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Author: skymania


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Post time 23-9-2011 05:23 PM | Show all posts
Ahahahaha same lsh kite pn guna cmera biase jer pun. No worries unnie jsnjindpt jumpe oppa2 bigbang kan. Unnie gerak what time tomorrow ke airport?

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Post time 23-9-2011 05:30 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2181# maksimrvica

Onnie smpai awal kat KL sentral..t'paksa amek ETS subuh2 buta tu sbb tiket sold out (tensen!! sumer org nk pegi KWM kah??) since diorg arrive 10.50am (jgn flight delay, sudehhh.. ) onnie plan nak amek airport coach to KLIA pukul 9pg..dlm kul 10pg smpai la epot kot..

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Post time 23-9-2011 10:53 PM | Show all posts
Daesung to return for "2012 Big Show"?

Big Bang’s Daesung could very well be making his comeback with the group in February of 2012.

Daesung was forced to withdraw from all promotions for the remainder of the year due to a scandal involving the death of a motorcyclist. Back in May, Daesung had run over a motorcyclist on the road, who had previously crashed and was lying unconscious on the road. Investigations dragged on for months, and Daesung was eventually found not guilty for his involvement with the motorcyclist’s death. For that reason, there’s a slightly bigger chance that Daesung will be returning sooner than expected.

Almost every year, Big Bang holds their February “Big Show” concert, and it’s rumored that Daesung will make his comeback through that event.

YG Entertainment CEO Yang Hyun Suk cautiously commented, “We are still careful about Daesung’s comeback to the industry; for now, Daesung has no promotional activities. We will try to bring Daesung back, but instead of through a program on TV, I think a concert where fans can really see him up-close and personal would be better.”

He concluded, “Of course, we haven’t even confirmed whether we will hold next year’s February ‘Big Show’ concert yet.”

Currently, Daesung is actively involved in his church and doing small services for the community while taking this period of hiatus to reflect.

Source: Allkpop, Nate

harap2 btol la kambek dae thn dpn.. dh lame giler tak nampak dia.. windu ngan lawak dia.. ni dok asik layan lawak kering si maknae jer

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Post time 24-9-2011 07:37 AM | Show all posts
Welcome to Malaysia GDTOP n SR!

Pada sape yg pegi konsert mlm ni, have fun ya!


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Post time 24-9-2011 10:47 PM | Show all posts
uwaa uwaa makan ati sakit ati sedih suma adaaa uwaaaa big show 2012 mesti miya jom!!

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Post time 24-9-2011 11:59 PM | Show all posts
uwaa uwaa makan ati sakit ati sedih suma adaaa uwaaaa big show 2012 mesti miya jom!!
Chynez Post at 24-9-2011 22:47

    jom!! harus pergi!!!

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Post time 25-9-2011 11:37 PM | Show all posts
anneyongggg! korang2 yang p kmw ? camneeee?! puas hati tak?lalalalala

betul ke rumors yang organiser terlebih masa, tu sebab gd n top mcm rushing jer performance terakhir tu ? sakit hati wooooooo

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Post time 26-9-2011 12:56 AM | Show all posts
annyeong!! amacam korang? still ada sisa2 keexcitedan lagik? ke sume da lost ala2 sis sten smpai xtau nk wat apa da skang..kkk

maksim-uols msti xpuas kan...jgn sedeh le..nnti ktorang pon ikut sedey skali anggapla ni warm up pepomen je.nnt kompem diorang datang lagik! (yeye jerk)

geram nye tgk seungri update me2day kt sentosa island kate g genting,update la jugek...xpon hapdet pic korang pakai baju melayu.msti smexy

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Post time 26-9-2011 09:15 AM | Show all posts

maaf... saya tetap jgk nk semadikan gambo2 diaorang kat cni.. dh letak kat rasa cam mesti letak cni.. n 1 lg nk letak kat thred kat ALM yg ada kita bkk utk Halo Music tu


meh skodeng montot SR..
sorri tak dtp gambo SR.. sbb mmg tak sempat

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Post time 26-9-2011 10:22 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2188# adikmanis

dgr citer diorg tak gi genting but clubbing kat zouk mlm tuh. then pg tuh straight back to singapore. just ri yg stay for a day rasenye. gd n top blk korea around 230pm camtuh.

