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Author: mjtl75

FT Island - MV I HOPE @ pg 95

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Post time 6-7-2009 11:34 PM | Show all posts
tadi kol 9pm fiza dgr la radio thailand, dak2 fti ni interview...
alala,hepinye dorg...
fiza yg tak faham satu hape bahasa thai ngan korea ni pon hepi je dengar dorg gelak2...
lama gak  ...
fiZa_fiZa Post at 6-7-2009 23:24

rajinnyer fiza sampai radio thai pun jejak dorg..
dak2 fti selalu happy2 ceria2..adorable dorky teenager boys

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Post time 6-7-2009 11:43 PM | Show all posts
rajinnyer fiza sampai radio thai pun jejak dorg..
dak2 fti selalu happy2 ceria2..adorable dorky teenager boys
twinkystar Post at 6-7-2009 23:34

haha,saja je tataw nak buat apa cuti2 ni...
kang da stat sem susah sikit nak mengikut perkembangan diorang ni...
ni pun x sabar nak tengok hangeul island next week ni...

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Post time 7-7-2009 12:51 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 7-7-2009 07:21 AM | Show all posts
{:3_83:} omo HK yaaa... bkn main agik shabang2 ngan noona tu... seb bek aa noona tu inesen n tak amik kesempatan sangat...

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Post time 7-7-2009 09:30 AM | Show all posts
{:3_83:} omo HK yaaa... bkn main agik shabang2 ngan noona tu... seb bek aa noona tu inesen n tak amik kesempatan sangat...
Hana_Hirokawa Post at 7-7-2009 07:21

noona tu baik dan comey

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Post time 7-7-2009 10:46 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by fiZa_fiZa at 7-7-2009 10:54

hongki nye muka macam ni -->{:3_81:}.
dak2 lain suma muka mcm ni -->
takot tgk hongki mcm tu~haha
video yang 2nd tu sikit jek interview... awal2 jek...
pas interview trus mv 'bad women' smpi abes...
yg video 1st tu pon campur2 ngan mv 'ft island - let's go'

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Post time 7-7-2009 11:18 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by twinkystar at 7-7-2009 11:55
Post Last Edit by fiZa_fiZa at 7-7-2009 10:54



hongki nye muka macam ni -->{:3_81:}.
dak2 lain suma muka mcm ni -->
takot tgk hongki mcm tu~haha
video yang ...
fiZa_fiZa Post at 7-7-2009 10:46

hongki bad mood kan time ni..everytime he sweats, muka dia jadi camni {:3_81:}.
mcm budak2 nyer mood swing..

takutnyer..muka cam nak belasah org..haha..selalunya dia happy jer..dorky, hyperactive jer..

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Post time 7-7-2009 08:45 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by fiZa_fiZa at 7-7-2009 20:47

090707 FTIsland Mini Album 'Jump Up' Launch @ Thailand

Credits: as tagged + zcandyflossz@soompi

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Post time 7-7-2009 10:39 PM | Show all posts
boleh download lagu2 dak ft kat sini

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Post time 7-7-2009 10:39 PM | Show all posts
comelnye jaejin dgn baju pink

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Post time 7-7-2009 10:40 PM | Show all posts
teringat yg jaejin ckp jonghoon prince dekat thailand.. die biase2 je..
sgt down-to-earth

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Post time 7-7-2009 10:53 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by twinkystar at 7-7-2009 22:55

090703 FT Island's Interview With OMY - Our Uniqueness Is Not In Dance

Korea'snew generation 'flower boys' rock band, FT Island (Choi Minhwan, ChoiJonghoon, Lee Hongki, Lee Jaejin & Song Seunghyun who replacedex-member, Oh Wonbin) was here in Singapore to hold a mini showcase andattracted nearly 800 fans to support the event.

If you still donot know who FT Island is, you're falling behind in the Korean musicindustry! Let's take a look at their introduction and music video oftheir new song 'Bad Woman' to find out more about their music style.

Thefollowing interview was conducted with U-Weekly before their arrival inSingapore. We can see how youthful and energised they are from theiranswers.

Note: UW stands for U-Weekly in the following interview.

