hitamputih posted on 9-8-2012 09:19 AM
often a person who said i am just an ordinary human is actually a superhuman
welkam aboard, ...
thanks for the warm welcome.. xde karpet merah ke ni?
acah2 ye mod, santaikan diri. hehehe. maaf kalau terkesan
but no..i'm not a superhuman, apatah lagi supergirl. even my hubby is not a superman yg famous tu
well.. maybe i'm a supermak kot. but only to my hubby and daughter je jah
umo? hellemek.. gua malu la beb!
tapi since org dh tanya kan.. i'm in my late 20's and early 30's
kan dah kata dah, belum separuh pun lagi garam yg patut dirasa
got a very long way to go, not knowing what will happen next, but always hope and pray for the best
semoga Allah melihat tulisan ku ini...
seronok dpt join you guys.
berharap sgt hakak diterima dengan senang hati kat sini jah
tsk! tsk! tsk!, kdg2 aku sendiri geleng kpl tgk karya sastera low class aku bila menulis nih.
mcm syok sendiri pun ade kan jah?
ixaraalya posted on 9-8-2012 11:10 AM
first time experience tu yg mcm blurr..
agak terkejut ngn perubahan emosi..
like your siggy a lot tau yang
you must be like that kan? coz some of our favourite phrase tu sebenanye adalah part of ourselves
selalunye lah..bukan semua. ada juga yg tak, tapi boleh je kita make it to reality hehe
so, kalau rasa2 serba tak kena bagai, rasa nak hangin xtentu pasal, tetiba down deep inside..
i hope you'll look back at your own siggy
it has a superb energy that lies within that phrase..and make it a good one
ganbatte kudasai!!!
hitamputih posted on 9-8-2012 12:36 PM
hehe kapet merah kena tanya Xara, dia baru je beli kat jakel
oh anak dah umur berapa dah?
oh mod..makcik ni enter thread bio ke? hehehe
malu la nak reveal sume jah, takut terfemes sgt nanti
i don't want to overshadow anybody tau..a big no no
apa pun, thx for noticing me as one of your responsibilities here
ramai umat nak kena jaga ni mod, besar ganjaran kalau tepat cara pemerintahannye ni.
good luck!
ixaraalya posted on 9-8-2012 01:00 PM
unni mmg da sopan pung..
buat cm biasa je..
ke ada mamat hensem join skali?
takde sopan manenye... erk mamat hensem tarak aa kat opis ni.. sume laki orang, pakcik orang, bapak budak aje yg akan join pun ... tapi tataw ler kalo kat sana.. unni dah ler pakai serba hitam hari ni, sure mamat hencem takot nk dekat wakakakaka...
tajul186 posted on 9-8-2012 12:53 PM
kat sini memang biasa bercerita n bertanya tentang diri memasing,nak kenal2 + isi masa lapang je... ...
encik tajul..u have lots of fan eyy?? mesti encik tajul ni one of the nicest person here
salam perkenalan utk encik tajul jugak la
makcik ni bukan apa, agak pemalu gitu sbb makcik xsehebat forumer2 lain
kalau baca diorang punye opinion..wallahweii!! menitik ayaq idung aku ni jah..terlalu hebat!
terasa timid diri ni
so, bit by bit la ye..kalau semua dah dikompang, xmystery lagi dah jah ooiii..x thrill!