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Post time 26-9-2011 05:56 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2189# nzhass79

ye kak zue...harus dilektakkan di sini. gambo hubby secara live... kena le tepek di sini
tq kak zue!

cik stan, janga time kita pasang strategy baek punya...

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Post time 26-9-2011 06:01 PM | Show all posts
MTV VJ Utt with gdtop and seungri

isk...isk...merah benar si utt. ni mesti terlebih booze
tabi...mak aih...kuruih bebenor!!! jangan kurih sangat. tak elok hubby oiiii...


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Post time 26-9-2011 10:54 PM | Show all posts
Maaf...saya mmg tak mampu nak m'update fan account lagik krn masih dlm mode excited terlebey + sedey + angau + gila bayang dan yg sewaktu dgnnya...wat ms ni sy hibernate dulu sambil2 karang fan account sampai 3 parts tuh! nnti korg baca la sampai muntah ekk...owh! uri Big Bang..nan ottoke..

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Post time 27-9-2011 12:42 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2193# stanum123

cik stan is still on cloud 9. heee...i pon cenggitu gak. keje mmg buat tapi once in a while terberangan jap tgk BB malam tu. isk...parah!

btw, here's ada a few snapshots from baki zainal dari fb dia.
GDTOP and Seungridiorang bertiga nih dah mcm wax figure

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Post time 27-9-2011 09:35 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2187# maksimrvica

me pun rasa mcm tuh sbb tu takder encore. nk kata penat leh lak party kan hahaha tp ending KMW mmg agak sedih la.. ngah high-high mcm tu tetiber habis?! pffftt.. me tunggu sampai organiser tu angkat kerusi baru realise yg KMW da btol2 abis. haha~ tapi.. nak lagi!!!! tahun depan dtg la sini BB ooi, x rasa ker yg Malaysia nyer VIP ni berjuta lemon aiyoohh~ hopefully YG impressed ngan kita n make sure all the YG family turun M'sia nxt year kan =)

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Post time 27-9-2011 02:48 PM | Show all posts
Reply  stanum123

cik stan is still on cloud 9. heee...i pon cenggitu gak. keje mmg buat tapi onc ...
luvsushi Post at 26-9-2011 13:12 arr pics tu....
me time GD & TOP kuar terus jerit......arghhhh......TOP hansemnyer...pakai baju batik-batik
mamat kat depan iols gi gelak .....pastu iols wat muka camni

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Post time 27-9-2011 06:11 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2196# Trunkk_ZZ

elo trunkk...ala, tak dpt jumpa u mlm tu. takpe, we'll meet again next time BB dtg kl
mmg tak puas sbb diorang tak sempat nyanyi Tonight and How Gee. how i wish they sang Tonigh. mesti berombak satu stadium...Tonight...Tonight...Tonight...Tonight...
i think my RM259.50 tu berbaloi utk the last 30 minutes tu because i really, really enjoyed BB's performance and screamed my heart out loud. pueh ati!
btw, welcome to BB's mansion. rasanya i tak pernah properly greet u kat sini lagi kan. jumpa u kat KMW nye thread je sblm ni.

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Post time 27-9-2011 06:41 PM | Show all posts
a clearer view and audio of gdtop's interview

bangga gile tgk fancam nieh...nak nahnges!!!! lautan VIPs. sume orang menyanyi, menjerit, melompat beria like there's no 2moro
nak kata fanchant dah tak mcm fanchant. mmg dah jadik sing along with BB boys nieh

part High High...sume angkat CS menari sama. cun!

