Originally posted by cajAzhari at 9-6-2009 12:44 PM
cr: uploader
okeh....ak ad menyepot hae kat sebelah kiri hyukjae~
mmg rope fanboys abes r...keke
suke kenmain dpt tgk concert pcd...
wakakakakaka ~~ kihkihkihkih ~~ hikhikhikhik ~~
weiiiiiiiiiiiii, aku dh dok gelak2 x benti kat dlm gelap ni!! ni gara2 mls nk psg lampu sbb panas!!
aku yg belum tgk clip tu pun dh dok gelak2 sbb korg ckpp hyuk excited giler tgk PCD nyer concert!!
sekali dh tgk mmg excited giler ah hyuk tu. siap dgn light stick bagai!!
wah, hae pun ikut la.. aku rs mesti hyuk paksa hae ikut dia!!
Originally posted by miss_mulan77 at 9-6-2009 08:24 PM
[ENGSUB] 090606 Ev3ry1 Mag. Idol group magnae
cr SJSUBS09@ yt
phuahahahaha ~~ aku mesti dok gelak je biler tgk kyu introduce dia as the member who lowers the average age of Super Junior!! dh la dia buat muka inesen dia tu!!