Post time 24-7-2023 08:22 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by stingerpressor at 24-7-2023 08:23 AM
cantthinkofany replied at 24-7-2023 08:13 AM
bull's eye....the word moderation is commonly overlooked when you are rushing for an immediate res ...
Tak mustahil ada spesis macam iteww kot? EXTREMES at both end....bila zaman liar dan nyundel, tahap luar tabiii...bila nak buat transformasi/reformasi diri dgn berlaku baik pun akan over the top #terpaling luar tabii....
Moderation/KESEDERHANAAN memang takda dalam kamus makhluk macam ini...
Sesia ada laki penghafal surah al mulk yg gagal didik minik utk menghayati nilai agama bahawa kesedernaan iteww antara ciri kesempurnaan...
in reality...people can change and do change...but most importantly the objective of the change....adakah ingin berubah disebabkan mmg rasa it is time to berubah....or people want me to berubah....there is a saying...perumpamaan orang love others is to love yourself first....and to love yourself is to give yourself the best amongst all of the best things in life....
when you do it for yourself....mmg perubahan itu adalah utk kebaikan diri sendiri....then we will definitely takes a lot of time to reflect and recharge....muhasabah diri bukan satu perkara yg mudah....mengakui kekurangan diri adalah perkara yg paling payah untuk kita lakukan jika kita tidak mengenali diri kita sendiri....aku easy to say it when you dont really mean it...but if it does comes from your will have to muster a lot of effort just to admit it...and that is not takes a lot of crying moments to finally realize...aku salah...and Allah...please help me to menjadi tak salah....
on the other do it for others...then it is easy...coz you do not have to mean it...tak perlu nak mengakui apa2....tak perlu nak go deep in our heart and mind to admit to anything....semua ni boleh dilakukan dari luaran and can twist others with your fingers in anyway that you want....people are being transparent of what they want from what the heck...just do it for the sake of doing it...people love give people what they love so that they can love you hell with whether you love yourself or not...yg penting....netizen loves it....
kan setuju sangat... kat dalam ni pun semuanya FAKE.. berani guna nama samaran je termasuklah diri ku ini.. hahahahalagi ada hati nak mengFAKE kan orang...adoi