kreditdebit posted on 10-6-2013 12:56 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
sape yg penah naik Tiger Airways domestic dlm Aus..
harga agak murah together with 15kg checked lug ...
"checked luggage" = luggage yg di check in, bukan bawak sendiri naik atas kapal terbang.
Tiger ni standard seats dia agak sempit/rapat - cuma 28.5" seat pitch (berbanding AirAsia 31"), tapi yang berbadan petite tak ada masalah.
amey posted on 10-6-2013 04:26 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
bla g? i dpt 7nights kt mh...
am going this oct..mmg apply for 6 nites jer..
the remaining nites ingat nak try backpackers or tune hotel if it's already open by that time..
u pegi bila..?
haz posted on 10-6-2013 06:17 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
am going this oct..mmg apply for 6 nites jer..
the remaining nites ingat nak try backpackers or t ...
sep ni....ramai ke g sne?
Rushrush posted on 10-6-2013 06:03 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
"checked luggage" = luggage yg di check in, bukan bawak sendiri naik atas kapal terbang.
Tiger n ...
thanks.betul tu..so leh bwk 15kg cek in x termasuk hand luggage ..and hand luggage ...
Cabin ClassesEconomyTiger only offers economy class and allows passengers the option to purchase extras. These extras include boarding first, selecting your seat, unlimited changes to your flight and upsizing your baggage. Basic snacks and beverages are available to purchase onboard. Tiger Airways passengers are allowed 2 pieces of hand luggage not exceeding 7kg each or a combined weight of 10kg. Passengers who wish to check-in baggage must book first and can pay for increments of 5kg starting at 15kg and reaching the maximum weight of 30kg.
Check-in OptionsTiger now offers free online check-in for passengers travelling with only hand luggage. Online check-in is available from 7 days up until 4 hours before departure time. Passengers needing to check-in baggage can do so from 2 hours up until 45 minutes before departure time at the Tiger check-in counters.
amey posted on 10-6-2013 06:35 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
sep ni....ramai ke g sne?
nope, am going alone jer.. ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
haz posted on 10-6-2013 07:05 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
nope, am going alone jer..
hi haz, how much u bought the tix? aritu jumpa yg buy 1 free 1, tempted sgt nak beli boleh dpt ard rm700+ return.
TravelerPoyo posted on 10-6-2013 07:11 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
hi haz, how much u bought the tix? aritu jumpa yg buy 1 free 1, tempted sgt nak beli boleh dpt ...
hi there...i bought it last year, rm766 without the luggage & meals..
yg tu nak add on bila nak pegi nanti ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
kreditdebit posted on 10-6-2013 12:56 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
sape yg penah naik Tiger Airways domestic dlm Aus..
harga agak murah together with 15kg checked lug ...
Check in luggage kena beli asing. Hari tu terclick 20kg padahal nak ambil 15kg je. Nasib baik dapat tiket promo. Hehe. Baca review kt fb tiger airways aussie komen negatif je manjang. Hari tu cuma ada reshedule je syd-mel. Flight tukar masa lambat 2jam. Flight on time, kt dalam ok since 1jam 20mnt je. Masa naik jetstar, flight delay dekat sejam setengah sbb xdapat permission
sydney airport authorities, katanya airport syd bz sgt.
schababe posted on 10-6-2013 11:32 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
mid sept cuacu dgn suhu mcmne kat sydney/melben?
Temp should b around 18 to 26... Spring
schababe posted on 10-6-2013 11:32 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
mid sept cuacu dgn suhu mcmne kat sydney/melben?
Untuk soalan2 macam ni, baik you pergi website atau apps accuweather. X sampai seminit pun dah boleh tahu, data temperature terbaru, forecast, historicals, waktu matahari naik/turun dll. Senang nak plan dan buat pilihan.
ok nak tunggu public bus tu disini. bagi yang turun di T4 tiger airways dekat sikitlah.bagi yang turun selain dari T4, kena jalan sikit.tak jauh dalam 4-5 minit je.
