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Author: Syik_Gojet

[TVN] New Journey To The West Season 3- Start 8 Jan 2017

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Post time 9-5-2017 05:12 PM | Show all posts
Syik_Gojet replied at 9-5-2017 05:06 PM
aku pun dah berpatah arang.. harap minah jessica je la tolong sub part2 mana y dia rasa best.. itu ...

haha dia yg sub handsome boys dulu kan. Tak abes gak.
Haish mcm nk kena belajar bhs korea je ni XD
Yg planman kt vlive tu, ekceli sape yg sub ye? mmg channel tu ke sub?itu official kan?
Sbb mcm nk request kt insta jfam tu utk keluarkan balik s1, and tolong sub skali hahaha

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 Author| Post time 9-5-2017 08:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Star_el replied at 9-5-2017 05:12 PM
haha dia yg sub handsome boys dulu kan. Tak abes gak.
Haish mcm nk kena belajar bhs korea je ni X ...

aha.. dia sub pary mana dia suka ja..

y sub dari epi 1~9 god fans..

planman tu rasanya jfamily y subkan..

tu la kalu dorg sub blk y lama kan best tp rasanya y lama tu tayang kt tv.. so dorg x leh reupload balik..

esok psy comeback.. habis la jekki baru je nak bernafas.. kang flop balik.. rasa mcm nak group hug je dgn jekki

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Post time 9-5-2017 08:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Syik_Gojet replied at 9-5-2017 08:43 PM
aha.. dia sub pary mana dia suka ja..

y sub dari epi 1~9 god fans..

Xpernah aku suka lagu cam psy tu haha. Tapi taste dak2 skg kan. Just hrp Jekki jgn kecewa sgtla, accept the fact yg mmg susah diorg nk dpt no. 1. Tp as long as their albums and performances sell well okla tu.

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 Author| Post time 9-5-2017 09:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Star_el replied at 9-5-2017 08:55 PM
Xpernah aku suka lagu cam psy tu haha. Tapi taste dak2 skg kan. Just hrp Jekki jgn kecewa sgtla, a ...

lagu psy takat gangnam style je la y best.. y lain hampeh...

aku pun harap dorg x kecewa.. kira ok la dlm yg kurang promote still dorg leh dpt carta no 1 itunes kt luar negara.  

lagipun ni album utk sambutan 20 thn anni.. bukan full album.. harap2 full album nanti gempak..

aku tgk youtube pun subscriber makin bertambah.. last week 100k.. sekarang dah 118k..


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Post time 10-5-2017 11:57 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Psy buat comeback jekki mmg tak bleh buat ape la..tgk this week bleh menang ke tak..

Eh korg,selain dari konsert jekki yg bakal dibuat ade konsert laen tak?maksud nya national tour ke?

Aku mcm seram plak takut dorg ke dungeon plus dorg buat individual activity je..mcm tak kuat sgt YG promote jekki ni ..da la style YG kalo nampak tak membawa money tu die rela simpan jek..

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Post time 10-5-2017 01:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Syik_Gojet replied at 9-5-2017 09:09 PM
lagu psy takat gangnam style je la y best.. y lain hampeh...

aku pun harap dorg x kecewa.. kir ...

Weh minah tu ckp album expected smpy minggu ni. So will post out isnin dpn cmtu. Tak sabar!

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 Author| Post time 10-5-2017 04:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaeda replied at 10-5-2017 11:57 AM
Psy buat comeback jekki mmg tak bleh buat ape la..tgk this week bleh menang ke tak..

Eh korg,sela ...

so far x da berita apa2 pasal tour concert.. y pasti akan ada concert.  

masa 1st yellow note concert sold out.. so YG ambik peluang buat tour concert.  

kemungkinan kalu konsert 20th ann sold out jugak akan ada tour concert.  if album dorg laku mungkin akan buat kt oversea.. mungkin lepas keluar full album nanti.. kemungkinan samada jepun or taiwan coz dua2 negara ni populariti dorg tinggi..

rasa terharu album dorg dpt tempt 9 dlm carta billboard US.. dlm kurang promo still dpt sambuatn kat luar..


