i tak BR lagi. tapi i tepek je dulu link ni kat sini. kalo dah tepek, ignore je. anyways, please vote ya!
this is for 8TV Nite Live K-Pop Chart. Results will be revealed weekly on the Saturday Midnight Show. A new list will be unveiled every Monday at 10am. Voting begins from Monday (10am) till Friday (11.59pm)
vote! vote! our boys are leading but sunny and miryo is catching up. knowing SONE, they may increase the votes anytime. MVIP, moh kite...vote for every one hour
why my votes keep declining?...geramnnyaaaaa :@....setiap kali vote kena reject..apakah???
happy birthday daesungieeeee
btw...tgk show nih buat ai jeles....mmg high class punyer agensi...rasa nak apply je keje kat YGE..ada jawatan kosong tak? tukang bawak baju BB pun hokey
why my votes keep declining?...geramnnyaaaaa ....setiap kali vote kena reject..apakah???
honey_jelly Post at 12-4-2012 08:36
vote 8tv nite live ke?
well, yg tu u have to vote once for an hour.
sekali je dalam sejam.
takleh jadik ni...% sunny and miryo dah dekat.
koraaaannnnggg....VOTE utk Bigbang!
btw, korang...jgn lupa vote kat kpop chart 8tv nite live tu. our boys are losing. camane nih? memula bukan main lagi tinggi percentage. i've been voting setiap jam ari ni. tapi sometimes dapat, sometimes tak dapat. bak kata GD, "There's a glitch in the system". mmg nak kena nieh...