On the 14th of February, 4Minute held their first ever showcase inThailand at Central World, from 5:30PM to 8:30PM. A total of 7000 fansattended the showcase, causing much human traffic. The girls performedtheir hit tracks Hot Issue, Muzik, What A Girl Wants, I Won't Give (Anjullae) and For Muzik.
Universal Music Thailand stated, during 4Minute's stay in Thailandwhich lasted for 3 days, the number of fans in their fanclub and thealbum sales of 'For Muzik' went up drastically. The girls were alsofeatured in the popular newspaper, 'Daily News'.
Source: Yahoo Korea
Reported + translated by: kueensora@4-minute.com
Video credits: mystarcorner + xDaleneze + rbgalz @Youtube
Image credit: Pingbook
2010 has been a busy year for girl group 4minute, as they traveled all over Asia to put on showcases for their international fans. But during these performances, member Gayoon’s fashion caught the eyes of many netizens.
Netizens are saying that Gayoon’s fashion is unlike any other as her appearance at the showcases surprised many. Apparently, looking at Gayoon during the performances was like looking at a glamorous Hollywood star, as she emitted a strong and irresistible charisma. Some are even saying that out of all the other members she has the best body.
After performing in Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan and the Philippines, the girls have also launched their debut in Japan. They’ve even recently stretched out to the states by collaborating with American artist Amerie.
hi, saya ni silent reader kt forum cari. sy smpat pergi tgk showcase 4minute ms sy pergi bgkok tgk knsert FTI n SS501. saya bpeluang dpt autograph drp smua member 4minute. YESS!!!
hi, saya ni silent reader kt forum cari. sy smpat pergi tgk showcase 4minute ms sy pergi bgkok tgk knsert FTI n SS501. saya bpeluang dpt autograph dr ...
babycruzer Post at 20-2-2010 15:02
hai babycruzer:pompom:...
waaaaaaaaaa ...best nyejelez gile tgk gamba2 tu..
cite la kat sini skit pengalaman jumpe dieorg:pompom:
masuk sat sbb nk sedut lagu hot issue.... tadi la p tesco shah alam tetiba berkumandang lgu neh... aku ingat aku salah dengar....upenyer mmg lagu neh
nzhass79 Post at 20-2-2010 20:54
kakzu..umah ni tak dpt nak update apesbb tuan umah die dh tinggalkan umah ni
oohh...kat tesco dah kuar lagu niade peluang la tu nak dtg malaysia:pompom::pompom: