirik. ada hati cerita psl feminism dan hak POC. prfffthhh


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Post time 19-2-2019 11:55 PM | Show all posts
found an interesting anon submission to jerseydeanne's tumblr. mungkin benar2 kejadian, mungkin jua rekaan.

Dear Meghan, her “PR” and the media: Where shall I begin? You try to delete your past off the internet and that hasn’t been fully deleted.. thanks to these wonderful Tumblr blogs, newspapers such as The Daily Mail and your family and friends you befriended… the past will never fully go away.

You pretended that you did not know who Prince Harry was and yet you studied the Royal Family; you studied Princess Diana.. you studied Evita and Jackie (Kennedy) Onassis, just to name a few… just so you can be the next ‘Princess Diana’ or the next Mother Teresa of the Royal Family – which, given your past, will not happen. You are an actress. You acted a blowjob scene on 90210 for heaven sakes!

Your wedding was celebrity, a ticket that I could have paid for and attended but given my past with Prince Harry, I decided not to go. Oh yes, I do have a past with Prince Harry.. so do many other girls he has shagged before you and while you both were’ dating’. Which, of course, you knew. You didn’t care, you got to date a Prince.

You studied his past girlfriends and knew that you could take on the Royal Family – and speak politically, which is a big ‘no-no’. You will never be fully accepted into the Royal Family… or his friends. They will pretend to like you, except his ‘fake’ ‘superficial’ mates, which I shall not name. Those are the ones you will cling onto for support as they suck up for their time of a picture to get into Getty Images.

Do you really care about his charities? The ones he had started from nothing and turned into something amazing. Nope, you didn’t. You did have photo opportunities while you were ‘dating’, and worse nearly the same outfit and pose as the late Princess Diana. I am surprised Harry didn’t see that but then again, he doesn’t read the papers. His mates and former Private Secretary protected him from the crap that was put into the press.. which, I am sure you knew.

You studied Kate, when she was dating and later engaged to William, how the media bugged her. Smart move? Not really. All you have to do is call the paps to stage them for harassing you… a lot of celebrities do that – especially when a movie or tv show is about to come out… again, something you learned in Acting School…

When you first started ‘dating’ him .. or should I say ‘met’ him, he didn’t tell any of his mates. He was still flirting with other women. I remember one of the days well, when he and I flirted with each other, but stopped because I was upset with a situation that happened. Also because we have the same first names… The only difference between you and I is.. I could care less about the media or who Harry is.

I think he is an amazing guy who loves his charity work but needs to have someone guide him in the right path and do what he loves, which is the charity work and military. Seems this year he hasn’t paid much attention to his ‘children’ he worked hard to create (some of his charities). I have no doubt that Harry does love you; he is a good guy.. but does he know the real you? The real bit about you that the world knows? Those people you befriended, who I am surprised haven’t exposed the truth about you in the press yet? I am sure at some point it will come out…

Meghan, you married into the royal family. This isn’t Madonna playing Evita that you are trying to copy..where she dominates everything, speaks up politically… and her husband is in the background. This is real life. This isn’t the actress mode anymore. You married into the royal family; you cannot speak politically… especially when the media is around. For someone who has studied the royal family, you would know that you cannot speak up on certain things. I knew better, as a former friend of Prince Harry, as part of the ‘set’ back in the day to never bring up politics; just enjoy life and have fun.. and work hard.

Stop being an actress and do what you are supposed to do as being a member of the Royal Family – if you can’t do it, then there is the exit through the drawbridge. Stop using the PR/Media to boost who you are. This isn’t Hollywood. You are not the first American to marry into the Royal Family.. and you won’t be the last.

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Post time 20-2-2019 12:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pujanggacinta replied at 19-2-2019 07:54 PM
x patut betul kutuk pasal kulit
racist & kurang ajarnyer
puiii ada gak prince bodoh yg nak kutip ...

dia bukan hitam. dia mulato.. half white half black..


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Post time 20-2-2019 12:13 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
234126 replied at 19-2-2019 09:33 PM
And si angela tu lawa kan? Reaaaaally nampak classy mcm kate

Angela untuk keturunan African Panama dia mmg unik, nak kata cantik sgt x juga tp boleh kata manis, elegant dan nampak pandai bw diri. Nampak pemalu. Handsome kan anak dia yg biracial tu.. yg best tu suami dia Prince Maximilian tu pun hands on, ke sana sini dukung Prince Alfon masa dia kecil..

loving family mcm Kate ngan PW

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Post time 20-2-2019 12:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by eva at 20-2-2019 12:34 AM
munahminah replied at 19-2-2019 10:11 PM
Eva ada link kena push aside tu tak? Mind to share please?

ada.. jap cari.. dia bukan push tolak ka apa tp cam ala ala tepis ke tepi.. nak berebut bersalam first..

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