O Yeah! part bommie top nyanyi sekali. awww...nice! kalo bommie ada mesti lagi bersemangat tabi atas pentas teringat masa kat singapore. he was so sweet towards his noona bommie

Knock Out lak

seungri's VVIP

these are the best fancam for me. walopon tak nampak diorang dekat, tapi dpt nampak selautan MVIPs had fun with their yellow CS. suke! mesti terharu kalo papa YG tgk ni. terus dia nak buat concert kat sini next year. yeeehaarrr!

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Post time 28-9-2011 09:21 AM | Show all posts arr pics tu....  
me time GD & TOP kuar terus jerit...... ...
Trunkk_ZZ Post at 27-9-2011 03:18 berkenalan. Tapi rasanya kat umah lama kita pernah say anyeong to each other btw: terlampau excited sampai luper nak cari dak sushi & onnie stanum ....sorry
Me plak rase tix RM200+ tu tak berbaloi coz BB nyanyi sikit jahh... lagipun biler tiba giliran BB mamat2 kat depan iols sumer pakat2 naik atas kerusi
dahla mamat tu sumer tinggi...lebey tinggi dari GD & TOP   skrin gabak tu pun me tak nampak biler sumer dah kena rasuk
terpaksa dengar sore jek sayup2 kat telinga iols
Me bajet V nyanyi 5 lagu GD TOP 5 lagu + interview panjang2 mcm FT Island   tapi tu ler tak cukup masa lak
me really wish dorang nyanyi Tonight, Tell me goodbye & Baby Goodnight
Hope dorang akan wat Big show kat cni ekekekkee

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Post time 28-9-2011 05:07 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2199# Trunkk_ZZ

tu lah kan...bila tgk fancam from those yg dok kat free seatings best gak. walopon nampak jauh tapi puas, nampak sume
well, nvrmind... as long as kita dpt tgk and dgr sore diorang live dah cukup seronok. dlm sejarah, GDTOP and seungri first time jejak kaki ke malaysia and we were part of it be happy

btw, kat sini ada satu artikel from The Star, 27 September 2011. bangga, kembang kempis hidung. nak tepek sinilah!

NEWS) GDTOPVI in KWM Malaysia 2011 Malaysian Star Newspaper

Seven South Korean acts put up an awesome performance during the Korean Music Wave 2011 at Stadium Merdeka.
YOU can’t argue with K-pop daebak (literally meaning K-pop is awesome or the best), a pop music phenomenon which is the rage here! Amid frenzied scenes of pop adulation, the Korean Music Wave 2011 concert underlined the genre’s popularity at Stadium Merdeka in Kuala Lumpur last Saturday night.

The biggest K-pop concert in Malaysia (to date), the screamfest was headlined by Big Bang’s Seungri and GD & TOP, and featured Park Jung Min, FT Island, U-KISS, Teen Top and girl group 4Minute.

The screaming never stopped as the seven sizzling South Korean acts wowed 10,000 K-pop fans made up of VIPs (Big Bang fans), Primadonnas (FT Island fans), KissMes (U-KISS fans), 4nias (4Minute fans), Angels (Teen Top fans) and Park Jung Min fans.
By the time it was Big Bang’s turn to perform, the crowd was on their feet, with some perched on plastic chairs while others moved to the grass where they could bounce and groove freely.

Looking dashing in a suit, Big Bang’s Seungri got fans leaping with joy when he declared that “Malaysian fans are bagus”, then serenaded them with VVIP, What Can I Do and Strong Baby.

While the rest of the acts kept to a black-and-white theme, GD & TOP were a riot in their colourful outfits as they ran about the stage belting out High High, Oh Yeah and Knock Out. Making their debut performance here, the duo were pleasantly surprised that local fans could sing Korean songs.

A blast of pyrotechnics and golden streamers took the show to its grand finale but fans waited around to watch their idols being shuttled off in vans.

The show may be over but my ears are still ringing with fans screamingsaranghae! (We love you), bogoshipoyo! (We miss you!).

Source: [email protected] via thestaronline

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