twins posted on 3-12-2013 02:12 PM
ini bukan masalah cerewet atau masalah harga... dan tentulah Chef Wan terlebih dari mampoo nak bay ...
tanah air patut buat macam ministry siam, mereka siap ada restoran thai select, yakni nya kementerian ada list restoran2 yg hidangkan authentic masakan thai yg ikut piawaian, tak tertakluk di siam sahaja, di mana2 sahaja kot sbb hari itu akak lalu tunnel sambung klcc - convention center itu ada iklan restoran thai select ini, mula nya akak ingat nama restoran thai select ini, rupanya jenama list resto2 thai yg authentic ini yg di akui kementerian siam
Thai Select ’Thai Select’ is a logo awarded by the Royal Thai Government to selected restaurants outside the country for the recognition of high standard of quality an authenticity. ‘Thai Select’ certifies that not only food, but also the hospitality and the atmosphere of the restaurant. Chef must be carefully trained in the preparation of bona fide Thai meals. The quality threshold for ‘Thai Select’ is high and the guidelines are strict. Still, through training and inspections, high standard Thai restaurant worldwide have achieved this distinction. The objectives of ‘Thai Select’ are not only the recognition of quality Thai restaurants, but also the encouragement of these restaurants to raise their quality to meet international level and to use authentic Thai products. Nowadays, there are more than 1,200 Thai restaurants worldwide with the ‘Thai Select’ sign, for example 8 in Austria and 2 in Slovenia. Last edited by Vokuro on 3-12-2013 02:19 PM