Haer posted on 31-3-2014 11:12 AM
Aha yang nie saya setuju jugak. Nasib baik jugak Australia tak ungkit ungkit benda tu kan. Dia bol ...
bukan setakat jepang, uprising kat my place dlu due to Indonesia Raya punya thing pon dorg dtg pertahankan weols dan cari saki baki komunis ..
waktu nie ada la gerakan nak mengkomuniskan brunei and the entire sarawak waktu tu.. time nie pon tentera australia yg dtg selamatkan weols bersama tentera british..
Helikopter jenis Sikorsky SH-60 Seahawk milik Tentera Laut Amerika Syarikat dibawa turun dari pesawat pengangkut C-17A Globemaster III milik Tentera Udara Diraja Australia (RAAF) selepas mendarat di Pangkalan RAAF Pearce BullsBrook bagi misi mencari MH370
kelana36 posted on 31-3-2014 11:34 AM
pernah tak dengar briefing dari cabin crew... sekiranya corong oksigen terkeluar, sentap corong ok ...
thanks capt... selama ni sangka ada saluran oxygen dr somewhere dan kemudian dihembus... tak tahu yg kena sentap tu untuk bg chemical reaction to create o2... ha... ni mmg ilmu baru untuk hari ini. Thanks a lot for the info
Changa posted on 31-3-2014 11:15 AM
ummah OZ sangat sanjung pejuang2 mereka yg gugur di seluruh duniawi.
ada sekali akak tengok berit ...
dorang mmg tinggi semangat juangnya..
dan dorg ada pride bila bgtau family dorang gugur sbb pertahankan negara a.b c or d
i klau pergi sana i rajin pergi ke tugu peringatan dorang..
Perdana Menteri Australia Tony Abbott mempertahankan pengumuman rakan sejawatannya dari negara ini Datuk Seri Najib Razak bahawa penerbangan MH370 “berakhir” di Lautan Hindi.
Pengumuman tersebut, yang dipersoalkan oleh waris penumpang di China, merupakan kesimpulan dari sejumlah besar bukti, kata Abbot seperti dipetik dalam laporan akhbar Telegraph.
"Himpunan bukti menunjukkan pesawat tersebut hilang dan ia hilang di satu tempat di selatan Lautan Hindi.
“Itu adalah gelombang bukti yang amat besar dan saya rasa Perdana Menteri Najib Razak amat berhak membuat kesimpulan itu, dan saya fikir sebaik kesimpulan itu dibuat, beliau bertanggungjawab mengumumkannya,” katanya seperti dipetik dalam laporan tersebut.
Para waris penumpang dari China mula tiba di negara ini untuk mendapatkan penjelasan lebih lanjut dan untuk mendengar permohonan maaf dari Najib atas pengumuman tersebut.
Helikopter jenis Sikorsky SH-60 Seahawk milik Tentera Laut Amerika Syarikat merupakan aset terbaru yang tiba bagi mencari pesawat MH370 di Lautan Hindi
Pandai tok isam bawak isteri dan anak yg cun tu... orang nak marah pun lembut hati sbb tengok family dia...kalau bawak kak mah... lagi kena serang agaknya...ampunnnnnn
China should treat the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 "rationally", a commentary in state media says after days of lurid accusations by relatives insisting their loved ones could still be alive.
The commentary in the China Daily newspaper, which is run by the government, said: "It is certain that flight MH370 crashed in the Indian Ocean and no one on board survived".
"We should not let anger prevail over facts and rationality," it said.
"We need to comply with the fundamental norms of a civilised society and need to show the demeanour of a great power."
Irrational words and behaviour would "not help matters", it added, and those involved should "prepare to make arrangements for funerals".
"Although the Malaysian government's handling of the crisis has been quite clumsy, we need to understand this is perhaps the most bizarre incident in Asian civil aviation history. It is understandable that as a developing country, the Malaysia government felt completely at a loss."
It stressed that finding the aircraft and analysing technical data would take time.
"Public opinion should not blame the Malaysian authorities for deliberately covering up information in the absence of hard evidence," it added.
The author, Mei Xinyu, is a researcher at a commerce ministry institute who is known for his analyses of international trade disputes.
His tone was in stark contrast to that of many relatives of the 153 Chinese on board the flight, who are still clinging to hopes that they could somehow still be alive.
"We just have to close our eyes and we see our loved ones there, out there, in pain, desperate for someone to rescue them," one man said on Sunday.
"Such a long time has passed, but nevertheless the facts do give us grounds to be sure that our loved ones are still alive and that the plane is out there, somewhere."
Some have embraced bizarre conspiracy theories involving the plane being hijacked and taken to a secret location and the passengers held hostage.