UW:  Everyone calls FT Island the 'flower boys rock band'.  Do you dislike this title?
Jaejin:No, we're happy to hear the term 'flower boys'. If you have a chance tocome and watch our performance, you will be attracted by our music andnot simply call us 'flower boys'.
Seunghyun: The title sounds nice. But we prefer to hear comments like 'a rock band with high music standards'.
Jonghoon: We prefer to receive compliments on our music.
Hongki: Yes. I think so too.

UW: Who do you think is the best representative of the title 'flower boy' in the group? (Anyone disagrees?)
Ans: Hongki! (4 members replied.)
Jaejin:No one can challenge his popularity. Looking at the presents hereceived from fans and all other factors, we can't challenge him interms of popularity. He is the most popular member in the group, andalso the most priced member. He's good-looking and can also sing verywell. We have to admit that..

UW: Do you compare among yourselves who is the most handsome member in the group?
Ans: Jonghoon! (4 members replied.)
Jaejin: Hongki is pretty, the flower boy type. Jonghoon is handsome.

UW: If you were given a chance to talk about your best looking moment, special traits or looks?
Jaejin: I think I look good when I look at myself in the mirror right after a shower. I like my eyes and lips especially.
Seunghyun: I like my eyes and chin. (Reporter: I think his dimples are charming.)
Jonghoon: I find myself sexy while playing the guitar. I like my nose and mouth.
Hongki: I think I look good when I was slightly skinnier, singing on stage till I sweat. I like my forehead and also my side profile.

UW: Who is the 100% 'Rocker' in the group?
Hongki: Every one of us have a 'Rocker' feel. All of us can perform in a 'Rocker' style.

UW: Who nags a lot usually? Or likes to dominate?
Jonghoon, Hongki & Seunghyun: Jaejin!
Jonghoon: I think he cares about us.

UWs there any changes to the way you work with each other (especiallysince new member, Song Seunghyun, replaces Oh Wonbin in April thisyear)? Can Seunghyun talk about how he adapts to the group within sucha short period of time?
Seunghyun: I often bumped into themembers at the studio before I joined the group, as I was a traineefrom the same management company. So there wasn't really a feeling ofbeing new. I'm in charge of the vocals, especially the rap in the band.Everyone treats me well so there's not much of a problem.
Other 3 members: We don't feel that he's a new member. It feels as if he debuted together with us in 2007.

UW: What was your first impression of Seunghyun?
Jonghoon, Hongki & Jaejin: We guessed that he is a positive person and he really was.

UW: Within 2 months after your debut in 2007, you have close to 100,000 fans & supporters? Were you amazed by the figures?
Ans:That was during the filming of a 'reality show' and we had to 'attract100,000 supporters in order to get a chance to perform'. We didn'texpect that we would succeed in obtaining the figures and were verytouched.

UW: What was your biggest gain after debuting?
Jonghoon, Hongki & Jaejin:When we first debuted, we were really shy standing on stage andcouldn't get used to facing the crowd during performances. But we'reall used to it now and we've improved a lot in terms of stage presenceduring concerts and other performances.

UW: What was the most difficult experience you had before and after debut?
Hongki I started out as a child actor and didn't really experience the feel of'debuting'. After joining the group, all of us stay together at thesame place. It's the first time we stay apart from our parents, relyingon ourselves for everything. This was one difficult experience. Afterdebuting, social interaction is difficult and we realised that wecouldn't trust anyone easily.
Seunghyun: I was a trainee forone and a half years before debuting. I felt stressed when my singingskills made no improvement. Some people have been trainees for manyyears so I think I'm lucky.
Jaejin: I wasn't very tired during my two years as a trainee before debut.

UW: All of you are so young. How do you assure yourself to stay firm when dealing with fame, popularity and wealth?
Seunghyun: Exercising. It helps mentally.
Jaejin: To stay silent is the best way to relieve stress.
Hongki: To reflect on ourselves.

UW:There are many idol boy bands in the Korean music industry right now.What do you think is your unique point and how are you different fromthe other groups?
Hongki: We don't dance. We know how to compose and we can play the instruments. That is our special point.
Jaejin:Yes. That is the biggest difference. Other groups sing what peoplecompose for them and they do not play the instruments themselves. Butwe compose, perform and sing the songs ourselves.

