After releasing the much-anticipated Cabi Song MV by 2PMand SNSD for Caribbean Bay last week, it has met with a mixed reception with some clapping for the hot scenes while others barracked it for being over the top.
Among the noticeable changes noted were two scenes centered around Yuri, the first being her cleavage and the second getting a lotion rub from Nichkhun have been switched with friendlier scenes. Otherwise, the whole MV is exactly the same as the original one. So do you now prefer the new or the original MV?
moyan abis me tgk MV ni hocay...
my khunnie...sgt2 hot...
psngn KhunRi yg HOT & SPICY tp xleh lawan ke'HOT'an taec n yoona
maknae kapel lak me ska tgk...cute jer....seo mmg sgt2 sweet n ayu...2pasal yong leh tepikat
me suka part nari ramai2 kat party 2...member2 SNSD ngn 2PM pon join sma...
siap nari ramai2 lagi...
tp part last 2
taec kiss dahi yoona
nmpk sgt MV ni more to relationship diorangpart maknae xbyk sgt...khunRi me suka coz scene KhunRi yg dulu 2 xder
but....MV ni sgt2 awesome n mabeles
best sgt tgk vid ni. ...
underwoodrockz Post at 26-5-2010 09:17
tu zaman2 baru debut dorang, time tu dorang xde anti sangat *yeke*
fangirls ramai dari fanboys, lepas lama sikit baru fanboys naik
rasa lawak bile tgk dorang kena prank, aku mati2 ingat btol2 fangirls2 tu semua xkenal & xsuka dorang
siap ckp "we don't know them, bring FT ISLAND back!*
semua muka da tahan malu, ade yg nak nangis cam Sunny
lepas da tau semua tuh hidden cam, baru lega semua. over2 nangis lak
motip sangat bile time Oh, taengoo meluru ke depan. mencapap abes!
Sunye suka Yonghwa CNBLUE tetibe jah taengoo ckp dia da berpunya. dia da kawen ngn uri maknae 2 kali lak tu dok remind super protective la taengoo ni, bagus2
me tepek ni sbb taengoo ade sebut yubin jjang time dia dance 2DT
taeyeon fangirling over yubin, remind me of Sunmi fangirl taeyeon dulu
CNBLUE leader Jung Yong Hwa, who recently made a comeback with his group’s second mini-album Bluelove, revealed his affectionate feelings for make-believe wife, SNSD’s Seohyun.
The Jung Yong Hwa and Seohyun couple is receiving a lot of love from fans through their appearance on MBC variety show We Got Married. During a recent interview for TV Daily, the CNBLUE leader told reporters, “Seohyun is close to my ideal type.”
To the question asking what he thought Seohyun’s charm was, Jung Yong Hwa honestly answered, “Her point of calmly looking out for others, her personality of when worrying, truly worrying about others is close to my ideal girl type.”
The singer stated that he is receiving a lot of influence from Seohyun, a SNSD member who receives a lot of love from the audience as a girl idol with a bright and honest living image. Jung Yong Hwa stated, “On the contrary, both of us have similar personalities so we care for each other a lot. Thanks to Seohyun, I started reading more and began to think twice about my actions and behavior.”
SNSD’s Hyoyeon also revealed, “After Seohyun comes back from We Got Married filming, she really looks like she’s in love and dating.”
To this, CNBLUE members were also asked if there were any changed in their leader after he started filming We Got Married. After thinking for a brief moment, the members agreed that Jung Yong Hwa became much brighter after the show.
It’s so cute how the two care for each other so much. To be honest, I’m rooting for the Jung Yong Hwa and Seohyun couple to become a reality! Hey, a girl can always dream…
cr: allkpop
motip betul title dia macam tu, aku pn berapi je baca
sunye harus take note ni
I know you're all wondering what's going on with the DC incident in Korea, but there hasn't been a new development today. Briefly what happened till yesterday:
1. SONE releases statement asking for apology for ELFs' improper conducts at the concert, with facts based on many evidences.
2. ELF releases statement, could not refute the evidences and apologizes for some parts but continues making false accusations against SONEs without any clear evidence.
