salam semua VIP... saya nak tanya lah... siapa2 y pernah beli album ke kdrama ke kat, bole bgtau cmne nak buat urusan beli tu x? ini first time nak cuba beli kat YeSAsia... boleh bgtaw x...
sekali lagi tepek kat sini...
vote tau korang... sampai tgh mlm ni saje. korang link le kat VIP lain gak soh diorang vote. tq!
this is for 8TV Nite Live K-Pop Chart. Results will be revealed weekly on the Saturday Midnight Show. A new list will be unveiled every Monday at 10am. Voting begins from Monday (10am) till Friday (11.59pm)
so , to all malaysian organisers yang akan bawak bigbang ke sini nanti, pls... let them use the main exit. tak matinye diorang kena kerumun dek VIP. kalo kat taiwan sampai 2000 orang yang pegi, chillax kan pulak kita yang takde le seramai tu nak berkejar-kejaran ke klia. kita ni sopan-santun je. selagi tahap fangirling kita tak diganggu, takdenye kita nak meroyan bagai
kesimpulannya, malaysian organizers, tolong le bawak our boys ke sini. waaaa!!!
lucky girl..dpt personal training dari TOP .. jeles gak skit kena tgk kat one ep kpop star nih
Lee Ha Yi receives training from her ideal type, Big Bang’s T.O.P [NEWS]
‘K-Pop Star‘ finalist, Lee Ha Yi recently received training from her ideal type, Big Bang‘s T.O.P.
The Top 4 finalists were each trained under the top three agencies (SM, JYP, and YG) for the April 15th live broadcast performance.
In order to show viewers a new image along with her hidden rap skills, Lee Ha Yi selected the song “As Time Goes By” by Tasha. Although the original version of the song does not have rap in it, Lee Ha Yi met with T.O.P who had offered to help in adding the lyrics for the rap portion of the song and to help her in her rapping.
As soon as she faced her ideal type, Lee Ha Yi was unable to hide her excitement as she asked the staff members, “Is this a dream?”
However, her excitement was only for a brief moment as the two were speechless and incredibly awkward with each other. T.O.P broke the silence by asking her, “What do you like about oppa (me)?” to which she shyly replied with a blush, “Please don’t ask. I don’t think I can say. You have a really nice voice.”
Lee Ha Yi was successfully able to perform her rendition of “As Time Goes By” and surprised viewers with her talented rap skills. J.Y. Park praised the contestant saying, “I couldn’t find a flaw in your performance.”
hola sume..rasa cm da lama xspazz sesama kat gak sekali skala jadi SR nih
just nk share pasal lirik bad boy kat sini. btul ke lirik ni utk VIPs.. xkisah la klau xbetul pun, tapi lpas ni everytime AM tgk performance bad boy, harusla diri ini bbunge2 kan..yela, kita kan good girl diorang
are we really their good girl?
Now I just realized how the lyrics of Bad Boy really made for us
We fought countless times about unbelievably little things
There are times when they do things that we don’t like. Stuffs that we thought are not good for them. Sometimes we let them know and tried to change their ways. One good example of this is when a lot of us are against them performing for their Love & Hope concert tour but they want to keep their promise to JVIPs.
You would cry and leave me and I would look around
believing you’d one around tomorrow I convinced myself you’d contact me in the morning
We cried a countless of times, we thought of leaving them but in the end there is like a string pulling us together. They are the first thought whenever I wake up.
Baby I can’t because I’m too bad I want to treat you better but It’s difficult
Everyday & night I’m so mean cuz I’m so real so I’m sorry (but I can’t change)
They always wanted to give back our love. They tried to do a lot of fan service but because of different circumstances they are limited on things that they can do for us. THEY ARE REAL. We loved and we will love them as who they are. There are a lot of changes from them being rookies to now but our love never change.
The me that you love Sorry i’m a bad boy
So just leave me and go on your way you’re a good girl
They wanted us to leave not because they don’t love us but because they don’t want to hurt us anymore with all of their mistakes.