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 Author| Post time 10-5-2017 04:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Star_el replied at 10-5-2017 01:13 PM
Weh minah tu ckp album expected smpy minggu ni. So will post out isnin dpn cmtu. Tak sabar!

mungkin hari selasa kita dpt?

x sabarnya.. jeles tgk org lain dpt.. aku usaha x mo dgr full album dorg dlm YT..

kebayakkan org msia ir singapore dpt kad jwalk..

aku harap2 dpt jiwon.. dpt duckie pun aku redo.. haha

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 Author| Post time 10-5-2017 04:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaeda replied at 10-5-2017 11:57 AM
Psy buat comeback jekki mmg tak bleh buat ape la..tgk this week bleh menang ke tak..

Eh korg,sela ...

antara highlight radio show hari ni

Jekki Radio - MBC Radio FM4U


1. News article : Lee Jaejin showing his pride for his body - suddenly taking off his jacket during broadcast causing laughter

( self explanatory )

2. Opening

Mc is a Club HOT so it started with a round of apologies.

Mc: Today Eun Jiwon sshi is not with us
Members : he has gone on holiday
Su1 : he went away during our busiest period

3. Su1's part

Mc : I heard that Su1's part increased in this album. Does Sung Hoon feel sad about the decrease in part ?
Hoony: I'm not sad about giving away parts of the song. This is what a team does.
Su1: if he still feels upset with his share of lines in our songs he should just go solo

4. About getting first place

JD : I was happier getting first place as Jwalk as we won so many times as Jekki that it felt like a given. We were just upset when we didn't win. After disbanding , with me and su1, winning was not a given so I felt happier

5. Toduc

Mc: I heard that the members are envious of the Toduc relationship
Jd: the other members are fine, only su1 is envious. I think su1 is possessive of me. He is normally very respectful towards seniors but he is always cold around Tony. In my heart, Tony and Su1 are both very good people.
JJ: su1 is envious, I am angry. Didn't we agree to beat HOT ( IC reference )

6. On make-up

Hoony: today this side ( Hoony + JD ) has full makeup . This side ( su1 + JJ ) has half make up on
MC: Did you mention before that you and JD need full make up because your skin is not as good ?
Hoony: I said that jokingly in the radio show yesterday as a joke
JJ : we need to manage ourselves now as age catches up
Mc: who needs the most management
Jj: well, it follows our age. Firstly the person who's absent today, then me, then JD. Not just on looks, we need to manage our personality too.
Hoony: jj sshi is really speaking freely today when g1 Hyung is absent !

7. On JJ's phone number

Mc : do you all still not know JJ's phone number ?
Hoony: firstly , we do not want to know his phone number. We have a group chat so we can find him. We are not keen to know his number, we have never asked him for it.

8. Closing

MC: we have 3 minutes left.
JJ: oh that is fast!
MC It looks like all that is left for the team to do now is to beat HOT! We need the leader back to hold the fort for that.
JJ: why? I think I am doing a good job too!


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 Author| Post time 10-5-2017 07:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Star_el replied at 10-5-2017 01:13 PM
Weh minah tu ckp album expected smpy minggu ni. So will post out isnin dpn cmtu. Tak sabar!

aku baru pas ushar mv psy.. dua2 mv lebih kurang sama.. lagu style rancak mcm disko.. dgn tarian aneh2 tu.. siap import ucle PPAP..

mesti pas ni viral org tiru tarian mv dia..

mungkin jekki akan terkeluar carta..

xpa la.. asalkan lagu jekki lagi best dari psy..

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Post time 10-5-2017 07:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Syik_Gojet replied at 10-5-2017 04:43 PM
so far x da berita apa2 pasal tour concert.. y pasti akan ada concert.  

masa 1st yellow note c ...

Ok,thank you syik..

Atleast ade harapan nak ke japan and taiwan,china confirm tak lepas da..

Actually sambutan international ni dasyat kan,rase nak berterima kasih dekat diri sendiri bila tau news album sechkies dekat billboard..

