aku dah nak habis baca Twilight...Tinggal lagi 100pages jer..  |
hmmm gorg pula...ebokk kat henfon...
twilight...mmg tak prnah delete...bila install ebook baru pun
twilight mesti ada .. ade anytime bleh on...
tp biasa baca yg kat bookmark...tmpt fevret... |
fuhh cayalah!! nk join boley? i pulak baru nk masuk book breaking dawn..part bella and edward pegi hanimun... |
2072# mimiekiut
sabtu lepas tgk kt speedy reger 3pcs dvd tu dh jadi 89.90..huwaaa,... |
welkam welkam |
2085# mystiqueen
rege RM89.90 tu mmg rege asal kan....
kalau beli kt kedai biasa sure ada diskaun.... |
2091# naqies
hehehehe...at last dpt jugak qies beli yek...
qies turun kl ke last weekend? shopping lagi ler tu yer...  |
2089# dak_abu
huhu..pas katam ni kene start book 1 balik, hehe |
2088# mimiekiut
tgk cover je le jawapnyer..tunggu bajet next month..uhuk!! |
2096# naqies
hohoho....gi hcm lak ye...qies mesti pass with flying colors punye lah...kalau fail bisa di ulang lagi...hahahaha...
sowry off topic....
dah abih ke tonton DVD 3pcs qies tu?????? |
ade x bace citer kristen pregnent?
ngarut btol! tp kalau ye pon best gak...
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight

If OnLy I CoULd Get WhAtEveR I Wish |
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