3. SONE's 2nd statement refutes #2
ELF continues to claim LMNP belongs to them. Already explained how that works. SONEs may apologize for being unorganized in their ticketing and creating some confusion but there is no such thing as "SONEs stealing ELF's seats". ELFs sat in SONE sections too, this and last year, and no one objects to it. There were thousands of Cassies who took up seats that were suggested to other fanclubs. By ELF reasoning these Cassies would have to be cussed at and be driven off from their seats.
An example of ELF denial is that they are denying they tried to start silent treatment. All accounts from SONEs and from other fanclubs note that ELF spread around rumor saying SONEs attacked ELF and asked other fanclubs to start silent treatment. And what ELF did was keep the glowstick on to make it look like they are cheering in pictures but made announcements to not cheer when SNSD was on. This is a video clip of ELF staff telling ELFs "You don't have to cheer. Turn on your glowsticks. Ok?" during Oh! performance.
ELF is still spreading rumors, and claimed again in their official statement that a SONE hit an ELF and fabricated a picture of a scratched skin claiming it was done by a SONE. This "evidence" was laughed off on Korean sites by other fans as ELF has well known history of fabricating evidences like this in Korea. If a clear evidence can be presented that any SONE conducted unreasonably at the concert towards ELF then SONE will not hesitate to apologize.
ELF is evading negotiations now and have gone hiding into their closed forums, as they are getting bashed on public forums. SONEs continue to be rational and calm, it is still hoped that it can be resolved peacefully. Personally I don't expect an apology I don't even care for one, I just hope ELF stops fabricating rumors and making false accusations.
I don't have time to translate everything right now, I may translate materials later only if needed.
I do not want anything to get started among international fans, I am skipping all the details and just reporting a brief summary for now for the sake of understanding what has been going on. I know the facts are upsetting but please remain calm and continue to allow things to be worked out peacefully.
cr: silisnoy snsd thread
aku harap ini dapat menjelaskan apa yg tgh berlaku dkt korea in case kalo ade yg curios ;)
me makin suka Wonder Girls lepas apa yg fanclubs dorang buat dkt DC baru2 ni
lepas ...
wordlife Post at 26-5-2010 17:00
eleh... WG cinta pertama aku kot.. sape nak nyibuk
aku suke SUnYe ngan SunMi je.. tp SunMi da xde.. haruslah aku bias kat ledo je pasni
da tgk cut2 tu.. kekeke Taengoo ni bapak mencapab tp dork..
dia malu ngan SunYe ke? dua2 ledo cam malu2 je
nak cakap congrats pun malu.. wakakak sweet~
ko jerit bagai pun mcm la suju nak kahwin koran ...
underwoodrockz Post at 26-5-2010 19:36
well nak buat cane.. fanatics FG mmg cenggitu
aku pon xpaham la.. kenapa childish sangat mereka nie..
tp xpela.. aku just proud dengan FG dari SONE teruskan jerit2 tok unnie2 dongsaeng2 ini
pedulik kan yg lain... FG + FB chants = DAEBAKK!! kalau bias pada satu borinks gak
aku baru kt sini.baru jugak mengenali snsd ni.(poyo plak ayt aku tu )
lebih kurg 2 bulan la.slama ni aku lepak kt soshified je(smata-mata download video keke)
tp tringin plak nk lepak ngan korg kt,hrp kita bleh spazz sm2 la pasni.
Wah korang datang balik rindu semua di sini hahaha rasa odd spazz sorang sorang.
Yeap, I respe ...
lilymaylily Post at 26-5-2010 23:29
tu ar rindu nak spazzing ngan korang.. tp masa sangat suntuk...
huhu bobo rasa ini lah hikmahnya WG pergi USA... menambahkan sillaturrahim sesama Sone n Wonderfuls
pasni xyah la nak banding2kan dua2 ni.. masing2 ada kekuatan sendiri.. in fact kalau dua ni xde.. xde maknanya kPop akan menyerlah macam skang ni
hello fellow s♥nes!
aku baru kt sini.baru jugak mengenali snsd ni.(poyo plak ayt aku tu ) ...
CaptHook Post at 27-5-2010 13:24
aahha CaptHook welcome2... marilah spazzing bersama kami ni