The more time that passes and the more you get to know me it’ll be disappointing
From all the rumors, criticisms and mistakes they faced they thought they’ve disappointed us. But they didn’t know that what makes us love them more. We love them not because they are perfect, we love them not because of their talent. We love them because of who they are, a human who make mistakes. They taught me how to be strong and to fight for what I believe in.
Baby don’t leave me I know you still love me
Why am I like this truthfully I’ll say I need you my lay lay lay lay lady my lay lay lay lay lady
They want us to leave but in the end they still need us. They knew that our love will not fade, it will not change.
I’m different from other guys It’s too hard You’re still like a girl the way you you are delicate you laugh for me and the way I am around you is so young
We love them because they are different, they are unique. But they are the reason why we laugh, their laughter is our medicine, it is our stress reliever, it is the thing that we wanted to see the most.
I’m turning my head in my apologies for always pushing away dates with the excuse that I’m busy
Can I just point out Alive World Tour? lol but I guess this is about the delays of their comebacks and album releases.
In my dreams you were my bride and now were just friends Our separation is such a pitiful silence.
NO. In our dreams you are our groom. Even if we are awake you are still our groom. VIPxBIGBANG separation is not in our vocabulary because we will stand by you until whenever.
Don’t say a word Don’t act tough but my thoughts inside are different
Don’t throw me away A person like you who can understand me
We always act tough or cool in every criticisms. We would like them to see that there is a VIP wall that will protect them from any harm and a wall that they can lean on. With the recent incidents there are people who turned their back, people that threw them away but only us, VIPs can understand them. We are the only one who can accept their mistakes and forgive them unconditionally.
Lyrics credit kristinekwak @ BBU
Bad Boy is written for VIPs or at least VIPs are in their thoughts while writing the lyrics. But all I can say is Big Bang, no matter what you do rest assured that these GOOD GIRLs/BOYs will always got your back! We will not cover your mistakes but instead accept them and forgive you. We will protect you from all the criticisms and we will not believe any rumors.
my favourite bad boy's performance so far
background dia..daebak! simple yet nice, n uri bb pun enjoy their performance (muke ji bahagia je..keke)
Alaa..Ruffneckz from Malaysia x menang best costume laa... Anywhoo, iollz rasa daebak sesgt tgk entries from VIPz all around the world nih..BIGBANG = Kpop artist? Well, mmg dah x relevent lagi statement nih..BIGBANG=World artist!! Yeah..that's more like it..VIPz represent ya'ollz!
Q: What do you think of the expression that you look mature?
TOP: No, I don’t like it. Anymore.
Q: I think you have heard of it a lot.
TOP: It’s just I have too much thoughts, but then I can’t do anything childish later if I have that kind of image. I want to live more young and mischievous. (→)
(Source: mybodyisreadytabi, via 2seunghyun@tumblr)
Jeju Airlines, Model Contract with K-POP star 'Big Bang' (120418) [NEWS]
Affordable airline Jeju Airlines has joined hands with idol group Big Bang.
Jeju Airlines has acquired Big Bang to lift their image as a global airline, because Big Bang is representative of K-Pop stars. This was revealed on April18th.
Big Bang, as a 5 member group consisting of G-Dragon, Taeyang, TOP, Daesung, and Seungri will bring popularity to Jeju Airlines through their destinations of Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Philippines, and Vietnam. They will be on the home page, newspapers, magazines, online advertisements, and each overseas counter of Jeju Airlines.
Jeju Airlines is also sponsoring Big Bang's Japanese and Asia Tour, starting next month. Big Bang will be boarding these planes with their staff as a group to go on tour. For the Asia tour starting in October, in Hong Kong, Thailand, Philippines, and Vietnam, they will be not only promoting, but there will also be a Big Bang Concert Travel Package.
Jeju Airlines representatives have stated that "The fact that top class K-pop star Big Bang endorsing the affordable airline, Jeju Airlines, will be a hot topic in Asia," and "They will be a huge help in bringing Japanese and other East Asian travelers who wish to come to Korea.
Source: Asiae
Translated by: @kristinekwak so thailand confirm! sg confirm!:@