Post time 7-2-2020 07:14 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
deebiz14 replied at 7-2-2020 07:05 AM
So what can we make out from this video....
1st day bedua je, free & easy. Betullah tetinggal shu ...
Baru ade masa nk menjengah. Seronok tgk diorng free and easy spent time berdua tanpa ramai makhluk2 yg tk perlu. Kt msia tk dpt nye nk rileks2 gitu. They picked the right place. K pak aji, blk hotel ape lagi! Made in dubai lah! Dubai mmg ler smua mahal. Masa i pg dulu bln 7 kot panas lit2 kalau bwk telur sebijik masak agaknya. Untung ler weather is nice now.
Author|Post time 7-2-2020 07:52 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
deebiz14 replied at 7-2-2020 07:05 AM
So what can we make out from this video....
1st day bedua je, free & easy. Betullah tetinggal shu ...
tapikn meols lg suka jalan kaki klu g memana..saja nk enjoy pemandangan...mcm dubai gini lagiii la syok jalan2..kene plk cuaca sejuk2 manja wuuuu takat 45 mnt pegi balik mcm kjap la plk nk2 jalan2 dgn hady nan herlokkk hahahah masa mencemburui je rase kikikik
Author|Post time 7-2-2020 07:56 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
SiAiGv replied at 7-2-2020 07:14 AM
Baru ade masa nk menjengah. Seronok tgk diorng free and easy spent time berdua tanpa ramai makhluk ...
video ginila d tggu2 berdua je personal punya..yg keje lain plk kan..aduhhh nk repeat lgla jwbnya lps skolah..meols nk melayan hady sorang2 xde privacy plk hahahahhaha