Bus stop tu terletak di hadapan bangunan ni.so bila korang keluar dari terminal, jalan ke arah kanan sepanjang jalan raya.dan korang akan nampak bangunan ni di sebelah kiri korang.
maaf gambo senget aku dah betulkan banyak kali tak tau la nape jadi gini. kat tempat aku berdiri adalah dimana korang tunggu bas. as you can see, terminal 4 betul2 bertentangan dengan tangki air tiger airways tu.dekat je.dekat ngan tong sampah tu juga ada 1 tiang bas.kira tanda sebagai bus stop lah.sign tu ada tunjuk bas apa yang berenti kat situ.
inilaa bas yang aku naik.smart bus.perlu diingatkan bahawa bas ni tidak akan bawak korang ke city. tetapi bas ni akan bawak korang ke train station, dan dari train station korang akan turun di flinders station atau southern cross station mana2 yang lebih senang utk korang bergerak.macam korang nak pegi klcc lah, takde train direct dari kajang ke klcc.jadi kat kl sentral korang kena tukar naik lrt lak lepas naik ktm. seingat aku lah kan, tambang aku bayar cuma aud3.50.aku tak cek sangat. Bas yang aku naik bernombor 901.bas ni akan bawak aku ke broadmeadows station.jangan risau, bas ni akan buat announcement di setiap stop jadi korang tak akan sesat.aku tak tau sama ada bas lain ada berenti sini atau tak.aku ada nampak gak bas 541 tapi aku tak pasti pegi mana.
dan ini pulak pemandangan bus stop dari seberang jalan raya.di tempat aku berdiri ni,jalan lurus sahaja dah sampai T4.
aku harap posting aku ni dapat membantu sesiapa yang nak jimat.
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tabasco posted on 11-6-2013 12:37 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
ok nak tunggu public bus tu disini. bagi yang turun di T4 tiger airways dekat sikitlah.bagi yang tur ...
thanks so much for this info, very useful!!
i think i know where this is...sbb dah few times naik tiger so dah tau kat mana T4..
next time around nak naik bus ni laa instead of skybus tu..
still turun kat southern cross / flinders so sgt senang nak naik tram / train..
dah laa murah!
tabasco posted on 9-6-2013 08:58 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
dah balik dari mebourne..memandangkan aku ada banyakkkk sangat masa jadi aku adventurous sikit naik ...
Setuju tentang Lord Of Fries tuuuuuuu....Tak delah sedap bombastic kebabom. For me, it's nice to try At least merasa... Anyway, nice review!
poobritney posted on 11-6-2013 11:22 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Setuju tentang Lord Of Fries tuuuuuuu....Tak delah sedap bombastic kebabom. For me, it's nice to t ...
itula daging tu ada rasa lain..tapi memang leh tahan masin gak burger tu hehe.memandangkan nama dia lord of the fries, aku expect la fries dia sedap.tapi hampehhh...sedap lagi fries kat jesters pie.bagi sapa2 yang penah peg perth mungkin tau jesters pie ni,sangat terkenal dengan fries dorang.
tapi kat sana aku paling suka pegi cafe dorang.cantik, nice ambience. you know what they say, people drink coffee at the cafe not because of the coffee, but because of the environment and surroundings.
haz posted on 11-6-2013 08:17 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
thanks so much for this info, very useful!!
i think i know where this is...sbb dah few times naik ...
sama-sama...im glad my post helps you guys here.
oh ye, aku tak pasti sama ada boleh beli tiket dalam bas ke tak.sebelum aku sampai lagi aku dah ada myki.aku beli online.tapi aku rasa boleh je.
pengalaman naik tram di melbourne lak, kan ada free circle tram ke apa.warna merah dan klasik tu.ada 1 lagi tram klasik gak,warna hijau.tapi ni berbayar.aku ingat tram yang sama dan free aku pun naik je la.bila aku tengok orang lain tag on myki kat mesin tu baru sedar tu tram lain
tabasco posted on 11-6-2013 03:12 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
sama-sama...im glad my post helps you guys here.
oh ye, aku tak pasti sama ada boleh beli tiket ...
ohh pasal myki tu xpe...i still have mine from last year..
nak kena top up jer bila sampai sana..
last year i just beli weekly pass zone 1, mmg berbaloi laa..naik turun train tram berbelas kali sehari..
klu diberi pilihan,nk ronda2 city melbourne dan yg sekitar dgnnya better hari Ahad ke Selasa?Isnin xleh kaco da reserve utk GOR.
klu hari Ahad mcm lagi meriah kot walau crowded.tapi takot bnyk tempat tutup???
klu hari Senin mcm normal lla kehidupan di sana tapi nk kejar flight balik KL dlm pkl 11pm..so xde la tekeja2 sgt..any thoughts? |
mendonan posted on 5-6-2013 12:20 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
I found this from Malaysia Hall Melbourne facebook:
oo...tq 4 the info![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
sesiapa pernah pergi lake mountain alpine resort? brp jauh dr melbourne city?
sesiapa ada info ttg mt buller? |
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