International recognize sechkies ni  

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Post time 10-5-2017 07:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Syik_Gojet replied at 10-5-2017 04:48 PM
antara highlight radio show hari ni

Jekki Radio - MBC Radio FM4U

Haha,jaeduck suwon tony..triangle love..

Selamba dorg ckp jiwon pergi bercuti padahal shooting njttw  

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Post time 10-5-2017 07:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Syik_Gojet replied at 10-5-2017 07:16 PM
aku baru pas ushar mv psy.. dua2 mv lebih kurang sama.. lagu style rancak mcm disko.. dgn tarian a ...

Aku mmg xminat lagu style oppa gangnam style. Apatah lg lagu2 viral XD
Tulah mmg xleh lawan any trending fad, so buat je lagu yg best utk fans

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Post time 10-5-2017 07:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Syik_Gojet replied at 10-5-2017 07:16 PM
aku baru pas ushar mv psy.. dua2 mv lebih kurang sama.. lagu style rancak mcm disko.. dgn tarian a ...

Lagu sechkies tak keluar carta lg,selamat lg dlm top 100..but mmg tak bleh lawan psy la,ade tiga empat lagu top 20..

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 Author| Post time 10-5-2017 08:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaeda replied at 10-5-2017 07:26 PM
Lagu sechkies tak keluar carta lg,selamat lg dlm top 100..but mmg tak bleh lawan psy la,ade tiga e ...

gelak guling2 aku part ni.. jaeduck nyanyi lagi winner really2..
tp lari tone.. semua pakat gelak.. kena buli lagi dgn jiwon.. haha..

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 Author| Post time 10-5-2017 08:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaeda replied at 10-5-2017 07:23 PM
Haha,jaeduck suwon tony..triangle love..

Selamba dorg ckp jiwon pergi bercuti padahal shooting  ...

tu la.. mentang2 jiwon xda.. dok perli jiwon saja.. haha..

suwon ckp jiwon pentingkan diri sendiri p bercuti.. teringat lak dlm plan man, suwon ckp YG marah kt jiwon masuk variety time org dok bz.. jiwon x peduli bagi dia plan man penting.. njttw pun mesti sama penting bagi dia.. dlm bz promo pun p terbang gak.. padahal masa flower crew sanggup berhenti demi nak fokus promo realbum..

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 Author| Post time 10-5-2017 08:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Star_el replied at 10-5-2017 07:24 PM
Aku mmg xminat lagu style oppa gangnam style. Apatah lg lagu2 viral XD
Tulah mmg xleh lawan any t ...

sebenarnya lagu psy bukan best pun.. tp selalunya lagu kita x suka lagu tu y senang lekat.mcm berhantu...

baru sejam relese dah berlambak video reaction..

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Post time 10-5-2017 09:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Syik_Gojet replied at 10-5-2017 08:29 PM
gelak guling2 aku part ni.. jaeduck nyanyi lagi winner really2..
tp lari tone.. semua pakat gela ...

Kena buli pun selamba je nyanyi lg..suwon ngan jaijin suka gila  

Tone jaeduck similar to winner jinwoo plak..

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Post time 10-5-2017 09:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Syik_Gojet replied at 10-5-2017 08:33 PM
tu la.. mentang2 jiwon xda.. dok perli jiwon saja.. haha..

suwon ckp jiwon pentingkan diri send ...

Mau tak perli,tgh sibuk buat comeback show mcm2 jiwon dpt..

ngan dynamic duo,njttw blum lg show ngan sechkies..photoshoot ke ape ke but jiwon ni pro kan,semua bleh cover  

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 Author| Post time 10-5-2017 09:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaeda replied at 10-5-2017 09:18 PM
Mau tak perli,tgh sibuk buat comeback show mcm2 jiwon dpt..

ngan dynamic duo,njttw blum lg show ...

haha.. dia suka bz kot.. kalu xda kerja nanti dia boring.. tiba2 rajin lak update ig.. boring kot kt vietnam tu.. haha..

sementara tgh laku variety.. pulun jgn xpulun..

member lain takat boleh buat radio show je la bila jiwon xda.. hoony x silap nanti jadi juri masked singer.. fan sign lepas jiwon blk sini..

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