UW:Others said that they see hope for the development of the Rock &Roll industry in Korea after your successful debut. Do you think so too?
Hongki: Hmm.. That's too exaggerating. Are there people who really said that? Hopefully there will be more bands like us in future.

UW: How do you feel about the promotion of your 2nd Japanese single 'I believe myself' in Japan in April this year?
Jonghoon:The response from the Japanese fans were very good. Tickets were allsold out. We are always touched by the response from our Japanese fans.

UW: Can you talk about the 'Live Concert Rock Prince (Live Album)' DVD that was released in May?
Jaejin:We used 'Rock Prince' as our theme and held concert tours in thecountry. This is the concert DVD recorded then. We even danced a littleduring the concerts to show the audience a different side of us. Ohyes, that DVD is a recording of the Seoul concert so there won't be anydance footages. Ha! Too bad.

UW: Can you talk about yourown music aspirations? Ever wanted to try acting? (Choi Minhwan had afilming schedule for KBS drama 'Road Home'; and was not able to join inthis interview.)
Hongki: I debuted as a child actor. I actedin several dramas when I was younger. I was a very popular child actorthen! Hopefully there will be more chances of acting in future.
Jaejin I just finished the musical 'Sonagi' in Seoul in May. Now preparing forthe Busan ones. I've acted in a sitcom before. Of course, music isstill the most important to us, though we would like to try out actingas well.
Jonghoon: I want to try out both singing and acting too.
Seunghyun I want to try out things which I've not done before. My childhoodambition was to be a movie star. As long as it doesn't affect my musiccareer, I would'nt mind trying.

Reporter's Notes:

Onthe day of the interview with FT Island, other than Choi Minhwan whohad a filming schedule, the other members woke up at 9am, attended twofansigning sessions and when they came for the interview with'U-Weekly' at the salon at 7pm, they're all exhausted. But afterhearing that it's an interview with the Singapore media, they allsmiled. You can tell how much they're looking forward to the Singaporetrip. From the interview, I can tell that Hongki is the confident type;Jonghoon & Seunghyun are more quiet and Jonghoon is reallygood-looking in person. Jaejin is very caring. When he noticed myspelling mistake, he even pointed it out. That's why the other membersclaimed that he's the most caring member in the group.

It'salready 9pm when the interview ended. The sky is already dark but westill saw about 50 fans waiting outside the salon for the boys. Theirmanager revealed that, due to these crazy fans, they have alreadyshifted their hostel for 4 times and 3 times for their studio andoffice. Though they're thankful for the fans' support, but it couldreally become a headache when fans try to get overboard to get near tothem.

Do not takeout without proper credits
credits: + ying_1005@soompi (translation)

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Post time 7-7-2009 11:17 PM | Show all posts
hahaha.. tq twinky

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Post time 7-7-2009 11:35 PM | Show all posts
sbb malas nk beklog -.-
nk tnye dorg ada kuar album baru korea x..
slain album yg ada lgu nappen yoja tuh huhu~~

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Post time 8-7-2009 12:27 PM | Show all posts
end of july ni ada album baru...
tapi date x konfem lagi...

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Post time 8-7-2009 02:31 PM | Show all posts
2275# fiZa_fiZa

ada album baru..

best nie... nk seduttt

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Post time 8-7-2009 05:45 PM | Show all posts
2275# fiZa_fiZa

ada album baru..

best nie... nk seduttt
limau Post at 8-7-2009 14:31

a'a..nk keluar dah..pelakon utk mv baru dorg pun dh pilih rasanya..

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Post time 8-7-2009 07:30 PM | Show all posts
boleh download lagu2 dak ft kat sini
haniabc Post at 7-7-2009 22:39

bezz neh....

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Post time 8-7-2009 08:33 PM | Show all posts
bezz neh....
airwickss Post at 8-7-2009 19:30

dan list lagu diorg

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Post time 9-7-2009 09:58 AM | Show all posts

konsep album baru dorg

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